Dollars BBS | Technology
















Stupid phone <.< (13)

1 Name: Zershare : 2015-09-26 18:12 ID:wAuhCEgM [Del]

Hello everyone. Just making sure, today I came to the site and found a thread with lots of positive replies where they talked about how good the Dollars app is, and when I download it it says I have to update it, then again, and again and again and again. Like seriously, does the app even work?

2 Name: Gando : 2015-09-27 10:49 ID:XGWdOSop [Del]

Having the same problem myself mate. Just bumping so hopefully more people will see this thread.

3 Name: Gando : 2015-09-27 11:16 ID:XGWdOSop [Del]

All right problem solved! Go to
To get the fully updated app!

4 Name: A.I.d.A !ao.AgYdRoo : 2015-09-28 02:28 ID:ayWd75QB [Del]

The dollars app is actually shit.
These people are just ridiculously stupid, beyond some un-measurable degree.

Get Firefox or Opera Mini or Dolphin, and use the site normally.
I promise it's a thousand times better than that app.

Not to mention, the app requires a *huge* amount of totally uneeded permissions, prying into your privacy for who-knows-what reason.
All an app like that needs is access to your gallery and internet access.

You're better off without it. Do not trust the skids who hang out on the tech board.

5 Name: Zershare : 2015-09-28 12:10 ID:gnry6smx [Del]

Thanks a lot Gando, I am actually using the app right now, it is actually good AIdA, just remember that in the anime is even worse since they don't use smartphones XD. Anyway I actually like the app.

6 Name: Gando : 2015-09-29 10:50 ID:+52GeC2a [Del]

Happy to help.

7 Name: Anonymous : 2015-09-30 18:08 ID:Bk/e2R2K [Del]

>>4 We aren't all skids here.
Some of us are aware of how deeply unknowledgable we are.

8 Name: daremo : 2015-10-01 02:22 ID:uF+5C49k [Del]

>>7 And some of as are deeply aware of how knowledgable we are. And although I haven't looked at the app, I don't doubt it's absolutely abysmal.

9 Name: Gando : 2015-10-01 13:04 ID:tVN2uwDv [Del]

>>7 to be honest with you it's pretty much the same as the site but it has a nice side menu that has all your Dollars doohickies on it. I like it.

10 Name: Anonymous : 2015-10-02 01:50 ID:fDCyG6AV [Del]

>>9 Except its half as fast and requires an ungodly number of permissions.

11 Name: daremo : 2015-10-02 03:00 ID:BBcZdsyT [Del]

>>10 Seems legit. 10/10. Would install.

12 Name: Gando : 2015-10-02 09:48 ID:pXP4D2Aj [Del]

Mine's fast. Everything seems to load fine and the permissions really aren't that intrusive. I've seen worse. If you have the standard Android browser then the full site is a pain to run and the app is just more convienient overall.

13 Name: A.I.d.a.!ao.AgYdRoo : 2015-10-02 20:18 ID:fDCyG6AV [Del]

>>12 that's why smart people use good browsers.
And trust me, they're intrusive. The fact you see no result of where that collected data goes makes that fact obvious.