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Is here anyone is Game programmer? (22)

1 Name: Maribels : 2015-04-19 10:57 ID:gqt8OnoG [Del]

I`m in Aisa and I`m not good at English. I want to know about Game progarmming in US or the other country.Like about use game engine or no, if use game engine, use Unity? or the other like cocos?

2 Name: As : 2015-04-21 20:10 ID:WNSpXymm [Del]

I'm Junior Game Programmer

3 Name: WolfLink : 2015-04-21 23:48 ID:dc99UCTZ [Del]

I've written a couple games. Before you decide on what game engine to use or whether you use one at all, you need to know what kind of game are you making. Unity is good for 3D games. Cocos is good for 2D action games.

What kind of game are you trying to make? What programming experience do you have?

4 Name: Jinmeyo : 2015-04-24 10:50 ID:P/jm8VhS [Del]

i want to learn how to program and to make games in general but im new so do you have any tips.

5 Name: Hakuai : 2015-04-24 15:42 ID:WgVO9PED [Del]

When it comes to game programming in America, we use engines, everything from Unity to UnReal3, and more. Basically it's the same thing as in other countries, we use whatever engine will work for our Idea.

6 Name: Maribels : 2015-04-27 22:47 ID:di3VtjU+ [Del]

I konw some cocos and i think it's might useful on phone and can make some small games. because most of computer games use DX and android use opengl,and i think unity is more powerful than cocos.
I think phone game will be more hot in feature.Its right?

7 Name: jimgon71 : 2015-05-04 23:12 ID:d/j0VD6b [Del]

Isn't the Unreal engine on Unreal 5 or 6? Also @Maribels, I'd also look into giving Source 2 a try if you can get your hands on it

8 Name: Thane : 2015-05-08 09:26 ID:GvyzSdYJ [Del]

I know basic Java and c# coding for writing code. I mainly use unity for everything.

9 Name: Shek : 2015-05-12 02:23 ID:WAjQb3oQ [Del]

I plan on learning unreal this summer. I might need a helping hand every now and then to understand some of the concepts xDD

10 Name: Henry !kgcc3SPwsw : 2015-05-17 21:29 ID:JKFFwGnH [Del]

I know c++, c#, java, python, and so on.
Unity 5 and Unreal 4 (two of the best game engines) are both free to use now and aren't extremely difficult.
If you want something easier that doesn't support 3d, but is still pretty powerful, check out Game Maker Studio. It's very easy to use, and you can make some really good games if you put a bit of work into it.

11 Name: M1lk3y : 2015-05-19 17:08 ID:0zeQmg4O [Del]

I will u just gotto have something simple

12 Name: [Bro] JackDenkin !3U.19DFF1s : 2015-05-19 22:28 ID:aDhSPjAe [Del]

>>10 hoooooo, thanks for some good info on them engines, much better than those indepth reviews on the internet.

13 Name: Anonymous : 2015-05-19 23:09 ID:WsLSeqSW [Del]

>>10 >and so on
If so, where/how did you learn those?

14 Name: Thane : 2015-05-20 10:12 ID:GvyzSdYJ [Del]

I can

15 Name: Levi : 2015-05-24 03:41 ID:r3ygE8NZ [Del]

well, that's depends on what kind of game you want to make, is it a PC? console? or mobile game.
each of it almost has the same way but have a different technique.
if you tried to make something simple, i recommend you to use some game engines, but if you challenged to make something that more complex, i can recommend you to use a programming language added with GUI.
i'm currently using Java to makes game because it easiest for me

16 Name: Shek : 2015-05-25 01:54 ID:/AZrITzH [Del]


Ugh. I find java to be absolutely horrifying. On the other hand, c++ is an unsustainable mess, despite being much better performance-wise.

...maybe i should learn python...

17 Name: Anonymous : 2015-05-25 14:01 ID:o55nAqoU [Del]

>>16 do it

18 Name: Zeno : 2015-05-25 19:51 ID:YFeF0LGZ [Del]

>>15 I agree with you about java mostly because of the support

19 Name: Mr.Hentai : 2015-05-25 22:21 ID:rkOy9Pan [Del]

>>16 I'm learning Python, and it's great for a start for most people, but I was learning c# before that so it was more of a downgrade. Python is still good, but if you want to do something that involves movement or visuals (for real life or games) you'll be better off with any other language.

20 Name: DaiMajutsu : 2015-05-26 03:44 ID:Q4IsS5jW [Del]

>>16 out of C++, Java, and Python, sadly Python is the slowest.
Also, if you find C++ to be an unsustainable mess, you're probably writing messy code. The language itself is pretty straight forward in my opinion, java as well. If you give yourself time to learn to program well in java, you'll find that it's a pretty well defined toolbox, you can also use your experiences from that if you want to switch back to C++.
Long story short, if you find that your code gets messier and less sustainable as the code base grows, look up clean coding principles and clean coding tutorials. Helps a lot, I guarantee you. Also, writing clean code in any language solves many of your performance issues by itself.

21 Name: codeMonkey : 2015-05-27 13:31 ID:GuTMxgxC [Del]

Game engines I would suggest are Unity, Unreal Engine 4, and Source 2.
All of those engines are also free to download and use (although atm source 2 is not out yet)

22 Name: Lycan!GXcqWm4bbU : 2015-08-30 05:57 ID:my7tU49k [Del]

Hey Maribels,

I was in the same position not too long ago; wanting to get into programming and game development but with no background. Here's what I did and my thoughts:

First off: just do anything. It doesn't matter what engine you start on, what language you choose, what system/platform/hamster you decide to go for - just do anything to get yourself started. Later when you know more you can go "Okay, I need to work with X" or "I should use Y for this". For now, just do anything.

I started with unity3d and learning c#. In particular, I followed the video tutorial series here:

I watched the first few episodes, followed along on my laptop and shortly after I came up with my first game idea. I never finished the series, but that's fine because it's not about creating a clone of what they've done, it's about learning and using the information they provide. And in my opinion that's as good-a-place as any.

Feel free to ask anything and happy creating!