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how to (6)

1 Name: Xaxa : 2015-04-14 12:03 ID:jk0zGhRm [Del]

heya fellas! i need to search for things, yet i need to make me hard to trace, anyone can tell me how to?
ps. i did not know where to post this

2 Name: Sayuri : 2015-04-15 06:49 ID:UGORU4YP [Del]

You can use TOR, which allows you to access the internet privately aswell as access deep web pages. It's free, but since your data goes through a big network of computers, it's gonna be a bit slower than your usual conection.

3 Name: Erebus : 2015-04-16 18:55 ID:zS/BDzLG [Del]

Also, proxies can help cover your tracks, often without needing to install anything.

4 Name: Hiroki : 2015-04-19 13:39 ID:M1tafWCw [Del]

Please use it only if you need to search for LEGAL things.

Btw, also note that the usage of TOR or a proxy involves your data to transit to a computer you don't know, so you don't know what this 3rt party computer can do with your data (altering it or spying it) and with your IP address.

(And Tor is made out of thousands routers sometimes own by individuals or governments.)

Remember that excepted for collaborative or associative projects, If the product is free, then YOU are the real product.
You can find a lot of free proxy addresses on the forums, but a lot are managed y criminal organisations.

5 Name: Anonymous : 2015-04-19 17:43 ID:mcdDKxJS [Del]

First of all, thats not Tor works at all and you didn't read the article. Tor exit node can not alter data that is being sent them because of the many checks through the Tor network as well as the exit node isn't have any idea what that data is.

Also your data is always sent through a 3rd party service all the time. Normally your data does through a ISP routering service to your destination. Honestly you should a run traceroute on a random website and look at all the hops it as to go through.

Secondly in the article you linked, it was not the data people were sending through the node, it was the binares people were downloading from that Tor node that wasn't over TLS. Thats not a service's fault, that the users fault.

Third of all , your dim look on free software baffles me. The Tor network is a not profit organization with no monetary goals thus there is "products" to be made or sold. The only part of your post that made any sense of not using open proxies having they don't have the safely of the Tor network and will be used in a harmful manner.

6 Name: The King : 2015-04-20 21:20 ID:eQkdQevQ [Del]

Use 7 proxies