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Virtual Glasses with Facial Recognition Software (34)

1 Name: Mycroft : 2014-02-11 16:58 ID:Dgqgat1W [Del]

What are everyone's thoughts on the ability of Google Glass (and hopefully more devices later on) that will be able to use a combination of police records, social media, and FRS in order to recognize people for us and tell us their criminal backgrounds?

2 Name: OrekiX9 : 2014-02-12 14:01 ID:sDA2a48b [Del]

Well...I think of it as a great technology

3 Name: kabk : 2014-02-12 20:05 ID:yjM3eseT [Del]

no thanx i would like my id to stay secret, peace out

4 Name: kabk : 2014-02-12 20:05 ID:yjM3eseT [Del]

no thanx i would like my id to stay secret, peace out

5 Name: Mycroft : 2014-02-14 15:53 ID:Vm0zxvdB [Del]

In the age of social media and smart phones, there is no such thing as "secret" anymore.

6 Name: Orihara : 2014-02-17 08:02 ID:p7nye7vh [Del]

The criminal could just get plastic surgery and while I do agree with Mycroft I still don't like the idea :/

7 Name: Sinclaire : 2014-02-17 10:42 ID:utHkuyEG [Del]

Although it would be nice for footage and recording of accounts, the main perpose of dollars was to be non-publicity, no?

8 Name: Sinclaire : 2014-02-17 10:42 ID:utHkuyEG [Del]

Although it would be nice for footage and recording of accounts, the main perpose of dollars was to be non-publicity, no?

9 Name: Sinclaire : 2014-02-17 10:42 ID:utHkuyEG [Del]

Although it would be nice for footage and recording of accounts, the main perpose of dollars was to be non-publicity, no?

10 Name: Sinclaire : 2014-02-17 10:42 ID:utHkuyEG [Del]

Although it would be nice for footage and recording of accounts, the main perpose of dollars was to be non-publicity, no?

11 Name: Mycroft : 2014-02-17 15:00 ID:Vm0zxvdB [Del]

I rather enjoy the idea, it will make having to deal with people so much easier if I don't have to remember their names in public.

12 Name: RollyPolly !!VbnYl8oi : 2014-02-18 09:51 ID:uvJq3lm3 [Del]

>>11 If it has to be controlled by Google to work, I don't want anything to do with it. Think of all the data mining Google does with Chrome and its search. Can you imagine what they could do with millions of people feeding visuals to them?

13 Name: maruru : 2014-02-18 11:29 ID:wkwxM5HC [Del]

>>12 Google already knows what you fap to (Google SE, Chrome). They might already know your face (Android smartphone camera/facebook via Chrome,...). And of course, they know where you live (internet location; maybe even exact GPS position from your Android smartphone^^). What could they possibly do with visual input? Count your nose hair?

I think, visual recognicion with name on HUD would be convenient. But it would mean we use our brain even less. People tend to become more lazy. And dumb.
Just think of this: if those glasses remember everything for you, you won't train your memory. So if you ever have to remember something, you will get a real headache from doing so.
Our world won't survive long with people like that.

14 Name: RollyPolly !!VbnYl8oi : 2014-02-18 11:42 ID:uvJq3lm3 [Del]

>>13 Almost everything.

They could know who your friends are, your family, what your house looks like, where you work, who your boss is, etc. They have a large bank of information already, but this would fill in every gap there is.

You're right, we would use our brain less and less. It's the same as every new technology doing a skill for us that we gradually forget over time. I just hope it doesn't happen within my lifetime.

15 Name: maruru : 2014-02-18 12:02 ID:wkwxM5HC [Del]

>> 14 facebook knows your friends. Google already knows how your house looks like (Street View). Where you work isn't a great secret either. A very lot of people (including me) make it public (e.g. on XING - all the places people have already worked at can be stored there) to use it as a reference and get job offers. That way, they also most likely know who your boss is. Alternatively, they could give your company a call and ask for your boss. They will most likely succeed.

16 Post deleted by user.

17 Name: Inuhakka !u4InuhakKA : 2014-02-18 16:00 ID:B0LaTzo4 [Del]

>>15 Google doesn't own those services yet, though, so getting that information would cost money. Using Glass is more efficient, free, and less limited in terms of the information they can mass produce from it. If they had to call every company everyone worked at to get their boss's names, it would be very time consuming and inefficient. Glass just makes it much easier, so with that ease they can collect more data.

>>14 It probably won't go completely obsolete within your lifetime, but you will definitely see a decline in skills related to that area.

18 Name: maruru : 2014-02-18 17:47 ID:wkwxM5HC [Del]

>>17 true enough. But if your information is out there, why now be scared? I don't get it...

I mean, everyone knows that Apple collects information via iPads and iPhones. Theoretically, those thevices could do the exact same thing. Many people use them, walk around with them, do important work on them,... but still, a lot of people here sure have an iPhone and will not stop using it just because they might be observed by Apple. Why be scared of Google? Why not Apple?

Oh, and what about Microsoft. No one talks about Microsoft. I am pretty sure they collect hell of information. All they need to do is make Windows send them info about data stored on the computer. Maybe they already do it today! Still, you would not fear using your Windows computer, would you?

Just by browsing this site, the Dollars-BBS server receives more information _automatically_ about you than you might want it to.

So why is everyone scared about Google's glasses? Is it not just a smartphone which is outside your pocket all the time?

19 Name: Mycroft : 2014-02-18 22:02 ID:Vm0zxvdB [Del]

I think you are forgetting that you can use your brain in more ways than just as a messy information storage system.
If I need to remember something, I'll make sure to store it in my memory palace; if I don't have something useful to remember but may come in handy then a smart phone that brings up the data instantly is unlimitedly useful.
Not to mention the fact that I have prosopagnosia; so figuring out who people are is always a pain I have to deal with. Google glass will compensate for that easily.

20 Name: Anonymous : 2014-02-19 09:46 ID:soT+zm4/ [Del]

First, it's probably going to be used for identity theft a lot.

Second, video recording and face recognition combined will destroy any concept of freedom of speech, as anonymity will be a joke, assuming it already isn't. You won't be able to hide your location from GPS tracking, and if you leave it at home and are seen, someone else's one will flag you.

Third, it will probably become as integral as cell phones are, but be more ad-filled.

21 Name: maruru : 2014-02-19 10:03 ID:D5vxBBy0 [Del]

>>20 Go wear a helmet?

22 Name: Asuka : 2014-02-25 07:05 ID:+05NYKft [Del]

>>21 Lol reminds me of Psycho Pass

23 Name: maruru : 2014-02-25 10:00 ID:D2DSMdIV [Del]

>>22 was intended ;)

24 Name: Mycroft : 2014-03-08 17:01 ID:ytK/lg/j [Del]

If we are able to recognize and unlimited number of people, then we would have no psychological "outgroup" to have less empathy for unless they were registered sex offenders or have a severe criminal record. By the dictates of human nature alone we can predict that we will gain much more empathy for people since we would have an increased ability to recognize people.

25 Name: rick101777 : 2014-03-10 12:02 ID:2k6cmPqF [Del]

I believe that Google glass could reach great achievements, but will be limited by the US government.

26 Name: Frey : 2014-03-10 14:15 ID:isf/aXFA [Del]

This is a device that shouldn't be created. Knowing someone before you meet them is too much this early.

27 Name: Frey : 2014-03-10 14:15 ID:isf/aXFA [Del]

This is a device that shouldn't be created. Knowing someone before you meet them is too much this early.

28 Name: Frey : 2014-03-10 14:15 ID:isf/aXFA [Del]

This is a device that shouldn't be created. Knowing someone before you meet them is too much this early.

29 Name: Frey : 2014-03-10 14:15 ID:isf/aXFA [Del]

This is a device that shouldn't be created. Knowing someone before you meet them is too much this early.

30 Name: Thiamor !ZPE1Q6VxaY : 2014-03-11 01:52 ID:KC1U7lXI [Del]

You basically know people without meeting them with the Internet.

31 Name: DifferentView : 2014-03-12 22:17 ID:k7q1WLxH [Del]

Plus there's the whole violation of the fourth amendment thing... you know, freedom of privacy...

32 Name: Thiamor !ZPE1Q6VxaY : 2014-03-13 16:01 ID:0SLdOPK0 [Del]

Implying we even had privacy?

33 Name: Chreggome : 2014-03-17 03:48 ID:98zt1lj5 [Del]

I'm very mixed on this topic.

I would be for it only if the face recognition thing also read people's power levels.

Shit would be neat.

Otherwise, I think this is a stupid idea and I make it my goal to call anyone I see with these stupid glasses a nerd, among other things.

34 Name: Thiamor !ZPE1Q6VxaY : 2014-03-17 18:01 ID:qBdGbDZo [Del]

I like the idea of the glasses, not the idea of Facial Recognition.