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TOR malware (7)

1 Name: Feralwolf : 2013-08-06 12:45 ID:C87NrHFb [Del]

Well the FBI has made their move.

I think we all knew that this was gonna happen eventually, the FBI was bound to target TOR eventually. Don't get confused by the "child porn" in the title, most websites that were "infected" were legitimate websites (e.g TORmail)

Basicly what they did is they inserted a bit of malware that activates when you visit a site from "Freedom Hosting", what the malware does is, it starts to download a tiny package from the FBI's operation center (thus giving your IP to the feds)

However this malware can be easily stepped over all you have to do is

- Switch of JavaScript
- Update TOR if possible.

Anyway what are your thoughts on this?

2 Name: Anugar !8wy2pTNghM : 2013-08-06 13:49 ID:YFQAYDfu [Del]

No one is stupid enoght to use javascript in TOR

3 Name: Feralwolf : 2013-08-06 13:53 ID:C87NrHFb [Del]

Well the people who know how to use TOR will be unaffected (so the people who the FBI wants will just laugh it off) while the average anon trying to learn about the deepweb will spend ten years as Bubba's bitch.

well done FBI!

4 Name: Plato!JZFVKEQYEc : 2013-08-06 18:27 ID:dqhBz3Bg [Del]

Lol, switching to javascript and updating TOR won't help you get away from exploit kits. If you even look at crappy black hole with a 1% infection rate, it's not even downloaded and executed by javascript. Even with that, the market for them is insane with all the FUD exploits that are being created. There's really no escape from exploit packs.

5 Name: apathetic)!8rZxl1.7GA : 2013-08-06 18:37 ID:552o3m5b [Del]

Is SWIM going to get black vanned for having visited a few Freedom Hosting sites in the past?

6 Name: Plato!JZFVKEQYEc : 2013-08-06 19:43 ID:gTG4gxtF [Del]

>>5 SWIY can't get in trouble. It's fine.

7 Name: Feralwolf : 2013-08-08 09:32 ID:AjZ6dX2e [Del]

>>5 The FB of I doesnt have the resources to raid every single house.

most likely they will raid the people who have the most visits downloads etc etc.

so it depends on what SWIM does on TOR