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Building plans. (9)

1 Name: NaVI : 2014-10-03 22:55 ID:N4lCDbB/ [Del]

So, A few friends and I have been building gadgets recently.
And we plan to build a Low-Altitude Recon Drone. For our next project. Anyone ever done this? If so got any tips?

2 Name: hexis : 2014-10-04 05:27 ID:ZzRrbOno [Del]

Use a heavy frane, with stainless propellors and be sure to properly insulate the receiver for high humidity at low altitude

3 Name: Urdnot Wrex : 2014-10-08 21:55 ID:ktkBJ4Ks [Del]

Quad rotor.

Much more stable than any other designs, except for the occasional octa-rotor that you see.

4 Name: Thiamor !ZPE1Q6VxaY : 2014-10-10 18:56 ID:0L2UYW9g [Del]

Yeah like this is real.

Every person thinks they are an engineer. It takes a professional to do this shit and I'm getting annoyed with how many little kids/teens comes on, and acts like they are some professional engineer.

5 Name: Obelisk !W5FDRY.r7E : 2014-10-10 20:41 ID:TLAUIhqY [Del]


No need to get angry about it. If a user here is really able to send something into low-orbit, good for them. If not, let them dream.

To answer the OP, weather balloons seem to be pretty solid at a basic up-and-down flight. I've seen Raspberry Pis integrated into projects too.

6 Name: Inuhakka !INb4cATsHE : 2014-10-11 23:22 ID:3yoHHkJR [Del]

>>4 This mindset is the reason science is so far behind.

People are discouraged from experimenting unless they have some sort of degree, and it hinders technological progress. It does not take a professional to make a drone. It takes some research skills and money.

7 Name: Thiamor !ZPE1Q6VxaY : 2014-10-13 00:12 ID:0L2UYW9g [Del]

Given we get a lot of these types of topics and yet never any updates lends me to believe they don't plan to do this, or can't. I'd be more.. accepting of this if more people followed through with it rather than just made discussion topics about "them making something".

We might as well have a discussion topic for engineering of sorts to limit this shit into one topic.

8 Name: Inuhakka !INb4cATsHE : 2014-10-13 13:37 ID:DFKSkpSN [Del]

>>7 That is actually a very good idea, such a good idea that it has already been made.

I'll bump it.

9 Name: Roanoke !u4youLLrGs : 2014-10-14 10:17 ID:TxMbkLTV [Del]
theres the link to the thread