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Free tv series website? (13)

1 Name: akaixtenshi : 2013-06-04 03:32 ID:8d5Ca1Qy [Del]

I wanted to watch tv series in the internet, particularly Big Bang Theory. I can download the series but there's no more room in my laptop for another addition. So I just wanted to watch the series, starting from the first season. But I can't find a good website to watch it for free. is not available to our country and Netflix is not free. I'm asking for suggestions where can I watch? I wanted something that works like or rather counterpart of and Thank you very much! ^__^

2 Name: FalseAlarm : 2013-06-04 09:45 ID:ofywpM8X [Del]

Delete some old stuff. There's got to be at least one old series that you would hate to watch again.

3 Name: FalseAlarm : 2013-06-04 09:46 ID:ofywpM8X [Del]

Or consider getting an external HDD. If you have lots of movies, backups is a must since HDD are prone to crash

4 Name: akaixtenshi : 2013-06-04 11:00 ID:+CnKvjId [Del]

I actually consider buying external HDD but haven't saved enough money to buy one. I usually spend my savings with movies and anime stuff. I like to delete more but I become anxious that one day I might want to watch them again. LOL. But I'll reconsider. I have complete season of Nikita. Perhaps I wouldn't want to back track on 1st and 2nd season. Thanks anyways! ^__^

5 Name: Anugar !8wy2pTNghM : 2013-06-04 13:31 ID:l5elvrjs [Del]

If you live in Potugal try:
It runs on add so be prepared for some pop ups, or you could just install Ad Blocker. You'll also need to create an account (due to some hard traffic on the website, they can't be perfect it's a free project after all)

If not then I can't help you, But I recommend on buying a HDD or getting rid of some old data on your current drive.
I bought a 1TB HDD and moved all my media files there, 500-600 GB of music, series, animes and movies xD

6 Name: MKOLLER !YYk5m0jo12 : 2013-06-05 02:45 ID:qZHI7HaZ [Del]

That's the site I generally use. Fuckton of advertisements but the show selection is pretty nice. I've used it to watch Breaking Bad, House MD and the movie Pulp Fiction.

7 Name: TheifPhantom : 2013-06-05 10:53 ID:FxkcXsg1 [Del]


8 Name: Shizaya : 2013-06-06 09:56 ID:5yMa7OoA [Del]

Have you tried Youtube?

9 Name: bweeze : 2013-06-07 01:39 ID:4Vleq7gM [Del]

>>7do what said thats what I use all the time

10 Name: Leon !X6TvWf2ifs : 2013-06-17 11:51 ID:hHhRDFq9 [Del]

I use >>7 as well.

11 Name: Mia : 2013-06-19 18:54 ID:HUMuK6S9 [Del]

movie2k websites that haven't yet been blocked by the U.S. Government. Just type Movie2k into Google it will display movies and films but also had TV series!

12 Name: Hana : 2013-06-21 14:35 ID:SPOwP4SP [Del]

I highly recommend
They have free tv shows and movies with several fairly high, high quality, and hd videos :)

13 Name: blacknekomata : 2013-06-21 16:06 ID:tExhQDQe [Del]

FYI: is currently hijacked MOST people don't know that in may “The [] domain was hijacked from our registrar with a combination of falsified documents and a major security exploit in the registrar’s control panel, that allowed attackers to access any account in their system without a password,” we moved it to