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Anyone into programming? (25)

1 Name: KurokoPR : 2016-02-16 18:58 ID:8rIHCR4d (Image: 500x350 gif, 589 kb) [Del]

src/1455670735650.gif: 500x350, 589 kb
So yeah i have been really interested lately in how many people that use this site are genuinely interested in things like programming and web design so here is a poll.
This is just to satiate my curiosity but feel free to discuss it in this thread if you want to make something who knows maybe there is a programer here that can help.

2 Name: Artifice Tundra : 2016-02-18 19:15 ID:3TdvYOzL [Del]

Honestly, I could use a web designer for something- so if anyone knows how and is willing, please find a way to contact me in the chat rooms

3 Name: Ettudis : 2016-02-22 03:35 ID:wCruzwFv [Del]

Well, I'm a mediocre PHP dev. A buddy and I are learning Google Go programming at the moment.

4 Name: Theotron : 2016-02-23 10:17 ID:Pl3DYIz2 [Del]

I learned c# and xna game development last year. Got into a national wide competition and placed third. We moved away from xna and decided to mess around in Unreal engine 4.

5 Name: OrekiX9 : 2016-02-24 04:26 ID:be6KfeJI [Del]

I'm learning Java and C for Arduino and I wanna do something with my Arduino but I dont j=have time really, cuz of study..but I'm into building games as well, maybe I'll do a 2d game idk..

6 Name: Obsession Obsessor : 2016-02-27 16:10 ID:05PyFUsg [Del]

I am actually learning Python.

7 Name: Sharo : 2016-02-29 00:29 ID:ALzY/fR1 [Del]

Im going to say this now...
ITS FUCKING HELL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It can be fun though.

8 Name: Obsession Obsessor "!nMMTDJBSxM : 2016-03-03 11:19 ID:iTJ/Ouk9 [Del]

I just made a Romeo and Juliet project in HTML for my English class. It is honestly kind of crappy though, but I will get better.

9 Name: cooldud3 : 2016-03-12 09:17 ID:2gTUxO74 [Del]

I'm planning on getting into programming eventually

10 Name: M : 2016-03-13 00:43 ID:vJ7fNRfg [Del]

Best part of programming is when your code works, and you know why.

11 Name: Valdr : 2016-03-13 14:01 ID:aT9EjOGu [Del]

>>10 Pshhh never happens.
I'm lucky if my code works; I don't ask to understand why it works.

12 Name: Budapest : 2016-03-18 09:32 ID:QOEVKAqR [Del]

I'm a computer science major and I understand how you feel.

13 Name: KurokoPR : 2016-03-19 23:17 ID:Q7/ZpWbT [Del]

I graduated from a computer science bachelor and only had that problem like 50 times total in the 4 years i studied which is surprisingly low compared to a lot of programmers then again i had one of the best programmers statewide as my professor so that helped but yeah programming can be a pain in the ass when it doesn't work and you have no idea why or when it works and you still have no idea why it did.

14 Name: Reason : 2016-03-20 18:01 ID:gXLmqKx1 [Del]

I'm learning java. Or I would be but it's a self paced class and I haven't worked on anything in like 2 months. I need to start up again though, since i Plan to major in computer science and be a programmer. I'm just lazy :/

15 Name: Valdr : 2016-03-20 22:36 ID:8LQZLvBI [Del]

>>12 Absolutely. Earlier this semester I was working on a tricky bit of code to make a robot make eye contact with people speaking to it be listening to where their voice was coming from. I was having serious issues with the final lines of the program to make the whole thing run throughout a conversation without need for constant calibration. Every time I tried to compile, my computer practically exploded with errors. Finally I just opened an older version of code that I knew worked, copied the new code that I knew was buggy, pasted it into the older version, hit compile, and it worked like a charm. I'm sure it was my fault, I had ddome something somewhere, but to this day, I cannot explain it.

16 Name: Rieg !ZW5PizsNSw : 2016-03-21 19:10 ID:Hb8psy3Y [Del]

Currently learning VB. Taking some effort

17 Name: Budapest : 2016-03-22 10:42 ID:QOEVKAqR [Del]

I was wondering what programming language do you code in.
I started with c++, but now because of school I have been focusing on java.

18 Name: Ace : 2016-03-24 04:31 ID:vcGBzv1n [Del]

Could you guys help me out,i want to raise money for my best friends surgery from the internet but i dont know how,as prograners could you help me out,the targent isnt that big.

19 Name: Valdr : 2016-03-24 09:37 ID:GPyM33Ew [Del]

>>17 Primarily Python and LabVIEW, though I know a smattering of Java. But I am not typically a programmer, CAD design is my schtick.

20 Name: Valdr : 2016-03-24 09:55 ID:GPyM33Ew [Del]

>>18 Oh, and while I don't necessarily mind helping you out, the Missions board is a better place for your request.

21 Name: ace : 2016-03-24 10:42 ID:vcGBzv1n [Del]

>>20 i know but noone wants to help me,for some people raising 6500$ is nothing for me its very very dificult,that is why im asking for help,if you truly want to help me contact me on my email :D

22 Name: Frankieeee : 2016-03-24 15:00 ID:NtWYI9Pe [Del]

Well, I am a Java programmer, I just started this year, so I'm a little rusty, but I know what is what, and stuff. I'll be learning Python soon... But yeah I am for now a Java programmer.

23 Name: shade_98 (tired as sh*t) !QZfI81uIuY : 2016-03-24 20:39 ID:dfdtFyvo [Del]

bumping this up due to stupid spam

24 Name: Maddoga : 2016-03-25 22:26 ID:S6afjSse [Del]

Well I do have Java AP Classes. want to do this as a job, something similar. Game Development or security.

25 Name: Kro : 2016-03-28 13:48 ID:pEqRs7fh [Del]

I am quite interested but I don't really know how to program much :P still learning you could say