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Should we search for the limits of our universe? (7)

1 Name: Kentakon : 2015-03-31 07:58 ID:g4tUYBBn [Del]

It is possible that someday we' ll be able to alter the laws of physics,gain control of stars or even whole galaxies.This would mean that we focus on science and evovling our understanding of the environment while we block our own feelings in order to not be distracted by them from whatever research we do.But we can also just sing and dance and paint here on Earth using the knowledge we 've already acquired for our survival, so we can try to understand our emotions better and trully control them-not block them out -. What do you guys think?

2 Name: Harusa : 2015-03-31 10:31 ID:Dzd4ypcI [Del]

The Laws of Physics can be considered the laws of the Universe. If we were able to alter them, then we wouldn't be humans anymore. It's just laws to keep everything in order

3 Name: Kentakon : 2015-03-31 10:45 ID:g4tUYBBn [Del]

From a being living solely with instincts we evovled into what we are today.Of course we won't be the same just like we are not Neanderthals anymore.There can't be any proof that we will never manage to affect in some way what is now considered untouchable.

4 Name: ____ !HInKxu8cQQ : 2015-04-01 23:21 ID:y5h8MbMC [Del]

It's entirely possible new information will invalidate the current laws we know. It's happened before, but it's getting to a very unlikely point for a LOT of different things.

I'm not entirely sure what you mean by us just "Sing and dance and paint." Do you mean to say you don't know why we are wasting our time?

5 Name: Anonymous : 2015-04-02 00:56 ID:WMvIuALU [Del]

Already put this on Main, do not make multiple copies of the same thread on different boards, ever. Delete your first post here, with the little [Del] button beside the ID.

6 Name: Kentakon : 2015-04-02 08:00 ID:g4tUYBBn [Del]

First post was on Main and i don't know how to del it.i think it should be here and not on main

7 Name: Kentakon : 2015-04-02 08:18 ID:g4tUYBBn [Del]

>>4 I mean that instead of trying to explore the universe we could stay here on Earth and live with whatever we got now focusing on how to communicate with each other. "Sing and dance and paint" is a childish way to say interract with the world through art