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Anime Downloading App (12)

1 Name: s3tt0n !jaBq616JlY : 2015-11-14 09:11 ID:l9IkpuKh [Del]

Hey guys! Does anyone know an app for android that download latest anime episodes (not stream)?
Thanks in advance.

2 Name: Cor cordis : 2015-11-14 16:32 ID:HCHf7tOD [Del]

Torrent is the only way I know

3 Name: Nozomi : 2015-11-15 09:42 ID:5u556ulg [Del]

I use Crunchyroll. It doesn't have ALL the anime in the world, but it has good ones. And it informs you when there is new episodes~

4 Name: s3tt0n !jaBq616JlY : 2015-11-16 03:49 ID:+ljjPvqh [Del]

>>2 I know a website that download torrents but 150mb per episode, I can't download much.

>>3 Can I download from there? Do I need an account to download?

5 Name: MomoIro Kakarichou!4NcuSThL.k!!YbYzBMqP : 2015-11-16 09:14 ID:MmaVmIiR [Del]

(Download here at

Some of the features of this app are :

1. Auto updating of list : It takes your animelist, syncs and updates it as you download and watch more of the show by checking your library.

2. Clicking once or twice to do everything : Double click to edit an anime in your list and Middle click to watch the next episode. Makes anime watching very easy. (Ctrl + N works too, also has an option for that in the "now watching" window)

3. Has a season calendar : You don't need to go to any site to check which anime are airing/are going to air. It does that for you, just select the season and you're good.

4. Downloads for you : Now, this is the one of the most important features. Nowadays, KA is having trouble with its video host. Now, I know most of you here only stream anime on KA and don't download at all, but since KA is down, you have to download. Taiga has a function called filters, which let you basically automate the whole process.

I have been using this app for 3 months and I have had virtually no problems whatsoever. Now, there are some pros and cons, as follows :

Pros :

It will download anime for you and you won't even notice. You just need to go into taiga and play an episode. It does everything else.
It Auto Sorts the downloaded anime for you too. You don't have to do anything. (PS:. You need Utorrent for the auto sorting. Auto sorting doesn't work with any other client)
It tracks the anime you watch, meaning it also keeps a record of everything you watched. You are never going to accidentally watch the same episode twice.
It has a handy dandy RSS feed, and a great search and filter option that you can use to download anime if you don't want Taiga to do it for you.
Never have to open the browser to add anime to your list. It has full MAL and HB integration
Things you can do on MAL/HB, can now be done directly through Taiga, for example Rating a show, Tagging it, etc....
Has a history option, if you want to see what you watched last time.
No BS like the site going down or anything. Is always up.
Can set a certain media player for anime. It will only check that one to update the list.
It has a simple interface, but like always, with simple interfaces come a ton of options you can tinker with.
You can set it to update your social network accounts, such as Twitter and Skype
Cons :
Takes up HDD space, so you need to perform monthly cleanings of anime if you don't want your HDD to get cluttered.
You need Utorrent for the auto sorting. Auto sorting doesn't work with any other client
If the anime name is misspelled it does not count it. You need to type in the correct name in the search field
Can break sometimes. It broke for me once in the 3 month period that I have been using it. Need to keep backups just in case.

6 Name: SheeptarD.Law : 2015-11-18 09:51 ID:r0cWAeUo [Del]

you can try watchcartoondubs the name is not what it is the name on main site after typing name it will say watchanimedubs they have subs and dubs movies two

7 Name: s3tt0n !jaBq616JlY : 2015-11-18 11:00 ID:CiRH4aqS [Del]

>>5>>6 Thanks!
I'll try that app and site

8 Name: Jackzilla : 2015-11-22 23:57 ID:6DviPa7t [Del]

Try crunchyuroll

9 Name: weegee721 : 2015-11-25 16:42 ID:7is1Samc [Del]

10 Name: Xi : 2015-11-26 21:59 ID:D3KxGelC [Del]

Anime freaks, you need to download the apk and put it on your phone but it's great!

11 Name: Eragin @123 : 2015-12-02 11:54 ID:cflxabi1 [Del]

Utorrent lol

12 Name: Rykero : 2015-12-06 15:50 ID:v0i9l7UZ [Del]
