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Virtual Reality (115)

1 Name: Kai : 2014-09-01 16:21 ID:aRvIg1Nc (Image: 953x535 png, 262 kb) [Del]

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Hey guys.
I'm sure you've all heard news about Oculus Rift, Project Morpheus, and all these other VR peripherals that are beginning to surface in the gaming community, and I wanted to get people's opinions on this subject.

Do you think this stuff is going to take off?

Do you think it can have uses outside of just gaming?

Where do you think the technology will go from here?

Do you think that sometime in the future we could potentially have devices similar to the ones used in Sword Art Online and .hack, that incorporate the brain itself as an interface?

Please leave a comment telling me what you think. Many thanks, fellow Dollar tech junkies!

2 Name: RollyPolly !!VbnYl8oi : 2014-09-01 21:25 ID:1ZTGn86H [Del]

There are other threads about this subject.

Honestly, I don't know which one is right anymore.

3 Name: Kai : 2014-09-02 10:54 ID:DObFOcJW [Del]

Right about what, exactly?
And can I get your opinion on this whole thing?
I would really appreciate getting something before this thread possibly dies. ;p

4 Name: Roanoke !u4youLLrGs : 2014-09-02 20:56 ID:uBQ1r5do [Del]

Do you think this stuff is going to take off?
> Yep. Definitely.
Do you think it can have uses outside of just gaming?
>Of course. Military, medical, controlling drones, a lot of stuff.
Where do you think the technology will go from here?
>Everywhere. This technology could go extremely far.
Do you think that sometime in the future we could potentially have devices similar to the ones used in Sword Art Online and .hack, that incorporate the brain itself as an interface?
> Maybe. Incorporating the brain as an interface device itself is a ways away and would be incredibly glitchy.

5 Name: Kai : 2014-09-02 21:54 ID:aRvIg1Nc [Del]

Thanks for the input! You've definitely given me some things to consider.

6 Name: RollyPolly !!VbnYl8oi : 2014-09-02 22:43 ID:WsMxpYxn [Del]

>>3 The 'true' thread. I've seen about 5 to date on various boards. There are already two on this very board, you can look in the archives.

7 Name: Kai : 2014-09-02 23:30 ID:aRvIg1Nc [Del]

Thank you. I found them. This is some interesting stuff. I'll post the links to what I found in case anyone wants to check them out too.

8 Name: Glasz Flame !EM20TOQlNo : 2014-09-04 08:40 ID:TpNEi4M6 [Del]

Aside from complete personal bias of EFFING WANTING AWESOME VR GAMES.. I think it would actually be very popular, for obvious reasons, and its applications could be far-reaching and limitless. Medical and military training, psychology (VR could be an interesting form of therapy!) and tons of other stuff I couldn't even begin to imagine.

They've already invented a brain-reading helmet thing that allowed testers to make characters walk in various directions by "thinking" it or giving the command via brain. Not sure exactly how it worked but I read an article about it from that gaming news show, Attack of the Show! and it seemed pretty legit... o.o

9 Name: Kai : 2014-09-04 19:52 ID:aRvIg1Nc (Image: 600x450 jpg, 56 kb) [Del]

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Thanks for the input! And your bias is welcome. You seem really excited about this! I've already seen some cool stuff for it. For example, they have a treadmill called "Virtuix Omni" if I'm not mistaken. It actually lets you walk as a means of moving your in-game character. Its pretty cool. I'll attach a picture.

Also, on a side note, I love Attack of the Show. Too bad the network got shut down. :(
X-Play was the gaming show, btw. AOTS was more general pop culture.

10 Name: Anonymous : 2014-09-05 00:05 ID:NyKR2AjY [Del]

While I love the idea of SAO, I think before we can go to something that amazing we need a lot more server processing power. Something like SAO stimulated a lot more than just a 3D appearance. I think it's possible, but our technology has to skyrocket in progress, at the rate it's going at currently, it may or may not be within our lifetime.

11 Name: Kai : 2014-09-05 19:25 ID:aRvIg1Nc [Del]

I've thought about that too. Before we can do something like that, technology overall would have to be advanced to a point far beyond our current capabilities. I know its not likely to happen within our lifetime, but I'll sure as hell attempt to live long enough to be able to try it! And if I don't, it'd be nice to have a glimpse of what's to come, at least.

12 Name: RollyPolly !!VbnYl8oi : 2014-09-05 23:15 ID:ipDPAmR9 [Del]

>>11 Of course it will advance to that point in our lifetime. We advanced from almost nothing in terms of resolution to near the limits of the human eye (4K) in just under 20 years. It's not slowing down any time soon.

13 Name: Kai : 2014-09-06 16:35 ID:aRvIg1Nc (Image: 800x718 png, 48 kb) [Del]

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Very true. But, we are talking about having to learn so much more about the way the brain works(in which scientists have only scratched the surface). That and multiplying processing power by so much.

Then again, we've got the wonderful thing you (sort of)referenced, known as Moore's Law (the graph). Which states that computer technology advances at exponential rates, doubling its processing power every two years.

That said, though, the same man who created the law, though, also stated that a trend like this cannot last forever, either. And research shows that this trend, while accurate, is beginning to slow down.

But who really knows? Its very possible that, if you're right, we could have technology like this within the next couple of years, or technological advancement could screech to a grinding halt beforehand. But when I see stuff like this article released JUST 2 DAYS AGO about the WORLDS FIRST HUMAN-BRAIN INTERFACE around, it seems like a real possibility.(link to article below)

14 Name: Xephlrek!9RNNck.4fo : 2014-09-06 18:26 ID:0j0TWeMD [Del]


15 Name: Xephlrek!9RNNck.4fo : 2014-09-06 19:01 ID:0j0TWeMD [Del]

>>14 Basically how transistors react to each 1 and 0 would be different.

16 Name: Kai : 2014-09-07 14:07 ID:aRvIg1Nc [Del]

Scientific research paper? Nice touch. And thanks for the link. ^-^
So this explains one of the recent advancements in computational research then? Very cool. I'll have to find the time to read it in its entirety.

17 Name: Gekkou : 2014-09-09 12:53 ID:XDRBrpx3 [Del]

Hopefully VR games won't be inspired by SAO because dear god that would be awful.
But definitely good for those who are in need of intimate waifu time.

18 Name: Kai : 2014-09-09 18:13 ID:aRvIg1Nc [Del]

LOL. Very nice! X)
Well, it doesn't have to be SAO (though TONS of people would LOVE that, granted, nobody has to die...). I could see tons of different genres of games flourishing from something like this. FPS, open world, Adventure, RPG, MMO, you name it. You gotta look at all the possibilities. Chances are, there is gonna be A LOT more on the market than just an SAO game for these things. Thanks for the input, and hope you find what you're looking for in the world of VR gaming.
(mmm, yes. INTIMATE waifu time...)

19 Name: Sayomi : 2014-09-13 11:44 ID:PJ5e00pX [Del]

This idea could take off, Infact its already being developed and is nearly ready to go on sale. But before anyone can actually release anything other than the occulus rift (such as the nerve gear in SAO) they'd have to be 100% sure that they've eliminated ALL the risks and health threats. Otherwise it would be too dangerous to sell or use.Things like these are very delicate when it comes to using the brain or tampering with it so it'll take alot of time. But I really hope that they can make a safe version of the nerve gear because, admit it, that would be bloody awesome :)

20 Name: Kai : 2014-09-14 17:16 ID:aRvIg1Nc [Del]

Awesome Reply! That really is a valid point that I haven't even considered yet. What are the safety risks?
I am aware of stuff like that flying around, but you're right. There are a lot of risks involved with "brain-play" (for lack of a better term). For example, what would happen if that stuff really COULD fry your brain? In the coming years, we could have the technology, but before anyone can get their hands on it, we'd have to make sure it doesn't have the potential to harm anyone.

21 Name: Yso : 2014-09-14 23:13 ID:y1/S0/OD [Del]

Here's my 2 cents from what I've seen so far in advancements to the technological industry:

"Do you think this stuff is going to take off?"

Yeah definitely. There's a lot of hype for it, and at the moment we have enough technology and demand to support it. The main challenge that will be faced from now on is getting games/applications that are actually made for virtual reality. The games won't be similar to regular console/PC games and that's where some companies are going to have to risk putting all of their eggs into the virtual reality basket, with no other console/PC alternatives.

"Do you think it can have uses outside of just gaming?"

It already is. Some people are using it as a virtual doctor, others for showcasing locations and houses, etc. Definitely, there are various applications for virtual reality.

"Where do you think the technology will go from here?"

This technology specifically, will most likely first have small advancements towards the hardware to improve things such as size/weight, latency, and video quality, including others. The next big step I think will be virtual headsets that use mind-scanners to predict what you want to do. This technology is already being tested in the medical field, which is probably the industry that will bring tons of support for virtual reality.
As for nerve-gear type stuff, it probably won't come for awhile due to the obvious risks involved. Intercepting brain nerves are no joke, it's a serious risk especially when you're intercepting the whole body. Fortunately, nerve-controlled objects are already in testing (thanks to the medical industry). It's in the beginning stages, but they are managing to connect mechanical limbs to people's nerves and allow them to control it as if it were a real arm/leg. This is probably a very small step towards that "nerve-gear" type reality.

"Do you think that sometime in the future we could potentially have devices similar to the ones used in Sword Art Online and .hack, that incorporate the brain itself as an interface?"

Yeah, as I explained above, most likely. Full-nerve interception is still going to take some time though, but I think brain-wave headsets (or something) will soon come about.

22 Name: Kai : 2014-09-15 17:02 ID:aRvIg1Nc [Del]

Wow. You really put a lot of thought into that, didn't you?
You really took a lot of different variables into account; from both the technological and the business side of things, and I'm very impressed.

The big consensus so far seems to be that a lot of people want something like this to happen. And from what I can gather, it could very well happen within our lifetimes, should everything go smoothly.

Assuming the research and development doesn't see too many problems, the big issue here would be, as you said, a company willing to risk it all on such an ambitious project that may turn up HUGE profit or become a financial black hole; and not only that. There is also the risk that maybe there are simply not enough people willing to buy it. Personally, I don't think lack of buyers is going to be an issue, though, unless the titles they release are REALLY BAD.

23 Name: Yso : 2014-09-15 18:52 ID:y1/S0/OD [Del]


I wouldn't say I put a lot of thought into it - I've just been following news related to these things and sort of gave a small analysis.

And yeah, that is one of the main big issues imo. However from the amount of progress, I think eventually some companies will make games only for VR. And for people buying it, I think that comes hand-in-hand with how good it is (compared to consoles) and the amount of games/applications that can be used on it, similar to how we see people buy Xbox over PS4 (or vice-versa) for exclusive video-games.

I'm also ok if they wish to delay the release of the VR tech, since I still haven't really seen much progress on VR-only games. There would be almost no point to release it otherwise.

24 Name: Kai : 2014-09-17 17:48 ID:aRvIg1Nc [Del]

All the same, thanks for your input.

All of this information might just help give us a glimpse into the future of what's to come, and all of our hypothetical "2 cents" could help to amass a great wealth of insight into this stuff(and all sorts of other things, for that matter).

I'm sorry if that sounds REALLY corny, but I'm really excited by the possibilities here. And the possibility that we could get something like this within our lifetimes; and I'm sure you all can understand how I feel. (the hype is REAL!)

25 Name: Termicreeper : 2014-09-22 13:55 ID:2+N83piT [Del]

I think it is possible. If it does kick off I will be right there to buy it and play it.

26 Name: Mar : 2014-09-22 19:12 ID:C2M50IQW [Del]

Maybe it is possible so here i am saving enough money to buy one. hoping!

27 Name: BarabiSama !!C8QPa1Mt : 2014-09-23 10:50 ID:p5Siy5dj [Del]

Personally, I would like to see games like these incorporated into open areas (even if it's just a booth with a dynamic floor) where you can walk around and see the graphics of the game. Rather than having people vegetate in headsets while they're playing with their brain, have the headset take care of the senses sight, smell, sound, taste, then a bodysuit that takes care of touch and mimics the weight of armour, etc and otherwise let them walk and move as if the game was real.

28 Name: Dragonhand : 2014-09-23 17:26 ID:+eXlES6J [Del]

It will be possible, but not in our lifetime I am afraid. To transmit something directly into our brain, even if it just images, is a research that is taking a hard time to come out, Virtual reality would mean not only visual but other other kind of information as well, taste, pain, etc. We are far from decoding the human/machine interaction.

29 Name: Nero : 2014-09-24 11:41 ID:+vL3ulvL [Del]

I would say it will take lift 2020

30 Name: MGDex : 2014-09-25 12:17 ID:z/fLeiTj [Del]

It will be a hard subject at first, but when people improve on it and get better with the games and devices, it will sky rocket. Both public and military services will have high demand for it. We just gotta find a way to actually be in the game without the side effects from sao.

31 Name: Einheri : 2014-09-25 13:12 ID:haS3ehY6 [Del]

Super virtual waifu time frenzy party!™

32 Name: Sirius : 2014-09-25 22:55 ID:duKOOIe/ [Del]

I guarantee you, someone is gonna make a virtual harem game...where its your harem.

33 Name: Yso : 2014-09-25 23:19 ID:y1/S0/OD [Del]


The Japanese already have many weird virtual girlfriend simulators so.... Yeah this will probably be one of the first games to come out. (Did nobody mention they already made a VR Boob-grab simulator?)

34 Name: †rus† : 2014-09-27 20:11 ID:Qoqn8JqN [Del]

i was hoping to make a VRMMO just like SAO but sadly the hardware is still not yet finished and only shows you visuals... and the software still has no platform in which you can make a VRMMO that uses electronic signals that links to your brain... so sad...

35 Name: Kai : 2014-09-28 13:04 ID:aRvIg1Nc [Del]

>>25 >>26 Agreed.

>>27 It would be nice, but something like that (headset+room+body suit)could potentially be more expensive than the headset itself.

>>28 >>29 >>30 It could take a while, but I'm still waiting...

>>31 I'd buy it... (hopefully, it's mod friendly...) >.>

>>32 Like Yso said, those already exist, lol

>>34 The old posts have proven that this is very possible tho. It may not be finished yet, but we're on our way.

36 Name: Kitsune : 2014-09-28 13:29 ID:zeLN6VNn [Del]

This may make fans squeal.We are now one step closer.

37 Post deleted by user.

38 Name: Kai : 2014-09-29 13:59 ID:DObFOcJW [Del]

I think I already referenced the Virtuix Omni in an earlier post. I agree, though, it is awesome. I kind of want one to hide in my closet, like a whole epic setup, and then be all "Link, Start" like a huge nerd. :) (c'mon. wouldn't you?)

39 Name: Flygar : 2014-09-29 23:17 ID:s4DQp1Ns (Image: 267x189 jpg, 8 kb) [Del]

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Is it odd that I would feel oddly content being a beta tester, and if I ended up being trapped in a SAO type of situation with a high chance of dieing, I would feel excited? The idea of a new world to explore floors me. Even if it meant I would die in the process, the one thing I hate about our world is I was born in a time where the world has been explored, and we have yet to truly be able to explore space in the same way Columbus did. Venturing into the unknown.

40 Name: ωRICE : 2014-09-30 00:42 ID:duKOOIe/ [Del]

>>39 It's not odd. Whenever I hear on the news about a new planet with the potential to be habitable I get excited :P It's kinda the same thing, basically escaping the world you live in because you hate it.

41 Name: Kai : 2014-10-01 00:15 ID:aRvIg1Nc [Del]

I don't blame you. Somehow, I think my life would be better in Aincrad, in an ironic sort of way.

Like, maybe, we can form meaningful relationships, explore new lands, do amazing things, and have a chance to do something that matters, without having to deal with the endless stress and obligations of our everyday lives.

A chance to really feel alive, I think.

Am I wrong to think this way. Is it wrong to actually kind of WANT this?? 7_7

42 Name: Shizo-chan : 2014-10-01 08:38 ID:rWZ+D81A [Del]

It could be cool and you probably have the same probability of death inside and outside of the game even though you don't really realize it

43 Name: belial : 2014-10-01 10:16 ID:XMESOpyk [Del]

I'd probably never leave my room if this happens. And it will, but maybe not in our generation anytime soon. I love oculus, but it's sort of off now with facebook's ownership of it. Morpheus on the other hand is on a little higher level than the oculus, but apparently not as up to par on graphics. Love the full wide screen though compared to the optics of the oculus. Plus, Sony could actually make so much bank if they opened Morpheus to the public, to developers like oculus does. But I guess, Sony doesn't want that and makes Morpheus solely for the PS4. Gah. /facedesks.

44 Name: Kai : 2014-10-01 21:58 ID:aRvIg1Nc [Del]

Found this article. Apparently, VR is already being used by Lexus for virtual test drives of their new vehicle. This really shows one example of how this can be used in the marketing field, and a bit of how versatile VR can be.

45 Name: Yso !W/IO5.bsnw : 2014-10-14 19:03 ID:y1/S0/OD [Del]

Mind-controlled prosthetic limb. I would like to see this eventually implemented into VR.

46 Name: ZeroCoolX : 2014-10-14 20:33 ID:kuRrgjfE (Image: 940x424 png, 563 kb) [Del]

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I would LOVE to try it out...... then there is the mind control and the glitches and bugs and map creation and they HAVE to make a copy of the SWORD ART ONLINE game into reality because i really want to become a solo player and become ahead of everyone because I LOVE GAMING!!!

then there is $$$. Will someone please pay me to play these types of games? (not happening right?)

47 Name: BigBadWolf : 2014-10-15 13:21 ID:Qmk3LWee (Image: 245x205 jpg, 9 kb) [Del]

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Man the technology is amazing :) this is going to be epic,i am so happy that some day i will play sword art online!Can you belive this???

48 Name: Kai : 2014-10-16 10:51 ID:DObFOcJW [Del]

It's definitely a good point of reference. The NerveGear intercepted the motor commands for use as character input, and it would make sense to use similar logic that prosthetics use when tracking brain signals, although this would have to be done non-surgically.
I feel you, bro.
Isn't it cool? I'm really into this stuff, and something like this would be something I would LOVE to see come into play within our lifetimes. The hype is real, and I hope I see you online, good sir.

49 Name: Yso !W/IO5.bsnw : 2014-10-16 19:44 ID:y1/S0/OD [Del]


Yeah it definitely would. I'm not saying we'll implant chips for VR, but this is a start. Eventually they might make a brain-controlled prosthetic that doesn't require an implanted chip, and the technology can be carried on to other fields.

50 Name: Zer0Tonashi : 2014-10-16 20:29 ID:sXbYsRD4 [Del]

This really would be a breakthrough in technology, but one of the main problems here are that some people are working on it for video games, some for medical uses, some for movies, some for weapons, some for computers et cetera. I think that if they all worked together, and then separated into separate fields of work, we could have something like a real VRMMO much sooner than later.

51 Name: " " : 2014-10-19 13:51 ID:XTiKt0dp [Del]

odds are its possibile but it will take alot of time and money but yes it would be awesome

52 Name: Cyolf : 2014-10-20 01:22 ID:aAt0DCHP [Del]

well virtual reality has already been used to cure some phobias already so it could be used for other medical purposes later in the future

53 Name: HornedAngel : 2014-10-20 21:29 ID:pECbmBl2 [Del]

I want SAO. And for that matter GGO and ALO. It would give us a new world to live in. So I for one would be happy if I was stuck in SAO.

54 Name: Rena : 2014-10-24 12:30 ID:ON1vquCP [Del]

I want SAO too! It'd be so awesome to actually go into virtual reality and battle with a sword. >:D

55 Name: spk : 2014-10-24 19:35 ID:fyKgL7yA [Del]

Being in SAO would be awesome! it would totally be worth the risk.

56 Name: Atheris : 2014-10-25 07:09 ID:axDrSx9R [Del]

Well, this technology will be good for medicine,psycology and games.It will be great for humans, but maybe when it be completed I'll not live enymore :/

57 Name: Azusa : 2014-10-26 03:07 ID:0TXp/Bzy [Del]

i heard of it before, and a lot of people are against it too especially adults.....
because it might not be a good thing.... I heard rumors from the web, that more VR peripherals will be released at 2020 to 2022
but i'm not against it...

58 Name: ledo jaeger : 2014-10-29 16:52 ID:awCJjhaK [Del]

I bet that these will be the earliest forms of a greater technology in the future. Something will sharpen the experience, and some brand will popularize it, and it'll only increase. Then, of course, there's all the concerns about escapism...

59 Name: Neko : 2014-10-30 09:07 ID:Ymyl7n2l [Del]

Technology is evolving so fast I think it could happen by about 2020. Still, a single bug in the system could create something like what happened in SAO.

60 Name: 溝田 : 2014-11-03 09:40 ID:w4Awjhs6 [Del]

I hope it does and forget what the other people says they just fear changes and danger too, but whatever I just want it to happen as well as going to another planet that would be very exciting :3

61 Name: Joppix : 2014-11-05 01:27 ID:zkAG9fl4 [Del]

I want it!
I want it!
I want it!
I WANT IT!!! ♡.♡

62 Name: Grim666 : 2014-11-06 13:52 ID:tstAcMs+ [Del]

It's being developed as we speak.

63 Name: Anonymous : 2014-11-11 17:47 ID:buDcvOvC [Del]

As far as face mounted displays and headphones are concerned,
they'll probably grow big within the next 20 years, once they
solve the nausea problem, cost issues, game compatibility, and
not wanting facebook to track your eye position.

As far as direct control (nerve gear, .hack stuff) is concerned:

Yes, it could take off, I'm unsure how long it will take before it becomes big though.
I do believe that nervegear-style devices are possible, and it is currently possible to recieve signals from the human brain.
However, interpreting these signals well enough to determine exact meaning, will probably be much more difficult.
They also have not yet figured out how to send signals directly to the brain, so that would also be a current issue.
Further, there is no suitable way to block nerve signals to the muscles yet either for gaming purposes,
though I might hypothesize that sending the right signals could simply prevent nerve signals from sending.

Therefore, I would say that it's probably possible, but I wouldn't go betting on seeing serious prototypes this decade.

64 Name: Izaya O. : 2014-11-12 23:19 ID:Hjj1v2Ub (Image: 165x181 png, 47 kb) [Del]

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I also want one but what are dreams ,they are our imagination so i dont dream.I have an active imagination

65 Name: Puck !OTHETEnDOU : 2014-11-14 14:41 ID:siKv7PJ/ [Del]


66 Name: Griol !Kvsv.pc8OA : 2014-11-25 00:55 ID:l7vrTgH7 [Del]

I want a nerve gear so much x) Give me a nerve gear + Star Citizen or a Star wars game and no one would never see me again x)

67 Name: Loxynome : 2014-11-27 16:44 ID:3cal0nM0 [Del]

I think the Oculus rift is going to be just stupid it just gives you a the best kind of first person view they can give you but like SAO they have where touching,seeing,the rush and the feeling is just the greatest feeling ever its like your not at home wereing big glasses but in a new world were you don't need a controller.thats my opninion im saying that it will be 6 to 12 more years to get like SAO or more depending on how much people what a new and better experience.

68 Name: Yuukio : 2014-11-28 02:26 ID:NUKOLFDJ [Del]

For hikikomori people, it's a chance to travel without leaving the house. haha.

69 Name: Some Guy : 2014-11-29 00:14 ID:W3q9tA+i [Del]

That Nerve-Gear!! Is it bad that I wouldn't mind being trapped in a virtual reality game like the show?? <<< I only want this to happen like 25% out of 100% Lol, but nah that would be bad though.

70 Name: daccano : 2014-11-30 11:01 ID:TmNU+lfv [Del]


71 Name: Frost : 2014-11-30 16:23 ID:Fc5Cpk8v [Del]

I hope we will never get something like the nervegear, because

1. Fucking with the brain is dangerous and I definitely don't want my brain to be linked to a maschine. Think about what happens when the machines have malfunctions or anything. It will probably harm your brain!

2. Many people will prefer VR over real life and that is not a good thing

72 Name: Junktio : 2014-11-30 21:59 ID:UoIdfLzJ [Del]

@Frost True Most ppl would prefer the VR. which is a problem. But in some cases it is also a good thing. & messing with the Brain is Very Very Dangerous.

73 Name: LittleRat : 2014-12-01 10:50 ID:zWH75MX2 [Del]

Well if they ever manage to find a way to connect it to the optic nerves maybe... Thats about the simplest way they could do to see if they could place an image directly in your head. But would require surgery and a lot of problems comes with the topic.

Also there is the problem of test subjects.

74 Name: MGDex : 2014-12-01 11:44 ID:1PESTTfF [Del]

What about hospitalizations? People disabled, unable to move, in a coma, etc. It can be a medical breakthrough to some, and a curse to others. The listed above can use this item of fine machinery to actually do what the really want to do. It can help plenty. In all honesty I like the idea of the VR, if you put all things of pros and cons there are more pros. So I support use of VN, for that reason.

75 Name: Yuukio : 2014-12-02 04:26 ID:NUKOLFDJ [Del]

I was wondering, VR would give half paralysed people a good hope to "move" again if their paralysis is not due to brain damage but physical damage.

76 Name: Kai : 2014-12-02 11:26 ID:xuaoT4FY [Del]

I agree with you. It could have tons of good applications. Besides, if something were that dangerous, it would have worked out the kinks before being released to the public.
Aperture Science. ;p
Interesting thought. That'd be really cool, actually. Perhaps, by that time, we would have perfected artificial limb interface as well. It would make sense, considering what we are dealing with.

77 Name: Alloliza Ayi : 2014-12-02 14:39 ID:86sqp0TY [Del]

anyone that is technologically smart and all that go to and read over which part u wish to help in.
this is for the production of full dive VR technology

78 Name: JNR$ : 2014-12-02 17:58 ID:lLLNc3n6 [Del]

it's still in it's early stages but this tech will always have a demand as it progresses

79 Name: Daburu !PoDzetOEMw : 2014-12-03 20:53 ID:6FQE/Wzq [Del] thought that since this is about the nerve gear, that people would like to see this

80 Name: Kai : 2015-01-13 22:45 ID:aRvIg1Nc [Del]

>>77 >>79
Thanks, you guys! This is some awesome stuff! I appreciate the contribution! I sure hope those groups combine forces. I imagine they could make great progress together. Here's hoping it goes strong, and the the devs don't get sued for copyright! LOL

81 Name: Tempus : 2015-01-14 15:49 ID:ok4rkcr+ [Del]

I see alot of possible uses for something like this once we develop the tech needed to interface with the brain directly, for instance put one on a person in a Coma than even though IRL they are in a coma they would still be able to interact with people in the online world. however in order to be able to develop anything like the Nerve Gear Rig we would need to learn a shit ton more about the human brain than we currently do, the funny thing is i would love to see a team of Neural Scientists and Game Designers in a hospital teaming up to learn to make this (NOT A GAME DEV TEAM LIKE EA OR BLIZZARD, i would love to see Valve getting involved in this however GO GabeN)

82 Name: Sawako : 2015-01-14 18:21 ID:psm124tl [Del]


83 Name: [ ] : 2015-01-14 21:20 ID:OgFeoXqk [Del]

there are professors in the states saying it will be commercial full dive tech in 2025

84 Name: Kai : 2015-01-14 21:41 ID:aRvIg1Nc [Del]

Agreed. That'd be amazing to see. Uses for both medial AND entertainment purposes! Of course, big companies like EA or Ubisoft would ruin the game by either half-assing a release or attempting to monetize off of in-game microtransactions, or likely both. (Gaben is love. Gaben is life. ;p)

Save up your moneys now, people! All aboard the VR hype train! :)

85 Name: JaywhY : 2015-01-16 03:38 ID:Yp4hYiOj [Del]

I need THIS!!!

86 Name: Celty : 2015-01-16 09:56 ID:tj8mqn7s [Del]

that would be so cool if we could do what they do one Sword Art Online. i would get first chance i get

87 Name: Seph : 2015-01-17 16:25 ID:pxndchFO [Del]

Having one of those would be good but its risky. What happens if they have one of those moments when the equipment malfunction and kills you?? kinda scary.

88 Name: Cakeman : 2015-01-17 22:57 ID:kN9r3ciL [Del]

I love the idea of a Nerve Gear but if I'm plugging something into my brain, I'd probably not go first gen. Still, wouldn't it be awesome to explore a world like Aincrad?

89 Name: Dav_00 : 2015-01-18 16:34 ID:ImZ8d6Fj [Del]

That would be cool! Got to be expensive at first though, like google glass

90 Name: J-DP : 2015-01-19 06:01 ID:L46oKXbF [Del]

I think that at some point we ll get to the point that we ll have technology of this level as a matter of fact i really fancy this idea.I just wish i m not too old when that happens

91 Name: : 2015-01-19 12:09 ID:g05s99Lz [Del]

well, the concept itself could probably be created right now, with current scientists and engineers working on it. They managed to get a professor across the country to control the hand of another profesor wirelessly to play a small game, so we're close.

92 Name: Night : 2015-01-20 13:04 ID:+fflDy9O [Del]

To be honest i dont think were even close to what they did in SAO but we took a step in that direction. maybe within the new 10 - 15 years or so but to be able to put your body to sleep and enter a virtual world where you can feel, sense, touch, and smell everything around you might take awhile accomplish. it'd be amazing to experience something like SAO though.

93 Name: Zeno : 2015-01-21 21:39 ID:YFeF0LGZ [Del]

I think we're getting pretty close to this. It may take a while for it to really take off but we're getting there. The sony visual headset reminds me of the visualiser from the .//Hack series.

94 Name: Mlxn : 2015-01-22 10:58 ID:SxltVvuB [Del]

That's already possible, but there are some trouble.
I think there's a lot of things to improve before taking this kind of technology. As we see in SAO anime, this is very very dangerous if its suscetible to security fails (As Aincrad Arc, our brains could melt)

95 Name: Lie : 2015-01-22 13:46 ID:BWVLBen6 [Del]

Oculus Rift will cause the real life sword art online, I call it

96 Name: Things : 2015-01-23 04:46 ID:0X4otAXi [Del]

There are a few conditions that must be met for this type of technology to really make an impact in the technological world. The biggest reason being that we need to find a way to make controls for moving your online persona more realistic. Trying to think of yourself as walking while pressing the WASD keys will stunt the growth of this technology. Overall, the project has good intentions and has definite potential.

97 Name: Elucidator : 2015-01-24 04:13 ID:/lrcKzq4 [Del]

Haha now with Hololens, this might not be a dream anymore ;)

98 Name: Alisa-chan : 2015-01-24 13:56 ID:jcArMBPR [Del]

If things go as far as to the SAO i will definetly use it! :)

99 Name: aquaREMUS : 2015-01-24 20:44 ID:muKnILQq [Del]

I have high hopes for remote android space travel. I also think that such complete virtual submersion provides a new way to study the brain and subconscious.

100 Name: Orion : 2015-01-27 16:53 ID:eIValm/K (Image: 720x405 png, 335 kb) [Del]

src/1422399237300.png: 720x405, 335 kb
I had an issue with the above mentioned Hololens. Because the Microsoft Hololens uses holograms, the objects and virtual surroundings will all be see through, and thus reminding anyone who uses it where they really are.
My VR fantasy is to use VR to create worlds where I can escape to, to enjoy something I would never have the opportunity in real life. So, if I am, let's say, flying around as a fairy in Alfheim, if I can see my real body in real bedroom, I'm going to be constantly reminded that I am living in real life. For me, this defeats the purpose of VR gaming.
Now I know the Hololens isn't created for gaming, and that's fine, I just don't want practical VR to get in the way of development for VR gaming. The Oculus Rift atm is the nearest thing to the ultimate VR machine as far as I can tell. The ultimate machine being the AmuSphere :)

101 Name: Arya : 2015-01-29 21:30 ID:Jec8INR0 [Del]

I really want full dive VR to be invented soon, I just want my own world where I can do whatever I want. That would be awesome!

102 Name: Orion : 2015-01-30 13:10 ID:eIValm/K [Del]

Agreed :D

103 Name: Rin : 2015-01-30 23:11 ID:R2RKA1hk [Del]

SAO exists!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

104 Name: White : 2015-01-31 08:57 ID:6Z0JRbG5 [Del]

Don't worry guys... I think 10 or 20 years some scientist will make virtual device like that to become reality

105 Name: Hanike !wq1l7vdkbQ : 2015-01-31 15:48 ID:gdJFu5eB (Image: 960x720 png, 884 kb) [Del]

src/1422740916064.png: 960x720, 884 kb
You should check some real info about VR, not just sci-fi or stuff like that.
My grad project was on Virtual Reality and Mixed Reality. So I can honestly tell you that that's something very real and with tons of real applications, gaming being only one small dot in a giant sea of cool stuff.
Also, there are different forms of virtualization of the world: some are very present in our day-by-day, some are research-matter and others are future-tech stuff.

106 Post deleted by user.

107 Name: devektra : 2015-02-01 08:38 ID:KkHSLq1m [Del]

I'm pretty sure this stuff will get made and sold. Since heaps of people have seen anime on this stuff, its going to sell.

108 Name: KuroCaliber : 2015-02-02 15:24 ID:46hl8alF [Del]

My friend's team created an oculus rift program at the hackathon we went to, my team didn't get to work with the rift, but we still managed to create a hand movement based dragon fighting game like from the xbox kinect.

109 Name: player : 2015-02-03 11:52 ID:8Lt5ZLxy [Del]

yes in the next few years its gonna grow in popularity because
of the many things you can do watch an almost realistic movie,browse the web in an interactive way, and give a new meaning to virtual reality and an immersive experience.

110 Name: miruku : 2015-02-03 18:50 ID:sEKjLez6 [Del]

i believe someday we will have gaming systems like SAO but they endanger the lives of gamers if something happened within the game like SAO this could bring a negative affect on how to people view the government. the government is formed by the people to control the people. they would probably make the gaming system illegal due to the bad things it can cause

111 Name: LolnationCH : 2015-02-03 20:02 ID:1y1vzOcY [Del]

Just look at what Microsoft will be launching, HoloLens... That. Will. Be. AWESOME!

112 Name: Orion : 2015-02-04 14:37 ID:eIValm/K [Del]

I think, since SAO exists, anyone who tries to make a VR kit like in the anime will try their best to make it impossible to harm the human body. I'm sure there will be regulations and tests and 'Good Hackers' trying to find a way to misuse the kit, and thus fixing the issues. To let a dangerous VR kit onto the market would be stupid considering we have SAO to learn from.

113 Name: VampirePotato : 2015-02-04 15:57 ID:JfFE/hUc [Del]

Augmented reality isn't a dream anymore! There are a lot of promising products on the horizon. And they have a lot more uses and applications in loads of other fields besides gaming

114 Name: ARYA : 2015-02-05 18:03 ID:ulaGx8/x [Del]

This would be the best invintion ever, although it would take a very long time for it to be completed, probly until 2020

115 Name: Sapchan : 2015-02-06 07:57 ID:1zhdVMVU [Del]

Yeah, AR and VR stuff is really cool, I've messed around a lot with them. Honestly speaking tho, the technology that we have right now is like not even close to SAO or Half-Prince stuff. Right now using Occulus Rift for like more than 10 min hurts your eyes a lot and a lot of the AR glasses right now also don't work really well. Still really hopeful tho cause i really wanna develop games on it.