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new update of the dollars os (17)

1 Name: darct2 : 2016-07-28 16:59 ID:ZiIhxnxc [Del]

dear dollars members i have made a new version of the dollars os due to install issues and add networking and wireless and again the dollars os is for members only if it coded ask for username is admin no password please notify me on the dollars or specs are the same as open suse 13.2 if needed thank you for your patience darcy
the link will be coming soon

2 Name: Hiroki : 2016-07-29 08:07 ID:T4VR6mWQ [Del]

Can you give away the link to a description page, please ?

3 Name: Dusk46 !r4sBRY1xYc : 2016-07-29 09:48 ID:2U7UvBU0 [Del]

>>1 No such thing as a "dollars os" as far as i know,
any one who has emailed for software, watch out for possible virus's/malware/spyware etc.

OP please include some form of 'test' i.e trial test on yotube, as well as any description link/about page for software.

4 Name: darct2 : 2016-07-29 16:50 ID:ZiIhxnxc [Del]

5 Name: darct2 : 2016-07-29 16:53 ID:ZiIhxnxc [Del]

im not a virus im a person who just made a new os
so dont listen to dusk46 it real just it privite for now

6 Name: Ryukagoka !45HNsCawgU : 2016-07-29 17:38 ID:QONP3rXs [Del]

So... what exactly is this then? Please elaborate.

7 Name: Ryukagoka !45HNsCawgU : 2016-07-29 17:40 ID:QONP3rXs [Del]

I am not aware of any previous Dollars operating system, either.

8 Name: C3ypt1c : 2016-07-30 06:42 ID:gPCeRQXl [Del]

So its just a modified Linux distribution... :/

If you want my help with development, email:

9 Name: Hiroki : 2016-07-30 12:51 ID:zf/YcUdN [Del]

I'd like to install it and help, but where is this custom Open Suse ISO ?

You didn't provide any link !

10 Name: Darct2 : 2016-08-01 19:43 ID:M6FKwCw+ [Del]

Copy the link on replay number 4 or email me at

11 Name: Ryukagoka !45HNsCawgU : 2016-08-08 03:50 ID:QONP3rXs [Del]

I still don't know what this supposed "new operating system" is. I wasn't aware that there was a previous one. Please post a detailed description of this "operating system."

12 Name: FindMuck !MrEff/SKhc : 2016-08-08 12:30 ID:jVU1k9Df [Del]

>>11 Previous OS thread.

>>10 The link is busted.

What's different about this OS? It it just themed? Or are there useful applications built in specifically for members? I'm trying out ubuntu now so I'll give it a shot.

13 Name: C3ypt1c : 2016-08-19 21:08 ID:gPCeRQXl [Del]

>>12 once you go apt-get, you can't go sudo rm -f /

14 Name: Oreki Kaneki : 2016-08-20 03:11 ID:jWD7cnuI [Del]

Can we use this "OS" on Windows 10 platform ??

15 Name: Dusk46 !r4sBRY1xYc : 2016-08-20 09:04 ID:B3RnB273 [Del]

>>13 so once you install said distro, you cant remove it, even under super user and forcing the removal....
ill stand by my original post because that sounds a lot like malware.
also, typically when you have an Operating System, [O.S] you either have to install it via cd-rom [so it actually gets partitioned on your computer] or you make a bootable usb key from an iso image.
fix link, ill download it and flash it to an old laptop, i'll even do you trial run with it for you

16 Name: Darct2 : 2016-08-23 18:45 ID:2HT5bg+B [Del]

There's still bugs in the system that which I still need to fix it thank you for being patient I'll try to fix them as much as I can

17 Name: kuro : 2016-08-23 19:08 ID:MzvBmm7w [Del]

meh opensuse is really buggy, because of btrfs it cant dual boot with windows, and everytime I tried to install it even on non-os computers it always says dependencies are broken, downloaded by the official webpage. that's why Im on arch