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minor phone troubles (5)

1 Name: Ao!xbaEGjJEyU : 2013-10-14 22:15 ID:y1Pnocx/ [Del]

Yeah this thread I don't expect to get anywhere so I'm not gonna put much effort into makin it look too pretty. Slappin it on the page raw, no sugar coating.

I have an Alcatel OneTouch (blah blah some other shit long numbers and letters and shir blah) and for some reason my battery will not charge above 77%. I've tried charging it while it was off taking the battery out and putting it back in using different chargers etc. To no avail. It works fine otherwise, it just doesn't last as long. Any advice? (And for those who are looking up stuff, its about 4.5in tall and maybe 3in wide. Thanks for reading!)

2 Name: Sleepology !4a6Vun8zuw : 2013-10-15 00:33 ID:UaFI9qWX [Del]

Call tech support, go to one of those places that actually repair phones/computers/etc., try using a different battery, etc.

3 Name: Ao!xbaEGjJEyU : 2013-10-15 09:33 ID:+KT/PPgq [Del]

Went to the shop they said "try this and if not that then this then if not that then this" and then I was done. Haven't had the chance to go back recently but kinda hopin I can to see if something (anything) works. So far I can't do any of those due to lack of funds and resources (brokemanprobs #thastruggleisreal #whatthefuckamidoing

4 Name: Anugar !8wy2pTNghM : 2013-10-16 08:50 ID:paLIWRpD [Del]

>>3 Tell them to try all that themselfs and once they find a solution to call you.

5 Name: Misuto!M4ZBq07Cs. : 2013-10-21 10:55 ID:ob83s1n+ [Del]

Kind of a late answer; I don't check the site that often. I can only make guesses, but I had a similar problem with my laptop, so there are a couple questions you should ask...

Does it indicate that it's charging forever while plugged in at 77%, or does it simply stop? If it does the former, that's potentially a problem - it's drawing a charge that isn't going anywhere, and that's either indicating a deficiency in your battery, the charger, or in a best-case scenario, the battery monitoring software on your phone. The lattermost means about the same thing as the next option:

If it stops charging at 77%, at least it stops at all. It could be that the software reading is off, and it's actually at 100% charge. Have you compared your battery life now to how it was previously? Is it really ~23% shorter, or does it last basically just as long? If it's actually significantly shorter I would suggest replacing the battery altogether. Shit's worn out and broken.

Try to diagnose things in this manner yourself before contacting customer support. If you still have a warranty and you determined that it's likely a problem with the battery itself, you could probably get them to send you a new battery after they run you through the standard tech support process.