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Developing a personal Artificial Intelligence For Use On Windows (3)

1 Name: Kanra Orihara : 2015-12-10 00:42 ID:HfToXnmJ [Del]

Hey all Dollars,

I was wondering if anyone had any idea on how to build an AI system. Something similar to maid-chan from Sakurasou pet kanajo. I have the basic idea down in order to code for various features including the need for the code to include color theory and allow for auto adjustment and an expanding base of knowledge. I have no idea where to start other than that so if anyone knows anything I would really appreciate it. I know how to program in rudimentary C and Java plus HTML and CSS.

Kanra ^_^

2 Name: Jmanisgreat : 2015-12-16 09:55 ID:xDO6eLoo [Del]

Well... It wouldn't be easy. Check out Wikipedia for info about how AI systems work... It's actually pretty complicated. First you'd need to make a framework (using maybe bash, php, sql, python, or batch depending on what you want it to do,) then you'd need to use something to have a UI (could be done in python, possibly C, possibly java, possibly android, don't know much about UI cause I like command line...) then have a database of possible things to reference from (such as php or batch, but if you want to be fancy, maybe sql.) That's about as much as I know... I once tried to make an AI, but quickly realized I was in WAYY over my head. So yeah. Hope this helps!

3 Name: Yuukio : 2015-12-18 22:48 ID:NUKOLFDJ [Del]

You would have to learn Propositional Logic so that you can incorporate logical thinking into your program. A more advance version of Logic known as Predicate Logic(an instantiable Propositional logic)

for example:

"If it rains today, I will stay at home."

let p = "it rains today"
let q = "will stay at home"

This can be written in the form of if p then q, p -> q
The truth table can be viewed
p | q | p->q
T | T | T [If it rains, I will stay at home.] - True
T | F | F [It rains, I did not stay at home.] - False, did not keep up to words
F | T | T [it doesn't rains] - outcome doesn't matters
F | F | T [it doesn't rains] - outcome doesn't matters

which makes logical sense.