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Nokia Lumia (8)

1 Name: The Vigilante : 2015-06-22 02:59 ID:EqV1KESn [Del]

Has anyone had a Nokia Lumia for a while, if so can you tell me your experience with it. Is it slow? Does it lag? what are it's limitations in apps and functionality.

i'm planning to sell my Samsung galaxy s4 and buy a Nokia Lumia 635.

The Vigilante

2 Name: [Dude] JackDenkin !v1ZIfi52Lw : 2015-06-22 13:12 ID:y/j+WYea [Del]

I dont have one, nor can i tell you cause i dont keep up to date with this shat, but here my advice.
Google the reviews of it.

3 Name: zhumiao : 2015-06-23 01:48 ID:16io2zJS [Del]

hello The Vigilanteļ¼Œ
I use the lumia 820 before. I can tell you something. i do not think the WP is slow, but the big problem is the app of the WP. For example, app "A" you very like it and you can use it on your Samsung galaxy s4, but for WP maybe you can not find it.
(I am from china, my english is not very well.I hope my advice can help you.)

4 Name: Sirius : 2015-06-23 02:30 ID:dgBvOTRW [Del]

I hated this phone for so long and I finally managed to buy a new phone. Nokia Lumia and WP OS has been my worst experience yet. The lack of support/updates on the windows phone app store is ridiculous. Hell I'm even switching from the Windows OS to a Linux.

5 Name: okiedokie!0UZD1OR/j. : 2015-06-23 08:57 ID:Z4q7nAdy [Del]

Eh Nokia Lumia's ok

6 Name: Ppabam : 2015-06-28 23:45 ID:6sN6l87E [Del]

I really hate my nokia lumia, I don't think u should get it. The apps suck, and they aren't the same ones on the apple store or android google play store.

7 Name: Pluto !yt9MZSRjoA : 2015-07-02 14:55 ID:BH3Sle8F [Del]

I just got. A Nokia Llumia, and I have to say it really depends on what you want to do with it. It hooks up to the Xbox, which is nice- if you have one. If you don't, a lot of the features are useless. The apps are okay, but limited especially in te gaming area unless, again, you have an Xbox.the camera is nice, has some good qualities -it's very clear and you can easily adjust the settings. However, you cannot edit the photos very much once you have taken them. A very interesting layout: Apple product focus on side to side movement, you have to slide left or right to navigate, with the Llumia, it is up and down. Also, unless you have an SD card, data is limited. Cortana is like Siiri, but less capable in the things she can do. All in all, it's a limited phone, but it's cheap and has good basic functions. My only issue is that after a while, there was a bug that wouldn't allow me to access my home wifi. It's a common problem, but it is solved by deleting the network from the phones memory then logging back on (at least in my case) hope this helps! (If I'm not too late)

8 Name: Haruko : 2015-07-29 12:06 ID:HhQ8EF9n [Del]

Nokia Lumia is waaaaaaaaaaay faster than an android!! I've experienced both and I prefer the WP for the system.
The only problem as said above is the limited app store, nothing else!