Dollars BBS | Technology

















1 Name: Nekami : 2016-01-29 04:29 ID:YGl5/nHv [Del]

I have a question... I want to buy a new phone and I cannot decide if I should buy an iPhone or a Samsung. Which is better?

2 Name: Someone : 2016-01-29 06:02 ID:+hUncKBh [Del]

I'm not some pro, but Ive heard hat generally samsungs are better for taking photos (they're clear) and iPhones are better if you want to download stuff from the App Store cause I don't think Samsung stores/Android stores(sorry I don't know much about phones) don't have as much stuff.

3 Name: Hiroki : 2016-01-29 07:18 ID:V1gLWhyY [Del]

IPhones are outpriced, except if you want good-looking stuff.
And Samsungs ones are fragile.

IMO I like Sony phones.

4 Name: Jmanisgreat !FzAyW.Rdbg : 2016-01-29 09:43 ID:xDO6eLoo [Del]

Get an android (samsung) as they are entirely open source. Apple products use a propriety operating system and if you want to look at any of the system files and see what is actually running, you can't. Not legally anyway. But Android is entirely open source, wayyyy more usable, and you can actually see what is happening. Also, the vast majority of android phones have removable sd cards, a much more useful and common connection port, and you can download directly from the internet, rather than on iphones, where you cannot download any apps that are not on the apple app store. I had an Iphone until recently, and I hated it because it kept lagging and slowing down, battery dying quickly, among other issues I didn't like. I recently switched to a nice shiny new Samsung Galaxy s6, and I absolutely love it. If the battery starts to die quickly, I can open up the built in task manager and kill the tasks that I don't use. Lagging? simply delete the stupid system apps that it comes with pre installed (ie facebook, twitter, others i don't use) (which you cannot delete on ios)

Tl;dr: Iphone is proprietary and you cannot change anything. Samsung (basically any android) you can do anything you want with. If you want control, buy android. if you want an expensive thing that you can only do what they want you to do, then buy an Iphone.

Also, if your cord were to break, apple is over 10 bucks for a cord. Samsung galaxy s6 is wireless charging, but any android cord isnt over 5 bucks

5 Name: Hiroki : 2016-01-29 14:53 ID:V1gLWhyY [Del]

The Google part installed on most commercial Android systems (including the Google Play Services) are not open source and have all the authorisations, like checking your texts and using the Internet broadband. So if you want open source software disable all of that stuff.

Also, IPhones allow to manage which authorisations have an application unlike android.

And I think the last IPhones have standard micro-USB power ports.

6 Name: Jmanisgreat !FzAyW.Rdbg : 2016-01-29 16:16 ID:vyquKfv4 [Del]

Nope. Android allows that, and actually Google is only the surface of Android. It is based off of Linux which is entirely open source.

I'm pretty sure they don't. What they have is a thing called "usb-c"which is a little thing that is similar to micro-usb, but it's totally unused by anything that isn't Apple.

7 Name: FindMuck !MrEff/SKhc : 2016-01-29 22:53 ID:wBHbATOy [Del]

Misleading title is misleading


8 Name: JOGAblacklotus !gvwWQTq3aE : 2016-01-30 22:37 ID:fez/Z3uN [Del]

I recently switched from and iPhone to an android and the deciding factor ended up being emulators. I really like being able to play my favorite GBA games on my mobile device, and androids make this a lot easier. Music is also important to me and google music is pretty versatile. In the end it depends on what characteristics are most important to you.

9 Name: Seiji-Kun !0UZD1OR/j. : 2016-02-01 00:37 ID:migIMcyT [Del]

>>7 Lol
I was thinking the same thing


10 Name: natsu : 2016-02-02 08:00 ID:ont9yr57 [Del]


11 Name: Neah : 2016-02-02 14:36 ID:6E3lUl9u [Del]

depends on your opportunities

12 Name: Tanaka : 2016-02-02 16:28 ID:qlQADaKl [Del]

You have to buy everything you want except the iPhone. But it's up to you, if you want to be a pigeon and to be stolen you know what you have to do.

13 Name: FindMuck !MrEff/SKhc : 2016-02-03 01:19 ID:wBHbATOy [Del]

>>12 I can't make sense of anything you said...


14 Name: Yuurei !l6b21W13yM : 2016-02-03 22:34 ID:lLd6qb7n [Del]

Samsung is more powerful, but mildly harder to use, whilst an Iphone is simpler (until it breaks) but less powerful and requires tons more maintenance
Hopefully this helps

15 Name: FindMuck !MrEff/SKhc : 2016-02-03 23:14 ID:wBHbATOy [Del]

This conversation need to die. There is no correct answer because it's all based on preferences. Go do your own research and get which ever you like most. I have a 5 year old model and I'm completely content with it because it's exactly what I want and nothing more.

/I fucking hate the clickbait name of this pointless thread.

16 Name: Not FindMuck : 2016-02-08 12:44 ID:ZJfnWLU4 [Del]

>There is no correct answer
Like apple is actually a viable option
Get a real phone or go home