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White Hat Hacking (4)

1 Name: Lith : 2014-02-02 13:32 ID:Ry0R8s7e [Del]

So, I want to get into hacking. Not the stereotypical hacking into a government database, steal information and sell it to the black market kind, but white hat hacking. I heard it can get you quite a lot of money (Facebook pays $500 minimum for a bug and Google pays $20,000 if the threat is big enough) and it is also legal, so I want to learn about it. The thing is, I don't know much about hacking, other than you find a weakness and attack that, plus the fact that it takes longer than expected, and you don't just keep on slamming the keyboard, more of a "send and attack and leave it for some time" kind. So, if anyone can link me to some places where I may be able to get started, or if you could give me some tips, that would be appreciated.

2 Name: maruru : 2014-02-02 16:27 ID:N9L7zrkO [Del]

A nice tool for starters is Metasploit. Start there, try to understand the scripts you use, make your own scripts.. there you go. Not exactly a secret or anything.
But just for you to know... a lot of people who know a lot about hacking try to earn money that way, too, so I don't see any chances for you to earn any money with this. At least not in the next 10 to 20 years. And by then, $20k is not even worth trying. Because it can take months to find a bug in Google without having sources etc. It's easier to just get a normal job.

3 Name: Lith : 2014-02-03 12:13 ID:mIdpIKVz [Del]

Ah, thanks. As for the jobs thing, I just like computers and things like that. I wouldn't have it as a real job, because I want to be in a band or play piano music, like TheIshter or Animenzzz, or maybe even transcribe harder pieces from Vocaloid like Marasy. Sadly, jobs in the music industry doesn't make much pay either, so I'm not giving myself a chance here. Haha~

Either way, I am still a student, who is studying normal Information Computer Technology, and I'm doing BTec Music. I did choose to do Business Studies too, so I think if I fail in the 2 I listed, then I might be able to get another job.

4 Name: Dark net : 2014-02-04 14:35 ID:m64xoR1q [Del]

I'd say learn scripting and if you want to get anywhere alot of scripting c++, c#, a, vb script, java, etc. I'd recomend just going to college for computer science and if you can there are plenty tutorials out there its just gonna take time...alot of time. Chances are you will not be able to make a living off this. But if you really want to there is an alternative that gets you serious money but its also extremely illigal find sites under the radar of the gov. (Normally found on hidden wikis which you need a safe browser to go on) and offer hacking services to people for bit coins which can be exchanged for cash.