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Tor - General question (8)

1 Name: (α|Ω) : 2016-02-28 16:01 ID:2T00IFFI [Del]

I saw mention of Tor on this board so i guess i could have some questions answered about it.
I read some documentation but i wanted a personal user experience, like:
- Has it been difficult to set up/is it difficult to use?
- What do you even use it for? The main site is pretty vague about it, i like the concept of Tor but i don't really know its practical purpose.
- I've been hearing some pretty bad rumors about it, like how a good 80% of the Tor net is full of trafficking and illegal stuff, is it really that way or is it just an exaggeration?

2 Name: Ryukagoka !45HNsCawgU : 2016-02-28 18:59 ID:gEb7JZGn [Del]

It's not too difficult to use but, for me, it was a pain in the ass to set up.

I just kind of got it out of curiosity, I dont exactly use it for much other than light browsing.

I'm afraid that last bit is true. Although one of it's intended purposes was to give opressed citizens (in places like N. Korea) a way to talk about heir plight anonymously, the cloak that Tor offers has become a kind of beacon to all kinds of illegal activity.

3 Name: Hiroki : 2016-02-28 19:51 ID:vzGOQQq1 [Del]

I'm not so sure that that part of the traffic is illegal. I heard it was not fundamentally different than the rest of the web in terms of user proportions.
But it's true that a lot of .onion websites feature illegal content.

I had no difficulties to set it up : just download it and launch it.

You use it whenever you want to stay anonymous. All the same pay attention to some rules (eg the exit node can technically access the content of oyur not encrypted traffic)

4 Name: Hiroki : 2016-02-28 19:52 ID:vzGOQQq1 [Del]

>>2 Where are you from ? What is your ISP ?

5 Name: Sharo : 2016-02-29 00:19 ID:ALzY/fR1 [Del]

I should note that it is illeagle and if you get it than get a hide my ass (that is the name, im not kiding)

6 Name: Hiroki : 2016-02-29 02:27 ID:vzGOQQq1 [Del]

>>5 Tor is definitely legal ( ) excepted maybe is some countries where proxies are forbidden.

7 Name: (α|Ω) : 2016-02-29 14:14 ID:fpjhk39S [Del]

Thanks for the answers everyone. Perhaps i'll try it in the future, but it feels like i wouldn't get much use from it.

8 Name: Shibasaki : 2016-03-01 03:35 ID:moonc3vF [Del]

Its acualy easy to use and its quite fun. As long as you dont fuck up Its not ilegal and 60% of the dark web is just weird shit the 40% left is ilegal though....
Still get It It takes a few minutes to set up and Its quite useful XDD