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Rise of the 3d printer (18)

1 Name: Vigil : 2013-05-30 20:25 ID:T4DncqhV [Del]

First of all, what is a 3d printer. a 3d printer is a device that is able to take a compouter file like a CAD and then make an actual object out of it. Rather then making a paper copy of an image this is able to form real life material. Usualy these can make objects from plastic but some of the more advanced ones can do it from ceramic and metal. Generally this is done by forming layer after layer of solid material until the object becomes whole. 3d printers have actualy been around for a while but as time has passed its becoming cheaper and more available to the average person. Granted it costs from around 1000-8000 dollars but sooner or later one can expect them to become much cheaper. interestingly enough what has recently made the public more aware of this device is the recent creation of home made firearms using. The company that created the single shot handgun has also allowed the public free access to not only the CAD file for the gun but also many of its other files such as its 30 round mag. In fact the fire arm was produced with nearly all its parts being made in the 3d printer exept for a firing pin. in other words the handgun is a full plastic handgun all but for the pin. In lieu of this various officials and such have been trying to bash the advancement of this technology as something that can eventualy lead to the complete bypassing of gun laws and the creation of firearms that can penetrate metal detectors. Lol, but for better or for worse this seems like its going to be a pretty cool and controversial piece of tech once it becomes more mainstream.

2 Name: Dissonant9!HOi5X8RW3E : 2013-06-01 20:58 ID:ptMvvEid [Del]

Yes, by the looks of the videos I would say it could probably be made on a Makerbot. The problem is that 3d printers will still run the buyer around $1500 for a fairly inexpensive one like the makerbot, so that is still impractical for the average user for now. That being said, >>1 I can't wait to watch this controversy unfold as the technology becomes cheaper as technology tends to do.

3 Name: Ikaros : 2013-06-04 18:16 ID:bCWI1Q95 [Del]

The 3d printer guns are actually really crappy. First they only have one shot. Second, If you are lucky, it wont blow up in your hand. The plastics that make the gun cant actually withstand it being fired. Third accuracy is horrible because of the short barrel and weak components. In the end using a plastic knife would be more effective

4 Name: Anonymous : 2013-06-05 00:27 ID:T4DncqhV [Del]

Actualy the gun has been fired, its been tested and the plastic involved can indeed stand up to the bullet, heh the video is even available on youtube and the official site. True its a single shot but remember this is the first printable handgun made, obviously their is room for improvement. However I will admit that it can only stand being fired around 7 times before the gun no longer works. Still for a fully plastic gun that is not bad, and as a weapon for assassination its a viable weapon which im sure is why many want further controls on guns that are able to pass through metal detectors. In fact I just found out that the site that hosted the official plans for the gun as well as all the other CAD files such as the 30 round mag has taken have been taken down as per a gov request. Interestingly enuf the liberator pistol has been uploaded around 100,000 times and have made their way to the pirate bay and other sites. Its funny that the more the gov and officials try to ban and control certain pieces of information the more publicity it gets. the more these officials go and make a big deal of it the more people are going to want the data or not. Its like even if they don't want to make the gun at all, lots of people are simply attracted to taboo information.

5 Name: Ikaros : 2013-06-05 15:40 ID:bCWI1Q95 [Del]

The cheaper the printer you get the more likely it wont work. I heard that only the higher end printers can make liberators that can fire multiple times

6 Name: GodHatesFags!8NBuQ4l6uQ : 2013-06-05 16:48 ID:IADllylr [Del]


7 Name: 11th Doctor : 2013-06-05 17:34 ID:4kzbs0XI [Del]


8 Post deleted by user.

9 Name: 11th Doctor : 2013-06-05 17:35 ID:4kzbs0XI [Del]


10 Name: 12th Doctor : 2013-06-09 17:31 ID:YiFk8OAS [Del]


11 Name: Anugar !8wy2pTNghM : 2013-06-16 14:30 ID:YNSBpTSQ [Del]

Nasa is making 3D printer that print food, they are currently trying to print pizzas
Why ? Here's why:

12 Name: binKa !FtvrRDgvH. : 2013-06-17 02:16 ID:r1P9krxR [Del]

OH my teacher showed us a video of this at school! This is really cool although for how expensive it is but I can't say the price is ridiculous because of how good the quality and thought has been put in to the technology itself! But there are a lot of companies are against the 3D printer because of how the 3D printer could print out your own shoe and people won't have the need of going to shops to buy the things they want but instead print it off and they have it straight away.

13 Name: Vigil : 2013-06-20 13:54 ID:T4DncqhV [Del]

the thing is even tho you can print out stuff you would still need the "ink" or otherwise the raw material. you need the plastic, metal, ceramic, or food material that the printer would use to actualy form the complete product. as to the idea of companys and such not being a fan of the printer for the reason that it can eat into their profits, heh well that's technology for you. how many jobs have robotic manufacturing, computers, the internet, ect cut away from people. im not saying that that's a good thing, but one cant kill new tech just cause it could have said ramifications. one of the only interesting things about being alive is to see how far humans will take technology. imagine how far this tech will go in 10 years, then imagine tech in the next 30-50. I dunknow, I just thought its kinda cool XD.

14 Name: Kiba : 2013-06-20 17:00 ID:PK0SNSOq [Del]

What i find most amazing about it is that it can actually print separate moving parts like cogs and gears which will spin and not be well.. stuck together? it just amazes me ^^

15 Name: Kokkuri-san : 2015-04-23 15:59 ID:Uxz/gSq5 [Del]

If you guys are interested, I found an Stl file on a website called thingiverse and you can print your own Dollars logo if you want!:D but thats if you have the printer lol

Here's the link:

You have to download the stl file and then click drag it onto your software or whatever other way you have. I'm gonna try it on Tuesday!

16 Name: Hiroki : 2015-04-23 16:57 ID:M1tafWCw [Del]

A mere milling machine could easily build that Dollar logo, for less money, less time, and with a greater option of materials.

Don't you have something that fully uses the capacities of a 3D printer ?
For example, some are able to print an already build and articulated bike chain.

17 Name: Kokkuri-san : 2015-04-24 04:48 ID:Uxz/gSq5 [Del]

>>16 well, this is for small scale 3D printers...But the idea is there if you wanna try it out.

If you've got the software, you could try making it into a key chain or something

If you want something besides a Dollars logo, hop onto the thingi website and cruise around, you'll find some interesting things.

18 Name: Hiroki : 2015-06-10 12:48 ID:M1tafWCw [Del]

Hey, I've just discovered that in France there are places with 3D printers publicly accessible almost everywhere, they're called a Fablab.

Maybe you have this near your place ?