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The NSA and software to spy on us? (7)

1 Name: Tekato : 2013-12-17 07:54 ID:YoyVJxHc [Del]

"The National Security Agency/Central Security Service (NSA/CSS) is home to America's codemakers and codebreakers. The National Security Agency has provided timely information to U.S. decision makers and military leaders for more than half a century. The Central Security Service was established in 1972 to promote a full partnership between NSA and the cryptologic elements of the armed forces.

NSA/CSS is unique among the U.S. defense agencies because of our government-wide responsibilities. NSA/CSS provides products and services to the Department of Defense, the Intelligence Community, government agencies, industry partners, and select allies and coalition partners. In addition, we deliver critical strategic and tactical information to war planners and war fighters.

By its very nature, what NSA/CSS does as a key member of the Intelligence Community requires a high degree of confidentiality. Our Information Assurance mission confronts the formidable challenge of preventing foreign adversaries from gaining access to sensitive or classified national security information. Our Signals Intelligence mission collects, processes, and disseminates intelligence information from foreign signals for intelligence and counterintelligence purposes and to support military operations. This Agency also enables Network Warfare operations to defeat terrorists and their organizations at home and abroad, consistent with U.S. laws and the protection of privacy and civil liberties.
NSA/CSS exists to protect the Nation. Our customers know they can count on us to provide what they need, when they need it, wherever they need it."

Ok so, everyone here as pretty much heard about the NSA, and what they do. Recently there has been several news reports regarding the NSA and them spying on us constantly (Acting as big brother). They seem to be using Investigation software, and other complicated codes, programs, and a lot of funding. Most people, including the Cyber Terrorist group Anonymous, think that it's against the Constitution, and that it's just a step closer to no more rights.

My question to all of you is do you think personally that the NSA is doing what they need to do? Are they just straight up spying on us? Or maybe you think they are a alien race who wants to study and dissect us to destroy the planet?
Put what you think in the thread space down below, and thanks for reading.
(Also if you want your comment or post on youtube, leave your Youtube channel down below or say "I want this on youtube)
Thanks for reading!!

2 Name: daremo : 2013-12-18 00:33 ID:GWpcNpZh [Del]

First, I think calling Anonymous "terrorists" is going a little far. A lot of what they do is criminal activity, but it is no terrorism. Terrorism, by definition, aims to create terror and panic. Anonymous has other objectives (whether you agree with them or not isn't the question here), and none of those are to purely "incite terror and panic."

That said, evidence brought up by Snowden as well as the security community strongly suggests, if not proves, that the NSA is indiscriminately spying on everyone, U.S. citizens included. This evidence includes things like fiber taps found on Google's data centers and the DUAL_EC_PRNG algorithm which cryptographers agree is clearly backdoored (and many more).

Whether you think what the NSA does is necessary or not is up to everyone to decide for themselves. Although I am a proponent of privacy and security, I concede that it's ok for the NSA to do *TARGETED* spying against known or suspected criminals or terrorists. However, what they are doing now is hardly targeted, and I do not agree with it.

And whether you agree or not, what the NSA is doing is without question ILLEGAL. Blanket spying on U.S. citizens IS against the Constitution, and there is no public document that exempts the NSA from these laws. The NSA, in its current state, is basically a criminal organization funded by the government.

I'm not saying it needs to be disbanded. I'm saying it needs better oversight. It needs regulation. That's just my two cents though.

3 Name: Tekato : 2013-12-18 12:44 ID:YoyVJxHc [Del]

Thank you, just to inform you. I think you're right, and excuse me for calling Anonymous a Terrorist group. That was only a title given by most agents in the government. What I was asking was what was everyone's opinion on this matter. Sorry if I had said or heard something wrong.

4 Name: Anonymous : 2013-12-27 22:30 ID:a179kX19 [Del]

>>2 Not only that, but "terrorism" is more of a term to try to circumvent normal laws on the books. Isn't terrorism really just premeditated murder, illegal weapons obtainment, treason, and intimidation? I'm not calling it a good thing, but as a society, we probably don't need to make terrorism exceptions to our constitutional rights, as the crimes involved in terrorism are already on the books.

5 Name: daremo : 2013-12-29 06:13 ID:RwUmNigT [Del]

>>4 Terrorism has more to do with motive than action. No combination of other law terms really quite cover it.

Terrorism is any act carried out with the purpose to incite terror. Most commonly, this refers to mass murder of civilians. The ultimate goal is not necessarily the killing itself, but the fear and panic it creates.

For example, take the American Revolution. Certainly, the revolutionaries obtained weapons illegally, committed treason, and murdered and intimidated countless British troops. However, I think few would suggest this is terrorism because the goal of the Revolution, ultimately, was to obtain freedom, not to terrify the British peoples.

While the term 'terrorism' is arguably misused by government agents in order to circumvent legal process, I'd like to note that the term is still valid, even if its application isn't.

6 Name: Hero26 : 2014-01-02 06:41 ID:GXqO/pPF [Del]

Even if they find out our password they'll just see that were all good people

7 Name: maruru : 2014-01-02 15:58 ID:ilscnq+P [Del]

>>6 This site is not made to be safe. You can enter it without password (I do not think that a safe design is intended. Googling dollars password on google should be enough to get to some Durarara discussion.)
Also do never forget that the NSA has means to read your HTTP requests, listen to what you say over the phone, read your SMSs and so on. They do not even need to get on this site.