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Web designing or web creation anyone? (13)

1 Name: erieri : 2015-10-17 13:56 ID:eHm41DG8 [Del]

I was just wondering, does anyone else here interested in making webpages and the like? I could say I have sort of ... ok level in this field since I've had first hand experience in making and managing for my own school's website (though since I've graduated and no one took over it's been shut down, ehe).

So I would like to know if anyone, like, had the same hobby or interest in this field. I'm a beginner myself and I would love to discuss about this stuff with you guys who share the same interest. Especially beginners like me, too. Since we can learn from each other! So anyone?

2 Name: A.I.d.A !ao.AgYdRoo : 2015-10-17 18:49 ID:ayWd75QB [Del]

Check out

All the people you're looking for hangs out there.

3 Name: erieri : 2015-10-19 08:02 ID:9jqJ9bpR [Del]


Oh, I've read those, too. I'm just wondering if there's a fellow Dollars who had the same interest that's all. But thanks anyway. You're into these stuff, too?

4 Name: Lenchantin : 2015-10-19 10:11 ID:O37irYOL [Del]

Web design is my bread and butter. :)

5 Name: erieri : 2015-10-19 14:57 ID:YsjmA7WT [Del]

>>4 Really? Did you host websites already?

6 Name: A.I.d.a.!ao.AgYdRoo : 2015-10-19 15:52 ID:k7Rl/gSz [Del]

>>3 Yeah, I'm a designer and developer.

Ill be taking my first steps in PHP in the coming days.

7 Name: daremo : 2015-10-19 23:15 ID:HWV7nMra [Del]

>>6 Bad life decision. PHP is an awful language and should never be used, by anyone, ever.

8 Name: erieri : 2015-10-19 23:37 ID:fpRNRFc4 [Del]

>>6 Wah, me too. I'm just started learning PHP, too.

>>7 Well, I'm gonna learn it anyways. With all these college and stuff.

9 Name: A.I.d.a.!ao.AgYdRoo : 2015-10-20 00:36 ID:loXqMtXQ [Del]

>>7 Thats a lie. PHP is needed for a lot of things, and it can do many thing javascript cannot do.

10 Name: daremo : 2015-10-20 01:56 ID:oZraReCb [Del]

>>9 It's an opinion, not a lie. Yes, PHP can do things javascript can't, but there are better alternatives such as Node, Python, ASP.NET. You claim to be security-conscientious yet you don't seem to be aware of just how poorly-designed PHP is as a language.

I was also being somewhat facetious when I said it's a mistake to learn it. Certainly learning a language is never a bad thing, but please for the love of god don't use PHP in production. Pick a better alternative.

Here's a post be a great developer on why PHP is a piece of crap:

11 Name: erieri : 2015-10-20 04:04 ID:UFsc42Z8 [Del]

>>10 Well it is not very safe. But I had to learn it anyways due to college subjects. Ugguuu. Btw, I didn't know how Python can replace PHP.

12 Name: Euphoria !FzIuMHkiNc : 2015-11-02 03:49 ID:PKG6DYhN [Del]

hello! I am a beginner too! Just started and still just trying to perfectly remember html XD (don't laugh!!!! :P) and yeah I am interested. My first reason was to make a tumblr theme because I wanted one that was perfect in my eyes and the only way is to make one myself :) once again I am a BEGINNER >.< so no way I can contribute anything yet

13 Name: Io : 2015-11-02 05:48 ID:KWfhsFYO [Del]

Hey there! I'm also learning web dev. I like to think I've got the basics of front end down but I haven't yet delved into the backend. I'm looking forward to any discussions with you guys ^_^

Perhaps we should make a website together just for learning experience? Never actually tried working in a team before but I'm sure it'll be great fun.