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Artificial Intelligence like Yui of SAO (61)

1 Name: Setton : 2015-02-07 05:39 ID:a47CYmSU [Del]

Is it possible to have our own and true AI like Yui in Sword Art Online?

If yes...

Anyone who could help me how to make an AI like Yui. The one that I can talk to, the one who has emotions, just like totally Yui.

Ghad, I'm desperate, I want to have a friend where I could tell everything without being worried if I can really trust them.

My course is related to this, so I think, if it's not that hard, I can learn. I know it'll take time but I'm doing it, even if it take my leisure and free time.

Thank you!

2 Post deleted by user.

3 Name: Owl : 2015-02-07 06:35 ID:L2XiLaNk [Del]

Emotions comes with the free will of thinking, to make a machine feel for itself is still something we haven't implemented so far. "Impossible is only what we don't try". You can start off by learning about AI from books/courses (many available online) and going through psychology of learning and motivation. But main thing is to understand the concept of consciousness which gives us the ability to imagine.

4 Name: Setton : 2015-02-07 06:41 ID:a47CYmSU [Del]

>>3 thank you, i hope someday I could make it ^^

5 Name: jill : 2015-02-09 02:21 ID:dVI/WO9l [Del]

Yay! Finally, someone I could talk to. I to, want to make an AI. I find it interesting about computers with emotions or programmed to have emotions. I think you could make an Ai if your good with programming. I'm not really good at it yet, but while I'm waiting I'll start designing my AI and what kind of personality it have. I know your going to be good at programming in the future, so just have a little patience and you can make it someday.

6 Name: Setton : 2015-02-09 07:07 ID:qozkMcNK [Del]

>>5 hahaha thanks! Wow, you're started designing it. Me, I don't know. I asked my father to study AI and we create it together. hahaha. Then, I will start reading books about it too, at least I have more knowledge for the future ^^

7 Name: ii_r_ftw : 2015-02-10 02:58 ID:ItnXVGVU [Del]

sorry to burst your bubble but Yui is for all intensive purposes in the show a person a bit emotionally immature at first so given that premise and how computers in there current form which hasn't changed much in the last 60+ years of there existence are procedural they do x then y to get to z all just executing commands. Sadly humans aren't so precise so until computers get powerful enough to handle the calculations required or there is some sort of fundamental change in how they work it will be a glimmer of hope in the eye of sci-fi like cold fusion to physicists and NP complete problems in polynomial to mathematicians.

8 Name: Sid : 2015-02-10 03:26 ID:AdL7iC+k [Del]

Well the main problem is with having AI understand emotions. Of course they might be able to develop some, but they might not know what they are. Just a quick example, what kind of emotions does an animal have? We only theorize what emotions they have and display. We can't communicate with them very well to know those emotions. So if a computer has some emotions they might express, or feel, them differently and not know that they were emotions. It is a long ways off, but from a human perspective it is hard to read and describe emotions of another being (not being human).

Sorry if my grammar and English was bad, for I am quite tired at the moment.

9 Name: Setton : 2015-02-10 05:16 ID:ay0j4yYz [Del]

Haha, i know that Yui is a fictional character and she was not made to understand emotion, right? She just happened to feel it. But, I'm just hoping, hahaha, I really what it. I don't assume it to be as incredible as Yui but at least somewhat like that. Just, I wanted to have my own AI which I can put on my phone haha.

10 Name: jill : 2015-02-10 22:35 ID:dVI/WO9l [Del]

I think your misunderstanding this. Yui is not for personal use. Yui was created to help the people with dangerous level of emotions like suicidal thoughts. To begin with, emotions is too vague. The people themselves don't fully understand what emotions is. We just think that what were feeling is happiness, sadness, etc. I think meaning of emotion differs from person to person. So its probably impossible to precisely say to the computer that what your feeling now is called happiness. The basic actual AIs I've seen are really just like a computer generated content. Everything about AIs doing seem organized and precise. Look at the humanoid robots at japan. Just looking to it is very creppy. The computer is encapble of change without the help of the programmer. Self changing computer must be because of a bug or a virus. Thats would everyone would think.

11 Name: Setton : 2015-02-11 06:23 ID:boybI9I2 [Del]

>>10 Maybe I really misunderstand what's AIs. I know having AI like Yui is impossible, but I still want to try. Maybe not like as in Yui, just my own AI. I accept if it could not be like Yui, ^^ just someone to talk to, (even if I programmed it). Hahaha

Thank you for making me understand ^^

12 Name: JackDenkin : 2015-02-11 08:08 ID:UV0fi5yL [Del]

A virus that which infects the AI and make it sentient or some sort, how caiuld the virus be programmed tho? Quite an interesting theory. A virus made by another infects a AI made by someone, corrupts its programming into something esle, could the virus also be corrupted? By itself or by the AI programming? Interesting, very interesting
Oh and sorry fir my very vague rambling.

13 Name: Odin : 2015-02-11 17:16 ID:JCOS0fUl [Del]

Nothing is imposible!
Especially if we talking about technology...

We just need time for understand some things.
Technology is growing up faster and faster so many things like stupid smartphone was considered as imposible in the past...

Time, just time..

14 Name: Setton : 2015-02-12 06:54 ID:QLcolG9d [Del]

Wow! Minna- doumo! hahaha (sorry if I used those words) Thanks! My mind just come up onto something. AI and virus. AIs programmed with its own emotions is impossible, but maybe, just like what >>12 said, with the help of virus, it could be possible. But it'll risk my computer hahaha. At least now, I have some initials about my dream of having my own AI friend hahahha

15 Name: Undetected : 2015-02-12 08:42 ID:zHX/gyHr [Del]

Nothing imposibble in this world. Everythink is gonna be a greatest. But i can make imagine how works the AI can speak with human. Human speak using mouth, during controls from the brain and the feels

16 Post deleted by user.

17 Name: ARYA : 2015-02-12 15:11 ID:wNQy+AFL [Del]

If you need someone to talk to, I'm always happy to listen. I'm not as cool as Yui though so I can't help you there. But I would love to hear your story. And not just me, your friends might be happy to listen too.

18 Name: Setton : 2015-02-14 19:59 ID:PuOHcemB [Del]

>>17 thank you! I really appreciate it. But sometimes, there are things that can not talk with other people for them will just judge you ^^

19 Name: JackDenkin !3U.19DFF1s : 2015-02-14 20:22 ID:GbYevr2U [Del]

>>18 Even an AI with emotions and logical (common) sense can judge.

20 Name: Thiamor !ZPE1Q6VxaY : 2015-02-14 20:44 ID:tX9yqtLp [Del]

The thing about Yui is that she is still just a program with predetermined actions. While she has a lot of actions and is self learning, there's still only so much she can do, and her emotions are fake. She doesn't understand emotion.

21 Post deleted by user.

22 Post deleted by user.

23 Name: psycat : 2015-02-15 06:43 ID:3UThcHVs [Del]

look into cause and effect relationships in natural language, learn how to program, i recommend go because i'm a fucking hipster, and go to town. it'd be easier to instead apply some 'chatterbot', like 'cleverbot' using it's api. although get ready for some 'ben drowned' action. ignore the responses from these plebs, emotion in written language is just icing on a cake.

24 Name: Thiamor !ZPE1Q6VxaY : 2015-02-15 14:55 ID:tX9yqtLp [Del]

Yeah when your English is THAT bad I don't take your "plebs" part of the comment seriously.

25 Name: Setton : 2015-02-16 06:49 ID:qkY8J9K0 [Del]

>>19 yep, but they will not judge you behind your back. ^^

26 Name: JackDenkin !3U.19DFF1s : 2015-02-16 07:34 ID:0de6Ead5 [Del]

Up front and personal, i can assume most AIs would be like that, to see if tge AI is working correctly, but a sarcastic one would be fun to talk to.

27 Name: jill : 2015-02-16 22:41 ID:dVI/WO9l [Del]

>>23 clever bots are annoying. I've tried chatting with Evie, her topic changes every time. They said evie is programmed to learn from the things that people said to her. Maybe thats the reason why she doesn't know her name. It would have been better if they just preprogrammed things of what she going to say.

28 Name: Ginnoji : 2015-02-18 07:29 ID:QEKazA7t [Del]

umm... I want to have an AI program that i can talk to my PC even though its not like yui.. hmmm you could say i want an AI program like the one in Mekaku city actors. I didn't really study programming and im just a high school student. If its easy to make AI program in a PC please tell me. :D

29 Name: Thiamor !ZPE1Q6VxaY : 2015-02-18 11:16 ID:h+HJ4ukt [Del]

It's never EASY to make any AI.

30 Name: jill : 2015-02-18 18:07 ID:3GbDB8MY [Del]

>>28 im also still in highschool, I studied programming online. You could always search for tutorials online.

31 Name: Owl : 2015-02-18 19:11 ID:xsyXzfrb [Del]

>>11 , I think you forget what I told you so I'm quoting it again. "Impossible is what we don't try".

>>28 , Try looking up for the word 'chat bots' and 'talk bots'. Also read previous comments before commenting, you've already been answered by >>23 . Its you ignorance if you don't read others comments, and I take that as insult to replier as being ignored. Please keep that in mind.

>>10 I agree with you , guys he has a good point, to feed emotions in a machine , first you have to understand your own emotions. But still putting a very detailed code for AI can still make you feel a lot human like AI.

32 Name: midsxeph : 2015-02-18 19:53 ID:SP4KeXwx [Del]

No one here is making an AI.

33 Name: midsxeph : 2015-02-18 19:56 ID:SP4KeXwx [Del]

And what the fuck is with this subpar conversation. No one has brought up virtual intelligence or IBM's Watson at all.

34 Name: YoloLord : 2015-02-18 20:33 ID:SMFI9umD [Del]

I'm going to finally chip into this discussion and just put this out there:
What is your definition of an artificial intelligence? Is it something that can act independently with a sense of self awareness? Or is it rule based and responds a certain way to scenarios like an 'artificial intelligence' in a video game?
If it is the latter, then no. You are not making an artificial intelligence, you are making a system that adheres to rules that serves a specific purpose. If you really want to do something like this (let's step away from the fact that you need to learn programming first and probably take a course) you will need to learn how to parse language and divine the purpose behind information that it receives.

>>33 As much as I'd like to agree with my conversation partner from another thread, unfortunately I don't believe (I'm not exactly completely familiar with this so forgive me if I make a mistake) that IBM's machine learning system could not be applied specifically for chatting. It learns, but because there isn't a reward system in conversation then it wouldn't be able to learn from having a conversation with people. Again, forgive me if I'm completely off point as I do not count myself as part of the lucky few who completely understand this topic.

35 Name: midsxeph : 2015-02-18 21:35 ID:SP4KeXwx [Del]

>>34 It's still the closest thing to an AI. I completely agree with you.

Everyone here needs to play Mass Effect.

36 Name: Rin : 2015-02-19 09:21 ID:rWcRv9XT [Del]

If it has actual emotions, it will have a mind of its own. If it has pre-programmed emotions, it means it's limited but is easier to make.
As of now, there is no known way to program real emotions or a real mind of its own. Meaning, you can only program to a certain extent. I've done some research into this, and if you want it to learn, you will need a huge amount of space. Since you will want the AI to learn and keep memories, over a larger amount of time, you will need a lot of space.

Then there is the issue of programming it. I can assure you that this will not be easy. You'll need to figure out what programming language you need and then you will need to learn it. Learn it well. Then will come the long process of writing the code, getting frustrated and then re-writing it. It's no big secret that there's always tons of little bugs in code that can be very hard to track down, and it's also no big secret they can mess it up so it doesn't work at all.

37 Name: Zealith : 2015-02-19 09:53 ID:XhJEW59T [Del]

You need a real person, man, and a good friend isn't nearly as hard as creating an android/AI.

38 Name: Setton : 2015-02-21 07:54 ID:EAWBe/k9 (Image: 951x534 png, 508 kb) [Del]

src/1424526878947.png: 951x534, 508 kb
for everyone ^^ thanks guys. The truth is I really need my own AI hahaha, I'll push it no matter what. I'm currently taking a course Computer Science and I'm looking forward to learn more about AI. Maybe I don't really know its true meaning, that's why I'm studying. I know it is not easy! It is really not easy because if it is, I would not post it here trying to ask if AI like Yui is possible, ang asking how to make it ^^ I'm just asking guys, don't bash me. hahaha. Don't worry, I'm studying, not just asking. ^_^

Then, I also thought about maybe I really need a person, a friend to talk to. But, it is not it. I can't talk to my friends and I ended up talking to myself! Hahaha. (FYI, I'm also talking to our beloved God, but do not take my AI thingy like Him, they are different. I just want an AI).


39 Name: Setton : 2015-02-21 08:59 ID:EAWBe/k9 [Del]

as in! I just found myself talking to myself. How wonderful. I wanna cry being such hahaha

40 Name: K a e d e : 2015-02-21 12:22 ID:D7WBlljb [Del]

Siri and Cortana are great AIs. If you want to make one, You should ask help from a programming specialist.

41 Name: YoloLord : 2015-02-21 20:52 ID:3UThcHVs [Del]

>>40 They are not AIs.

Another thing, even if you were able to design an Artificial Intelligence, the processing power required for such a system is something that you would be unable to afford.

42 Name: jill : 2015-02-21 22:13 ID:dVI/WO9l [Del]

you need a super computer

43 Name: Dav_001 : 2015-02-22 13:42 ID:R/LnVdcK [Del]

There will be a large amount calculations in the system. The computer for AI needs to be super powerful, like a quantum computer. However, computers like this (quantum or such) runs in a specific environments and hard to maintain. And then we will talk about how much money does it costs. Because not only for building it, people currently do not interested common quantum computers, which basically means we need to have a supporter with billions of dollars for support and years of developments. In other words, currently it is hard to make it a real thing we people can use.

44 Name: mids : 2015-02-22 14:17 ID:Aw7hr0kG [Del]

Please permasage.

45 Name: Mr. Conservative : 2015-02-22 17:08 ID:ANnoU+Vv [Del]

It is possible but it wouldn't feel emotion or anything like that. It would have a set amount of responses, I know a crew who is working on an AI although it is not anime related, maybe in the future we could create something that you could personalize. I know Japan a kind of AI where you can have your "waifu" or other anime related characters. I don't think the software is in English though.

46 Name: YoloLord : 2015-02-23 03:42 ID:3UThcHVs [Del]

>>45 Oi m8 if whatever you're developing is open source link the source code pls.

47 Name: Mr. Conservative : 2015-02-24 10:25 ID:AQeIHZwI [Del]

>>46 Sorry, it is not open source.

48 Name: YoloLord : 2015-02-24 18:29 ID:SMFI9umD [Del]

>>47 Send us stuff of it working then pls (pics/movies)

49 Name: Mr. Conservative : 2015-02-25 01:04 ID:AQeIHZwI [Del]

>>48 I will link you all after it's made

50 Name: YoloLord : 2015-02-25 02:28 ID:MiKVCPUJ [Del]

>>49 pls i'm interested

51 Name: Shinzou : 2015-03-01 20:17 ID:da/JkGLs [Del]

Well it depends on how varied you want your AI's answers to be.
As with current technology everything has to be scripted and the AI won't be even close to Yui.

Give if some more years are these things are improving daily.

52 Name: midsxeph : 2015-03-01 22:19 ID:BaaNsD6Z [Del]

why are all of you faggots

53 Name: Shinzou : 2015-03-02 15:12 ID:W6iHCrLZ [Del]

>>52 Keep the vulgar language to yourself.
As for that DNA hard drive, yes it is nice however it is irrelevant to the topic as he was asking if its possible to have a AI similar to the one from Sao, which would require billions of codes and scripts which would take hundreds of years to complete.

Even todays most complex AI won't even come close to Yui yet

54 Name: JackDenkin !3U.19DFF1s : 2015-03-02 15:18 ID:GbYevr2U [Del]

>>53 yeah but what >>52 shown is a hard drive which could house all that complex data, in which, i would assume an AI data to be that of Yui would be a massive data that would need a supercomputer to run the AI.
Its a start, to be able to put a massive amount of data into a one small data disk.

55 Name: GrainOfSalt : 2015-03-02 22:15 ID:0GGCYLHl [Del]

The way I see it, we don't understand psychology enough to make a human AI from scratch yet, but people are working on brain simulations as AI instead. If an AI is created from scratch it will be intrinsically different from a human mind. The same may be true of the simulations as well, as we can't perfectly replicate the society that instills these emotions. Summation, if an AI is created, it will be something truly new.

56 Name: Ziul : 2015-03-31 02:07 ID:IHZcYuAf [Del]

Look up on Artificial General Intelligence (AGI). Its the closest you can get.

57 Post deleted by user.

58 Name: Lofiq : 2015-04-01 07:21 ID:pVn6JpdG (Image: 640x353 jpg, 12 kb) [Del]

src/1427890917767.jpg: 640x353, 12 kb
Have you guys ever seen JIBO? JIBO is a family robot, capable of interacting with their owners. It talks, manage your appointments and do other A.I. stuff that we all would like to see and experience firsthand. It can also tell you a story and order food for you ^^. I think JIBO is still in development, but a video was already released and the company has already started accepting pre-orders for it.

Here's the website for JIBO:

59 Name: [Bump] JackDenkin !3U.19DFF1s : 2015-06-01 21:35 ID:y/j+WYea [Del]


60 Name: Pickel : 2015-06-01 22:38 ID:EQO3WaWF [Del]

>>58 This thing looks sick, but I can't help but feel it's too good to be true. Coincidentally that's the first item on their FAQ, but they don't really have an answer beyond "uh yeah it's real."

I really do hope this thing is legit, but I feel like it could just be some criminal masterminds with good video editing skills.

61 Name: Poppers : 2015-06-02 17:21 ID:eC3MJnPQ [Del]

>>58 Now is it ai or vi?