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Thumbs up or down on a laptop (9)

1 Name: Solace !o0GOqY0U0w : 2014-01-17 04:23 ID:G6ZoZwKb [Del]

Hey guys, just a quick little help thread for my buddy.

Basically, he is thinking of buying this laptop as a casual/moderate gaming computer, and asked me for the yes or no.

Unfortunately, I have little experience with building computers (as of yet, am planning on getting some soon), and don't want to fuck up his spending.

So basically I need some help, is this laptop worth buying? Do tell.
Thanks already.

Also I visit the Technology board fairly infrequently, so if there is a thread that this is supposed to go in that I missed, let me know.

2 Name: Solace !o0GOqY0U0w : 2014-01-17 04:24 ID:G6ZoZwKb [Del]

Or if you guys know of a laptop that you think would be better, that would also be great.

3 Name: Inuhakka !u4InuhakKA : 2014-01-17 06:40 ID:b+N3bSN3 [Del]

It's a good laptop, however it seems a tad pricey. It has an SSD, which is nice, but you'll only be able to fit programs and the OS on it, rather than games. You don't need 16GB of RAM for playing games and you won't need to anytime soon. I have 8GB and it is more than enough.

If he must get a laptop (for portability, etc.) this is a good laptop. However, $2000 seems too high, and if you built a desktop of the same price it would be ridiculously powerful in comparison. I built mine for about $1100 (US dollars), and it would outperform this laptop.

My final verdict is that the performance would be good. It seems to be a well-built laptop, but it is a bit thick, and from my knowledge the fan is also a bit loud. However, I think that configuration is worth about $1700 rather than the $2000 it's being sold for now.

There's this laptop, which has the same processor, same amount of RAM, a bigger SSD (256GB!), bigger hard drive, better graphics, a Blu-ray burner, and a bigger screen, all for $300 less than the Alienware. I don't necessarily trust that site, but I'm just showing that I don't think that Alienware is worth it's price.

There is a building your own computer thread, but this isn't building your own computer, and the technology board doesn't get much traffic as is, so I don't see a problem

4 Name: Dilff : 2014-01-17 19:25 ID:I4Stkc7E [Del]

Hello, I'm the friend of Solace's (first time posting on Dollars please don't shoot me)
There is a laptop near exactly the same as that one, with only 8GB RAM and it's about $300 cheaper. Should I go for that one instead?

5 Name: daremo : 2014-01-17 21:32 ID:mqIcCHp4 [Del]

At the end of the day, it really depends on what your friend is looking for in a laptop. Alienware computers are a tad pricey, but quite reliable and well tuned for gaming. If that's what he's looking for, go for it.

6 Name: Inuhakka !u4InuhakKA : 2014-01-18 16:58 ID:bXHhC84K [Del]


8GB is entirely sufficient. If you really want, you can even add more RAM to the laptop after you buy it. If it is only the RAM that is significantly different, then I would say yes.

Posting the other laptop's specs might be helpful.

7 Name: Dilff : 2014-01-20 17:49 ID:I4Stkc7E [Del]

The laptop with 8GB of RAM is exactly the same as the one with 16GB.
Thanks for your help, too.

8 Name: Solace !o0GOqY0U0w : 2014-01-21 03:24 ID:ca13a35j [Del]

Thanks Inuhakka, you've been super helpful.

Dilff's laptop is the exact same specs as the original one, just with the lower RAM.

Thanks again, bud.

9 Name: Solace !o0GOqY0U0w : 2014-01-21 04:25 ID:ca13a35j [Del]

Just saw that I got ninja'd one day in advance and now feel silly.