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Anyone here a computer programmer? (21)

1 Name: Setton : 2015-01-30 06:13 ID:oA5687VY [Del]

Hi! Is anyone here a computer programmer? I just want to ask what do you prefer the most? Being a self-employed or a company-employed? I'm not comparing the two, I just want to know your opinions because someday I will be like you, *my eyes were twinkling*


2 Name: TheVall : 2015-01-30 12:51 ID:NIS+bOgt [Del]

hmm,, it depends on our skill,, not only for coding but another skill like in management or accounting or else. if we chose for self-employed we also need to always maintain our products,, if we had many products it quite a handfull. if we just a beginner at this job i think it better for enter a company looking for exp first.

3 Name: Setton : 2015-02-01 04:24 ID:5TGiJU/B [Del]

Thank you very much! But, what do you think will have a long stability? I mean, for the life time work. Ugh, the truth was, this topic was our thesis topic. Hope anyone could help me. ^^ just needed some opinions ^^ Thankish

4 Name: aleotheoreo : 2015-02-01 06:17 ID:aRMH3IIl [Del]

speaking as a programmer that is both self- and company-employed, i can only say that it depends on your field of computer science. for example, computer programming that is based on web development is relatively stable in the workforce, but has high turn-around. i do part-time web development for fun and a little extra cash, but my primary income comes from work. on the other hand, game development is super competitive and really stressful, although you can get a pretty solid living doing that.

tl;dr it depends ::shrug::

5 Name: Setton : 2015-02-01 07:20 ID:GaIoNik5 [Del]

ohhhhh okay! wow, thank you very much. Yes! It depends on the field. I'll always remember that.

I want to be a part of developing a game someday ^^

6 Name: Scela-san : 2015-02-01 08:11 ID:3Zb7b92V [Del]

When will season 2 be released in the philippines?

7 Name: Setton : 2015-02-01 08:28 ID:GaIoNik5 [Del]

@Scela-san, season two of what? ^^ Durarara? It's already released ^^ I can watch it already ^^

8 Name: Setton : 2015-02-01 08:30 ID:GaIoNik5 [Del]

@Scela-san, but I think you're in the wrong thread ^^ Just saying it, no offense ^^ please...

9 Name: devektra : 2015-02-01 08:33 ID:KkHSLq1m [Del]

I'm not a programmer, @Setton, but I aspire to be one too!

10 Name: Setton : 2015-02-02 03:58 ID:xE067rXg [Del]

@devektra, I am too! ^^

11 Name: Inuhakka !inb4CaTsQw : 2015-02-02 10:29 ID:PrwufnyL [Del]

@everyone Just click the number of their post and get one of these >>10 >>9 >>8 >>7. They link to the post and you don't have to go snooping through the thread trying to find who replied to what or whatever.

12 Name: Setton : 2015-02-03 06:44 ID:R9uXgiYB [Del]

>>11 Oh! It worked, hahaha, thank you. I don't really know about it :D

13 Name: Invalid : 2015-02-03 11:31 ID:3EIhqhgC [Del]

As most of the others said, it depends really.
I'm currently neither self-employed nor company-employed, considering I'm still in school. But one day, who knows.

14 Name: Setton : 2015-02-04 07:12 ID:jcv+gWa9 [Del]

>>13 but if you're going to choose only one, what will you choose and why? ^^ Thank you! Just need to know

15 Name: Owl : 2015-02-04 13:10 ID:GBMOJ3wd [Del]

Both have thier own benifits according to your skills in programming and management. I'd put it through my perspective, I am a freelancer which means I am self employed. I don't have to answer to anyone above me, I have my own freedom to do the programming whenever I want and however I want. I chose to be freelanced programmer because I like working at night. But being a programmer I don't only have to only code but also fight the market to get a good project to work on. Since I am not very good at getting client I fail to get a project sometimes. Keeping that in mind, company provides a little benifit here. While working for a company I don't have to worry about searching for a project. I can simply focus my time only for programming. However it takes away my freedom to work on the project of my choice. Hope it helps you uderstand their benifits and cons.

16 Name: VampirePotato : 2015-02-04 16:00 ID:JfFE/hUc [Del]

You don't have to be employed to be a programmer. I learned most of the stuff I know from various different online sources, then got a diploma just for the sake of it. I plan on taking something different for my goal in life, but sometimes I help my uncle and mom out at freelancing jobs and desk jobs.

17 Name: Setton : 2015-02-04 16:40 ID:5mE/ngYT [Del]

>>15 thank you so much! I really need to know the side of a freelancer/self employed ^^ and you helped so much!

18 Name: Owl : 2015-02-04 20:39 ID:eXjgIUxl [Del]

Aye, glad to help.

19 Name: ARYA : 2015-02-05 18:02 ID:ulaGx8/x [Del]

I wish I were a computer programer

20 Name: Setton : 2015-02-06 03:45 ID:KZAVms6w [Del]

>>19 why not?

21 Name: Sir Rigel !ELOVzqQpGE : 2015-02-10 01:10 ID:MfTS/yvQ [Del]

>>19 Well, if that is your desire, then the best way in order to do so is to start.

Generally if you are just starting out, then I'd suggest going after either one of the Many BASIC variants (Hell, I started off on a crappy TI-84) or with a scripting language like Ruby or Python. Just don't be afraid to look things up, or ask for help.

Ruby Quickstart:

Python Quickstart:

MS Visual Basic Tutorial: