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Tech assistance? (6)

1 Name: Martin : 2014-05-18 11:46 ID:K7H5yo3Y [Del]

Hey, I need help. My laptop, Its a HP Pavilion TouchSmart 15 Sleekbook running on Windows 8, is connected to the internet but it keeps showing that it is "Unable to connect to proxy server" anytime I try to load a page. Can anyone tell me how to fix this?

2 Name: thanatos4438 : 2014-05-18 14:52 ID:zzf6+t2n [Del]

What browser are you in?
EX: Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Internet Explorer?

3 Name: Martin : 2014-05-18 14:57 ID:c9aqvC54 [Del]


4 Name: thanatos4438 : 2014-05-21 22:05 ID:zzf6+t2n [Del]

If you go to settings and hit show advanced settings, it should have spot that says network. Under network, it should mention proxy settings. Assuming you connected to a proxy at one time it may still be trying to connect and changing the settings in there or disabling proxy browsing should fix your problem. If it isn't your browser's proxy settings your computer might have the settings. You can go to control panel, network and internet, and internet options. The box should have a tab labeled privacy. There should be some information there if it is trying to connect to a proxy. All you have to do is remove the proxy setting and it should go back to connecting regularly. If you had a proxy sometimes an easy fix is turning the proxy on and then exiting out of it from the program and it will change the settings back automatically...just depends on what proxy and if you were using a browser or hard drive based one. I hope this helps.

5 Name: thanatos4438 : 2014-05-21 22:07 ID:zzf6+t2n [Del]

Sorry it took so long to reply...forgot i had posted here and didn't check...

6 Name: Martin : 2014-05-21 23:22 ID:c9aqvC54 [Del]

I won't be able to try this for a few days but if it works I'll post back if not then I probably won't be able to access this site for the entire summer break... I really hope this works