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Data Caps (7)

1 Name: Khaosneel : 2015-04-16 09:24 ID:aU1Lp2tU [Del]

So I just found out tody that my 3mbps internet connection has a 7gb data cap. I think it's too small. Actually why do we even have data caps. I live in the Philippines and I wanted to know what are the data caps in other places.

2 Name: Anonymous : 2015-04-16 09:41 ID:QAWkgDlI [Del]

I get unlimited, no cap. Most people I know have 250 - 500 GB per month caps. That seems really low, sounds more like something on a phone. My phone plan is 3GB a month shared between 5 users.

3 Name: Sid : 2015-04-19 03:45 ID:AdL7iC+k [Del]

It makes sense if you think about it. If one is using a bunch of bandwidth then why should they be charged as everyone else if they are impeding others. With cable it does impede the others hooked into the same source. It is mainly due to using more of their product one should buy more. Also if you do share a server with others then you would use up more electricity and the need for maintenance on those servers. Which in turn costs the company more money.

I bet if you upgraded the caps would be gone. Since 3mb/s is a little on the slow side and usually falls under the cheaper plans. If you pay more for a product it tends to usually be better.

Also with my internet plan I have no caps, I think, and I pay $35 a month. In a year it goes up to $50 or $60. It states it being 50mb/s. There was a lot of lesser plans as well, but I chose to get a higher end plan. I download many games and watch many videos and not once have I reached a cap.

Unless you are talking about phones. But the reasons still stays the same.

4 Name: Hiroki : 2015-04-19 12:04 ID:M1tafWCw [Del]

I'm in a student residence in Blois, FRA.

The internet access is included in the rent, I have a cap-free internet access that I've just measured to 6MB/s in download. (Anyway in France the most of internet accesses that come by a land line are cap-free).

Also, I have a mobile plan that allows me 3 hours of vocal communication, unlimited texts and MMS, and 1GB of 3G+ internet broadband for 10€ a month, with a reduced flow after the 1GB.

5 Name: Khaosneel : 2015-04-19 20:44 ID:4UmLKLu7 [Del]

@Sid I actually pay $57.5 a month for my connection. Yes internet here is expensive. May I ask where you live? Internet sounds cheap from where you're from.

6 Name: Sid : 2015-04-20 04:34 ID:AdL7iC+k [Del]

I actually live in the U.S. in Colorado. I have Comcast. It was a promotion going on as well. Also with a new router, and wifi card, shows me getting up to 100mb/s sometimes. Before I got those it capped at about 30mb/s. I really didn't think hardware would make that much of a difference either.

Also satellite based connections I think are generally slower. That is what my parents had after dial up and the plans were more expensive for less speed.

7 Name: zexal : 2015-04-20 16:36 ID:xpIjrXFb [Del]

I live in Greece here mainly the internet is cap-free except in isolated places where people use their mobile internet access to go online. One of my acquaintances has a 30 gb cap per month and my family after bargaining has mobile phone home phone and internet access for 16€ a month and well the speed at times is at 5 mbps at other times around 1mbps but on average it is around 3.5mbps.