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hacking (16)

1 Name: KING : 2015-11-21 15:26 ID:LIUWT2rO [Del]

Hey guys I want to learn all about hacking and stuff, ive been looking at websites to try and learn but don't really get them does anyone know a good website or if you could help me out or something would appreciate it

2 Name: Tempus Deus Machina : 2015-11-21 17:11 ID:9ASfecXL [Del]

I would recommend that you first learn the basics, i would recommend starting with the basic languages I have taught classes on both C-Sharp and Java, and would recommend starting with those. then try the other C languages. Then maybe some HTML, and I tend to use Python in some projects lately so you may like that as well. "The More You Know".

3 Name: M : 2015-11-22 02:18 ID:95Qd3zrJ [Del]

Try for free courses. Don't worry if it asks you to recommend people, just skip it.

4 Name: Ocean of Stars : 2015-11-24 17:15 ID:NLqg8IGk [Del]

Cross-site scripting is pretty cool. I haven't done it before, but I think the Dollars site is low-enough security that I could practice (non-maliciously, of course. Maybe just collect cookies so I could figure out whose name belongs to which IP or whatever). XSS is usually performed by injecting JavaScript or JQuery (I think along with some PHP) into a picture and uploading the picture to the site.

5 Name: Rieg !ZW5PizsNSw : 2015-11-24 19:08 ID:Hb8psy3Y [Del]

Check out Kali Linux if you need some simple tools for intrusion and network testing. Also try learning at least the basics of scripting and common programming languages. Past that you should be able to teach yourself.

6 Name: Anonymous : 2015-11-25 19:34 ID:iL+BMrih [Del]

Why do you want to hack? Black or White hat? Grey hat? Or perhaps you just are interested in hacking because of hollywood and stuff... Regardless, hacking can risk yourself and your family if you aren't careful, be warned before you begin.

To hack, it depends what you would like to get into. An operating system? A machine code? Hardware? Servers? There's a wide variety of all that could be "hacked". In general, C language would do you well, it's what most applications have their foundation on. The low level math libraries are likely in C. To involve yourself with machine hacking, or boot sector viruses and the likes of machine code (Assembly), it varies from device to device. In the olden days floppy disks could be infected, slap a sticker on it (Doom, Castlevania, Windows, Unix), and there it was, the little bastards that would "Stone" computers to where nothing worked, and if you dared popping another memory device in the Stoned machine it would turn into a bastard as well capable of stoning computers. Floppies were phased out, and the virus eventually became no more.

The least virtual footprint you leave, the better. Stick to low level, if you can.

7 Name: vexel : 2015-11-25 19:47 ID:ARtO6hY5 [Del]

I think you should check out some challenge sites. And it's easy to start with.

8 Name: Anonymous : 2015-11-27 07:42 ID:ayWd75QB [Del]

>>5 Just having Kali linux doesn't do shit for anyone.

you need to actually know how to use the packages included as well as what they do.

The only benefit Kali has is that all these things are packaged together and organized neatly.

A skilled enough super user wouldn't need a single program in Kali at all. Most of them are all terminal-based anyway.

9 Name: napkin : 2015-11-27 22:46 ID:klH192wn [Del]

@anonymous you know like you know your stuff. what os do you run and can you give me some example of the software you run. I'm curious. Right now I'm running tails for anonimity.

I would appreciate a response. thank you

10 Name: Rieg !ZW5PizsNSw : 2015-11-27 22:59 ID:gHaT8n7C [Del]

>>8 The OP is obviously a novice so Kali wold make a good starting point. Once you have actually the packages and utilities you can learn how to use them. There are plenty of tutorials for the basics online. If you felt the need to respond why don't you give an alternative to my suggestion?

11 Name: Kro : 2015-11-28 16:41 ID:pEqRs7fh [Del]

Yo King, I actually want to learn about hacking, cryptography and coding as well, in fact I have started a few days ago and I thought why don't we make a little sub group where we all are learning to code and hack and about cryptography together? Email me if you are interested in this, we can all motivate each other :3

12 Name: sharo : 2015-11-30 15:39 ID:+YVQbNYo [Del]

You should start with coding first. Most of the languages are the same so starting with java wont hurt. Download BlueJay and take look at this.

13 Name: Rykero : 2015-12-06 15:50 ID:v0i9l7UZ [Del]


14 Name: Crow : 2015-12-10 02:21 ID:F/8wGh31 [Del]


15 Name: Anonymous : 2015-12-10 03:34 ID:ayWd75QB [Del]


16 Name: Yuukio : 2015-12-11 21:45 ID:NUKOLFDJ [Del]

a very very simple encryption with javascript

function Encrypting(msg){
var store="";
store += String.fromCharCode(message.charCodeAt(i)+1);

var message=prompt("Input your message");

you can just copy the code and paste it in your URL with a preceeding

javascript: [paste code]