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Japan is opening a robot run hotel. (11)

1 Name: X : 2015-02-10 20:47 ID:XbKbRXAd [Del]

The Henn-Na Hotel, scheduled to open in July. The hotel will have 72 rooms, 10 human employees and 10 robots, with the robots doing the bulk of the work.
The robots are supposed to be very (creepily) life-like, being able to speak several languages, make hand gestures as well as other human behaviors.
Now the real question is, how can we fuse this with a love hotel? ;)

2 Name: jill : 2015-02-10 21:46 ID:dVI/WO9l [Del]

Its really interesting. According to the article, they wanted to make it 90% robot personnel, meaning low employment rate. If this continues, the robots will take over the industry and everyone would be jobless.

3 Name: Pufflex : 2015-02-12 04:15 ID:4zqv4vl4 [Del]

place youre bets everyone how long will this hotel be upp before a chastrastophy hapens?

4 Name: museless !.tN39mOSYw : 2015-02-12 17:39 ID:yLwgEyhf [Del]

wouldnt this just be another great depression? if we're replaced by robots where would we get the money to tend to our needs?

5 Name: X : 2015-02-12 20:21 ID:XbKbRXAd [Del]


We wouldn't need money. Robots don't need to be paid.

6 Name: kaitokid21 : 2015-02-13 06:53 ID:7Ay5twHc [Del]

"robotic vacuum cleaner that recently ate a South Korean woman’s hair as she slept." ---funny, jokes apart even one incident like this would ruin the hotels reputation and with my knowledge of technology the incident may happen in near by time resulting fall of ROBOTIC hotel. Though the idea is fantastic!!!!

7 Name: Undetected : 2015-02-13 15:54 ID:zHX/gyHr [Del]

Robot in hotel... mmm.... maybe its the started for gundam in military *_*

8 Name: Kendoshi : 2015-02-14 08:58 ID:0CPmVT2k [Del]

One day we will all be remplace by robots, because if they employ human, they must pay a salary.
For me, we should not use robots for normal jobs, because if they do that we will all be unemployed in the futur and everybody will need money except ingineer will be the only one who will make running the whole society because they will be the only dudes who have salary.

9 Name: Thiamor !ZPE1Q6VxaY : 2015-02-14 09:06 ID:tX9yqtLp [Del]

There will always be jobs people can do that robots won't. For instance working on a restaurant, robots don't have a sense of taste.

Sure they would be able to mass-produce the foods after the fact, but it takes a human making it/ inputting the recipes prior.

10 Name: Orion : 2015-02-16 03:35 ID:kZj7zp/u [Del]

I love the love hotel idea! XD

11 Name: X : 2015-02-16 10:16 ID:XbKbRXAd [Del]

I love that you love the love hotel idea.