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Who Good Riddance Windows 8 (12)

1 Name: Otoshigami Pokemon!8NBuQ4l6uQ : 2015-07-31 12:07 ID:QrIEVgih [Del]

I dont know about you guys but I hated windows 8. Which is why when windows 10 was announced I was super happy, and now that I've updated I have to say win10 is fantastic. who else agrees

2 Name: kerri : 2015-07-31 15:31 ID:/ghJSidm [Del]

I just got windows 10 myself and it seem alright, but windows 8.1 for me wasn't so bad.

3 Name: Anonymous : 2015-07-31 23:51 ID:Y9h1Kg4s [Del]

I signed up to get it free but havent installed it yet. I heard there are email-required sign ins now?

4 Name: Null!rwkApo1gHk : 2015-08-01 00:15 ID:eRODVp8D [Del]

Haven't updated. I've always had the classic start menu on windows 8 anyways and never saw the dashboard. Also, I doubt its mandatory email sign-in. What if you have your computer offline and disconnected to the internet?

5 Name: ninihaha : 2015-08-01 17:50 ID:CKHtTNlR [Del]

>>3 you have to wait a while i'm the same ,they will notifi you when it's ready to update. at least that's what i was told

6 Name: Khaosneel : 2015-08-03 05:26 ID:1m7w2K/b [Del]

You don't really need to wait though.
Just use this.

7 Name: Anonymous : 2015-09-10 00:34 ID:ayWd75QB [Del]

An interesting set of articles:

8 Name: The Captain : 2015-09-17 00:33 ID:xwnR6lO8 [Del]

It's a whole new world.

9 Name: That one guy : 2015-09-17 05:27 ID:moonc3vF [Del]

I kinda liked it, exerpt for the lack of start buttons :( Also I play total war shogun 2 and I hear that It is problematick.Many games have bugs and glitches when played on win 10...I hear...

10 Name: Hako !C76vS1i3ok : 2015-09-18 00:09 ID:Dwqu5N8s [Del]

Windows 8 was hated most by my schoolmates as not having a start button. It is practically unquestionable since it is thought of a trademark the the Windows OS series. But I'm still XP.

11 Name: Sas : 2015-09-19 13:31 ID:/VyEtEly [Del]

I also hated Windows 8, unfortunately I haven't actually used Win10-still on Win7 :)

12 Name: Minmin : 2015-09-19 23:54 ID:scTjlS4H [Del]

I actually liked 8 once I disabled the charms, swiping, and added a start button, but I guess that defeats the purpose that 8 had in mind. The task manager is more responsive and better than 7, and the file management system is easier to use. It also allows you to pause moving files, which is something 7 and below couldn't do.