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Laptop/Tablet Hybrids (7)

1 Name: dragonjdj !hcugXK.swA : 2015-10-22 23:58 ID:LoYieb2D (Image: 343x282 jpg, 21 kb) [Del]

src/1445576299334.jpg: 343x282, 21 kb
Despite your opinion, it is the dawn of the portable hybrids, and its probably for the best. Tablets are getting old quickly, but they're not going away, tech companies are transforming them. We should have seen this coming, after all when the iPad came out (not the first tablet) thhere were cases with bluetooth keyboards already coming out for it. When Microsoft came out with what will be transformed into the Surface, it had a keyboard and stylus, but nobody cared back then.
Now we have the Surface Pro 4, the iPad Pro is coming out, and even more portable laptops are coming out. A new Surface laptop is coming out that is literally the tablet with a nice little keyboard actually provided. The iPad Pro will have its own keyboard, but the stylus is going to cost you. I don't see why they don't just add all the needed items with their products.
I personally would like a strong performing hybrid, and some early attempts never went so well. Fortunately the companies got the memo on the attention they needed to give their products. The Surface is getting better reviews as newer models are coming out, and so is Asus, Toshiba, and Apple is getting into the game.
What are your opinions on this subject? WHat would you like as a hybrid?

2 Name: A.I.d.A !ao.AgYdRoo : 2015-10-23 06:05 ID:ayWd75QB [Del]

3 Name: Ignis : 2015-10-23 22:26 ID:zJuQrHXE [Del]

I'm drunk so I'm just going to latch on to the one word I remember. It's fruit-related. Fuck Apple. GG GL HF

4 Name: BlizarTechnO : 2015-10-25 06:54 ID:j15GzgMf [Del]

I Think It's not a good idea

5 Name: Xelon : 2015-10-26 09:04 ID:Cwf/5V7+ [Del]

the problem is the use of them is entirely useless at the current moment
they are great for mobile gaming- something that nobody thinks to much on and is just for killing time if you have 5 minutes free
they are good for reading on- which unfortunately less and less people are involved in
they're alright for word processing- although you might as well just have a laptop or a PC if your work needs it

i do see room for them as hardware upgrades and software becomes more compatible but as a nerdy gamer anime watcher i am more invested in Virtual Reality peripherals

6 Name: Obsrvrs : 2015-10-27 03:25 ID:EcLZvuw1 [Del]

Honestly I've worked in tech for a long time, and my bet for the next phase of computing is that as wireless interconnectivity becomes even easier, your phone will be the computer. It simply will connect to screens in your house and that will be all you need. Tech gets smaller every day, hell half of a laptops size anymore even is the battery for the huge screen. Just my two cents but mobile tech is ever expanding and once it's power pool climbs closer to a desktop in ten or so years I think you'll see a sort of merger into a more all in one device if the companies would allow such a platform and not strong arm you I to multiple devices like we have been so far.

7 Name: Anonymous : 2015-10-28 02:01 ID:ayWd75QB [Del]

>>6 More like early next year.

Many Android phones can outperform the average laptop in almost any test.

My computer already is my phone. A small bluetooth keyboard is all you need to make it such.