Dollars BBS | Technology
















Technology complaining thread (8)

1 Name: Hiroki : 2015-10-20 15:38 ID:vzGOQQq1 [Del]

What high-tech stuff bothers you ?

In my school, they found out I was not dumb using PCs, but just unlucky with Linux.
Linux on my PC have been crashing at shutdown since its installation (every tested distro do that), PC at my school crashed when I've tried reading my mails and another time my mouse went unsresponsive making my unable to stop my virtualized session running on a server, and my android device did not ring at 7am on monday.
All of that in a week.

2 Name: Hiroki : 2015-10-20 15:42 ID:vzGOQQq1 [Del]

But it seems it's not Linux only, since on sunday 15 links of my bike chain did a 180° flip around the lenght axis as I was at 10kms from home.
I was able to fix that though, in order to get back home.

3 Name: Hiroki : 2015-10-20 15:44 ID:vzGOQQq1 [Del]

I'm the only one I know having these problems. FML

4 Name: Rieg !ZW5PizsNSw : 2015-10-20 16:16 ID:Hb8psy3Y [Del]

I had some issues a while back with fedora 19 linux. The grub boot-loader kept breaking my windows 7 installation on a different partition.

But my biggest gripe with tech right now would have to be the Bluetooth setup in my laptop. It keeps losing the connection to my headphones.

5 Name: Top Ramen : 2015-10-20 17:45 ID:BOaxgGSX [Del]

I hate when people call a professional to help them with any type of technical issue then they don't trust them. Why call them if you think you have it all figured out? You wouldn't. So shut up and let the person who has spent a portion of their life do their job. I know this is basically not what the thread is about but I think its more interesting then complaining about technical issues.

6 Name: Hiroki : 2015-10-20 17:59 ID:vzGOQQq1 [Del]

>>5 Hein ?

7 Name: Meow9 : 2015-10-25 21:11 ID:WS5OgNQk [Del]

My phone. I was on a cruise and it wouldn't charge. I still had a day to go. Luckily, I stayed on the ship at that port, but it was dying when I wanted to take photos of the shore. That was over a week ago. My mom used an external battery to charge it a little, but it went from 50% to 29% in a second. It went down slower after that. I went to my dad and stepmom's house where my stepmom called a family friend who's a genius with technology for help. Turns out I'm not the only one with the issue. They ordered some wireless chargers for me but my dad called my home phone to tell me that there may be an issue since I left my phone with them so they could charge it. So they are waiting till tomorrow to see if there's still a problem and if there is, they are taking it to the store to see what's up. I've had multiple times lately where I've needed to contact people but have been unable to due to the lack of a phone.

8 Name: Hiroki : 2015-12-21 15:42 ID:61JdXvIP [Del]

My phone went suddenly broken, although it has not fallen or something like that. It happened oversea.