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IBN 5100 (6)

1 Name: Haruka : 2014-09-11 07:09 ID:eI0WfVYs (Image: 1280x720 jpg, 58 kb) [Del]

src/1410437379265.jpg: 1280x720, 58 kb
Well maybe some of you have already watched Steins Gate and you're familiar with this device... It's bothering me, is this IBN 5100 and time machine really exist?

2 Name: geiser : 2014-09-11 14:34 ID:dN5GwEli [Del]

John Titor was a ~real~ guy who appeared on forums in the early 2000's claiming to be a timetraveler, providing photo evidence (not particularly clear, reason to believe fake) of his time machine. His story was that he was a soldier from the future who had to get the IBN 5100 due to its unique abilities as a computer to understand a somewhat 'rare' language. This was why it was needed: to decipher something from the future in this particular language. IBN 5100's at release weren't exactly made in the masses, so over time it as become an almost mythical sight to find one. Thats why Titor had to go back in time to get one, rather than find one in his own time.
Although, as we all know, time travel is fiction until proved otherwise. As far as I'm concerned, Titor was a very early-internet Troll, who provided a very entertaining story triggering a number of sci-fi time travel media including the previously mentioned Steins;Gate. There is an entire website dedicated to John Titor; every one of his internet appearances were logged and are displayed, including his images of his time machine and his explanation of time travel. Hope I answered your questions.

Here's the site -

Also, this does not deserve its own thread (I think) maybe try asking questions like this in preexisting threads?

3 Name: Katsono !adtcifLOss!!o+iuw+0S : 2014-09-19 17:51 ID:XK+EATVR [Del]

The IBM5100 is the first personnal computer released by IBM, follow by the 5110 and 5120 models. It does not have a specific encryption like it does in S;G and only supports APL or/and BASIC depending on the model. I guess there could have been a binary package only working on IBM5100 though, but not sure how.

4 Name: Thiamor !ZPE1Q6VxaY : 2014-09-20 14:45 ID:o3UKvhDd [Del]

This is a perfectly legit thread. On this we can discuss the actual computer.

5 Name: Inuhakka !u4InuhakKA : 2014-09-20 20:03 ID:bEd3yb/o [Del]

>>4 The thread has spelled the name wrong and asks if the contents of Steins;Gate are real. It's not really about the IBM 5100.

Don't think it's legit. It should be remade.

6 Name: ωRICE : 2014-09-21 20:25 ID:duKOOIe/ [Del]

Remade indeed, but the only reason the OP called it IBN is because of Steins;Gate which changed the name for obvious reasons, plus the OP lacked the knowledge of this computers existence to begin with.

Regardless, I guess you could draw relation.