Dollars BBS | Technology
















Bionic limbs, exosceletons and more (22)

1 Name: DaiMajutsu13 : 2014-09-20 05:12 ID:6zInebCw [Del]

Ok, so I've watched this TED Talks video about Hugh Herr, who lost his legs in a mountain climbing accident, only to develop newer and newer technologies to replace them with bionics, to climb mountains again, and to restore natural functions in the lives of many who have lost their limbs due to injury. I found this video so ingenious, that I'd thought I'd share it with you guys. Any oppinions on the topic?

2 Post deleted by user.

3 Name: Amefurashi : 2014-09-20 21:43 ID:Mqd/q1+L [Del]

*deleted my earlier reply, because I forgot to add something xD*
I think this is pretty awesome (U u U) Now, people don't have to be bound by physical disabilities~ I just hope that people would still take care of their limbs, even if replacements are available >.<

4 Name: DaiMajutsu13 !0UZD1OR/j. : 2014-09-24 04:18 ID:Q4IsS5jW [Del]

Wow, very little showing interest in this one. Although I think it's pretty incredible. Bumping it, to give the thread one more chance.

5 Name: Inuhakka !u4InuhakKA : 2014-09-24 09:11 ID:kudpN1yg [Del]

>>4 There's very little interest in the Technology board as a whole.

6 Name: Xephlrek!9RNNck.4fo : 2014-09-24 14:01 ID:0j0TWeMD [Del]

>>5 Fuck technology and innovations. We want anime.

7 Name: DaiMajutsu13 : 2014-09-24 14:56 ID:6zInebCw [Del]

>>5 Should've posted it into news, it's somewhat newsworthy. Well whatever, I did it by the book. What's done is done.
>>6 You can have both.

8 Name: Inuhakka !SfInB4cAts : 2014-09-24 14:56 ID:kudpN1yg [Del]

>>6 Excellent analysis, however sad.

9 Name: Xephlrek!9RNNck.4fo : 2014-09-24 15:35 ID:0j0TWeMD [Del]

>>7 No, it's one or the other.

10 Name: DaiMajutsu13 : 2014-09-25 00:34 ID:6zInebCw [Del]

>>9 Sure, whatever makes your day bro.

11 Name: Kaisuke : 2014-09-26 16:12 ID:2n7sD2zq [Del]

>>1 op I saw that on youtube the other day, and one thing popped into my head when I saw his legs was Deus Ex 3, if you have ever played it, you will know what I am talking about, as some npcs in the game have bionic legs and arms.

12 Name: Anonymous : 2014-09-27 00:16 ID:btbEGK5n [Del]

>some npcs in the game have bionic legs and arms

Oh, and also the main character.
That may have been a major point of the game or something, not sure.

13 Name: Kaisuke : 2014-09-27 02:46 ID:2n7sD2zq [Del]

>>12 Not to go off topic, but yes it was, and it also about what the meaning of being human is, and how far some people where willing to going i,e by replace limbs when they may have had perfectly good ones to begin with.

The game dose touch on things that could become a real life scenarios, if bionic limbs became that good and cheap enough, some people would be more then willing to do it.

14 Name: DaiMajutsu13 : 2014-09-27 14:15 ID:6zInebCw [Del]

>>13 That may be true, but that doesn't mean this kind of technology would be bad in itself, things like that happen because people tend to misuse technology. I just know one thing, I'll never forget the face that dancer made after she turned towards the audience.

15 Name: Inuhakka !SfInB4cAts : 2014-09-27 14:33 ID:l6PWoIgQ [Del]

>>13 I think it was sarcastic, but not too sure because sarcasm doesn't work on the Internet, >>12.

16 Name: Xephlrek!9RNNck.4fo : 2014-09-27 20:01 ID:0j0TWeMD [Del]

>>15, >>14 hasn't seen through any sarcasm posted here.

17 Name: DaiMajutsu13 : 2014-09-28 06:37 ID:6zInebCw [Del]

>>16 How did I get in the picture?

18 Name: OrekiX9 : 2014-09-28 18:53 ID:0vfe3ln4 [Del]

I saw it too,I'e been always thinking of building a bionic limbs

19 Name: Shizo-chan : 2014-10-03 22:34 ID:wlBPoQYv [Del]

I think it's great that people can have better lives through this type technology

20 Name: WolfBoy : 2014-10-08 16:29 ID:S0OvuDbb [Del]

This is, perhaps, a great step in the world of Technology.

21 Name: Xerxes Break : 2014-10-20 17:40 ID:oGqEN9/1 [Del]

This is fantastic! I myself want to help develop bionic limbs for animals who have lost them ^_^

22 Name: Masaya : 2014-10-24 08:43 ID:eteQTgRe [Del]

:O Imagine a bionic-human completely mechanical!~