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What is the other name for the laptop Sony VAIO SVF152190X? (10)

1 Name: mochichi : 2014-05-28 09:47 ID:eOjI4TGG [Del]

I saw this on town yesterday and I saw that the specs are really good (i think?)

Well here are the specs listed to be more accurate

Intel core I7
2GB Nvidia GeForce 740M
8GB RAM ddr3
15.5" Monitor
Windows 8

I haven't brought a laptop for years so not much experience here.
I looked in various sites including sony's and I couldn't find a specific laptop that matches this description.

Maybe it's custom?

Note: I'm not even sure if i should post this here but I just decided I will know if I'm correct or wrong when the mods sage this or not

2 Name: Thiamor !ZPE1Q6VxaY : 2014-05-28 10:26 ID:F5z1/F6/ [Del]

That might be it. Not being rude. I think it is.

3 Name: mochichi : 2014-05-28 11:29 ID:eOjI4TGG [Del]

Thank you very much for your reply and in fact I love that site you just told me now but let me tell you something..

I don't think anyone would consult here before googling their desired shit, unless the person is a total fucktard. Also, majority of people these days google before asking something stupid(not sure about you though).

My deepest apologies if you find my language quite rude.

Again, I appreciate your reply and have a good day.

4 Name: Inuhakka !u4InuhakKA : 2014-05-28 11:49 ID:2rG7fEuC [Del]

>>3 This is, more or less, my opinion. Being an asshole because someone asked a question you can answer and therefore think is easy to answer is dumb.

5 Name: Thiamor !ZPE1Q6VxaY : 2014-05-28 14:05 ID:F5z1/F6/ [Del]

It's just that if you knew the model number, you're able to google it, and it brings up the exact computer you're wanting to look up. I just find it funny how you knew everything it had, stats, model number, and yet didn't know it's name.

6 Name: mochichi : 2014-05-28 15:50 ID:eOjI4TGG [Del]

That's exactly the reason why I'm asking here, on the technology board since I thought I may find the answer here. Like I said, those various sites that I looked upon didn't give me the matching info.

7 Name: BarabiSama !!C8QPa1Mt : 2014-05-28 17:32 ID:p5Siy5dj [Del]

>>6 The answer is the first result on Google when you look up the model number :L

8 Name: mochichi : 2014-05-28 18:51 ID:eOjI4TGG [Del]

It does tell me a bit of info but they don't give me the price which is the second info I need since I think the shop in town is overpriced (and yes that's the only shop I saw that has this specific laptop...welcome to my retarded country)

9 Name: Thiamor !ZPE1Q6VxaY : 2014-05-28 23:13 ID:50HEqsHq [Del]

It says the price is like 5,500 dollars.

10 Name: mochichi : 2014-05-29 12:33 ID:kM3CDoex [Del]

That's in Emarati Dirhams. I converted it, giving me around $1500, which was pretty close to the price I saw in the shop.

It still didn't give me some stuff like the name of the VGA but this info will do.

Thank you very much and have a good day.