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Nerve Gear (22)

1 Name: Jack : 2015-11-19 15:11 ID:cGSuMd64 [Del]

Hey guys! Anyone who has watched Sword Art Online knows about nerve gear, and if you're like me you've done your research. Well, if y'all didn't know with the current rate of our technological advancements we could have nerve gear by the time SAO took place (2022) or sooner! I personally can't wait!

2 Name: Neko : 2015-11-19 15:20 ID:Mrc4yJFV [Del]

If you're like me, you'd calculate the probability of that along with economical factor and population growth. And you'd get almost 0.

3 Name: sharo : 2015-11-19 15:53 ID:+YVQbNYo [Del]

it would be fun though

4 Name: Jack : 2015-11-19 16:44 ID:X5IeGlpl [Del]

The only bad thing about it is it will probably be super expensive when it comes out.

5 Name: Xaenik : 2015-11-20 14:32 ID:vCBHfghl [Del]

Considering the fact that they've found a way for a person who's been completely paralyzed to control a tablet 100% with their mind, I feel it's likely we will have that kind of tech in our lifetime, not so sure about 2022 but maybe soon after. I agree that it will probably be expensive at first, though that won't stop people from buying it. Kinda like any other console

6 Name: Jack : 2015-11-20 18:29 ID:X5IeGlpl [Del]

So what games would y'all look forward to being on released for nerve gear?

7 Name: Aren : 2015-11-20 23:08 ID:+ZUiAhTp [Del]

any game, it would just be cool to have it, but if I had to pic it would be either Journey or Jak 3

8 Name: MalvaMahesvara : 2015-11-23 03:19 ID:tCkVsFpd [Del]

Well, I heard about PS5 virtual reality, tho, that's still an idea from a person to Playstation. Here the links:
(PS: it's a fanpage, I think)
here another site that may interesting to read:

First thing I want to tell is, it's still hard for scientist to create such gear. It's involve many aspect; Electro (electro and information, more exactly), neuroscience, and even pyschology. And as Xaenik said.

Second, there are contras (everything have pro and contra), who will not accept such Technology Development. Mostly old people and Politicus, I guest, if you know what I meant.

Third and last, Not all scientist understand what we think and we want, because old scientist dont watch anime SAO.

However, this is the important thing,
we still can make it come true. We, here what I mean, all of us. Who you are; your job, rank, and so on; can do it, if we united (I believe in this sentence "if there a passion and act, there is a way"). We shouldnt wait till it come out it self, who have the opportunity should act.

I myself will create that technology. Now I still am learning to get into college, take until doctor degree (to do research). Meet the experts.
Yeah... still we dont know what the future looks like. But we are Dollars. We have Mission, right? :D

9 Name: Sin-queen : 2015-11-23 14:04 ID:PdeXjLyY [Del]

I heard they will have the nerve gear out in 2020, that all i know >_<

10 Name: Khersy !UKCNWE97ds : 2015-11-23 23:34 ID:ZnA/UIfo [Del]

I feel a bit more scared than happy, but still, sounds delightful!

11 Name: Anonymous : 2015-11-27 07:45 ID:ayWd75QB [Del]

NerveGear won't ever be a thing. Sure, there may be things like it, but the brand and device itself will never exist.

Also, we absolutely WILL NOT be able to put your brain inside of a computer within 5 years. It'll be at least 15, and that's being generous. More like 30, in all honesty.

On final notes, SAO is absolute poop on a stale cracker. You should hate yourself for enjoying it.

12 Name: Andrew : 2015-11-27 14:09 ID:203p1o2m [Del]

>>11 That's debatable on many levels.

13 Name: Io : 2015-11-28 02:56 ID:KWfhsFYO [Del]

>> Can't tell if serious or troll...

14 Name: scorpion : 2015-11-29 13:03 ID:07v3FOKL [Del]

all you need is technology and to study the human brain with takes hears for use because of technology

15 Name: Horama !3Y7FF0oA1A : 2015-11-30 16:19 ID:FDOjjtma [Del]

Here is the only problem you would face. Yes, while the technological advancements do point towards full immersion virtual reality, it is not likely to be anything as ergonomic or as elegantly advanced as the nerve gear. Think of a big chair that you sit in with electrodes all over to stimulate nerves including something you put in your mouth for taste that suspends you above the ground so you can freely move without moving in the real world and an Oculus for sight. Perhaps eventually we will get to the point of the nerve gear, but the understanding of the nervous system necessary to pull it off simply isn't there. There is sufficient consumer demand for full immersion technology, but not enough demand for something as specific as the nerve gear.

Also bear in mind the data requirements for a game like SAO or any full immersion game with photo-real graphics and physics engines so advanced that individual blades of grass are affected by the wind. The amount of data space needed to store all that information is absolutely tremendous and the internet connection required to transfer the information would need to be astronomically fast. I will do some calculations and give a rough estimate of the amount of data needed for the physics engine and graphics of a world about the size of Aincrad. once I finish, I will post the results of the calculations.

16 Name: Horama !3Y7FF0oA1A : 2015-11-30 17:10 ID:FDOjjtma [Del]

I have finished my calculations and the size of a data file for a field of just plain grass the size of Aincrad, the file would need to be about 26TB large. For perspective, a 20TB hard drive would run you $1000+. In short, the virtual reality technology is not what you will be waiting on for a game like SAO, but rather for technological advances in data storage and transfer.

17 Name: CHROME : 2015-11-30 17:41 ID:rf0Yt+zZ [Del]

From what I read in one of the mini-stories the creator of SAO made, there was a point in the alpha stage of SAO where males and females lacked genitals and would result in not being able to stand for a while, or cause severe anxiety. That got me thinking that that kind of technology, to be able to feel inside the game, plus feel artificial pain/sensations, you'd think that would be drastically advanced... And how would you see all that artificial stuff happening? It looks like a visor/helmet is on your head, but I'm sure the feeling of the helmet would need to be removed somehow, so it's immersive, and when some POV moments in the anime occur, it looks as if your entire sight is in-game, completely photo-realistic, and I doubt that could be achieved on a visor like the one in the anime. The user usually closes there eyes before saying "Link Start", but it couldn't be a dream because you're connected real-time with real people, and you probably wouldn't feel anything if you were asleep.

ACK! It's really confusing to me @.@

18 Name: Horama !3Y7FF0oA1A : 2015-11-30 19:59 ID:FDOjjtma [Del]

Well, I presume that the way the nerve gear works is it essentially taps into your CNS (Central Nervous System) and blocks all motor functions so that you can't move IRL. (what this means is that it block the signals from your brain to your limbs by disrupting the CNS). I also presume that it can somehow read these signals and convert them into the game. As for feeling, if you can read signals, you can send your own too. This means that the Nerve Gear must send signals to the brain through the CNS that seem like signals of feeling from various parts of your body. you could actually do it right now if you wanted to, but it would involve drilling a hole in the back of your neck and hooking up electrodes to your CNS. that isn't really desirable or safe (then again, the Nerve Gear DID kill people... I digress). there is currently something called dermal stimulation which involves running electric current through certain areas of the brain through electrodes on the skin. This is successful so far as being able to heighten senses but the long term effects are not known and it isnt complex enough for virtual reality.

19 Name: Dethhollow : 2015-11-30 22:37 ID:yBWE2w5A [Del]

I'm ok with the idea of moving stuff around with your mind, but isn't the Nerve Gear supposed to paralyze the user while they're gaming? With all the drugs people take and all the things that can go wrong to screw that process up, isn't that just a giant accident waiting to happen? Like someone might take too much cough medicine before plugging the thing on, it activates specific chemicals, and suddenly you're bleeding out the eyes or something?

I think I'd rather just use a controller for now and not risk something like this messing with the wrong nerves and screwing me over, lol.

20 Name: Kuudere : 2015-12-02 05:43 ID:+hUncKBh [Del]

Yeah, many websites have been discussing this but they all came up with the conclusion of it being impossible. That's my point of view too because of two reasons:

1. There's no profit: even if a game console like this is released by 2022, the game companies would make no profit because it would take billions or more for the basic budget of the game. Another thing is, since it's so high tech, one copy of it may cost more than a trip to the moon!

2. >>18, I don't have any knowledge about the brain functions, but I'm pretty sure this device will carry a big amount of risk. I mean, tapping and disrupting into your nervous system could instantly kill you at any time! And we have seen the consequences of the nerve gear throughout the series. Remember how Kayaba said that if you forcefully remove the nerve gear it will send a shock wave which stops your brain? (It's been a long time since I have watched it) If so, then putting a nerve gear on, even though it would be more fun, would be like flipping a coin that determines your life: with a 50:50 chance of survival.

Until it is determined as absolutely safe, I do not think it would be wise to indulge in the nerve gear. That is also if it actually gets released, considering the fact that human technology probably wouldn't advance that far until maybe 2030.

21 Name: Horama !3Y7FF0oA1A : 2015-12-02 17:31 ID:FDOjjtma [Del]

Just to clear it up, the nerve gear can be safely forced off under normal circumstances, but under the death game rules, it would essentially microwave your brain if it was removed.

Your point about economics is spot on, however keep in mind that technology increases in sophistication and decreases in price exponentially as time goes on. Eventually, even something like the Nerve Gear may be rendered as obsolete (but still as cool) as 8-bit graphics. Just something to think about.

22 Name: Rykero : 2015-12-06 15:50 ID:v0i9l7UZ [Del]
