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Does this sound reasonable? (14)

1 Name: LeighaMoscove !9tSeSkSEz2 : 2013-01-16 21:10 ID:7p8gDMmA [Del]

This thread is for theories, mainly aimed at technology, that us members have come up with. It is a place where members can give us their theories, and the other members can tell them if the theory makes any sense at all or if it has a chance of working. I am aware that many topics in this thread may be discussed in other threads, but, since this thread is made for the science behind some of these topics and possible creation of futuristic devices discussed here, the thread is intended for a different purpose and, therefore, a different thread.

If you have a theory, please begin your post with "Theory" so I, as well as others, can easily browse the thread for theories with a simply Ctrl+F. If you're commenting on someone else's theory, please link their post.

Let me begin.


Scientist have found that poking and probing at the brain causes different movements. For instance, poking here will make your finger twitch. We also know that the brain is controlled by electrical impulses. Therefor, would it not be possible to create a virtual reality through controlling and interpreting these impulses?

For instance, the machine will send impulses to the part of your brain that controls sight. This will cause you to see what the device wishes you to see, which is the virtual world and everyone in it. Your brain then sends impulses for your virtual body to move. The machine catches these impulses, and stops them to prevent you from actually moving, and interprets them as movement so that you may walk around in this reality.

Your body is paralyzed when you are in REM sleep, so the scientists could also just sell the chemical that causes that for you to take before you go into the virtual world.

Anyone think this is plausible?

2 Name: LeighaMoscove !9tSeSkSEz2 : 2013-01-17 14:41 ID:7p8gDMmA [Del]

I just realized that >>1 could be used for mind control as well o.o

3 Name: Thiamor (on another computer) : 2013-01-18 01:03 ID:bEqHOT9y [Del]

Not even a theory, but an idea. It may seem stupid, but I just wish to get it out of my head.

The idea basically mixes the concept of virtual reality (not really like that of SAO) and the concept of Tron. Where they can transfer materials into and out-of the real world and the network.

What if we really had that technology, where you could convert a human's entire body, DNA, everything into pure data and send that data into a network? Now, what if you could copy 'said' data and obtain the basics that a human body holds (flesh, water, body parts, so that it could know what is what) and then convert the copied data of said 'person' into the real world? Wouldn't it basically mean cloning is possible?

Now what if a person were to hack into the system and alter someone's data? One could re-convert the data back into the real world with anything. Basically it could be the perfect way for the Military to obtain their 'super human' soldiers without having to go through the trouble of medicinal means, and hours upon hours of training.

4 Name: Bobet22 : 2013-01-18 13:40 ID:X1Na/W0G [Del]

>>3 That is AMAZING! That is such a cool idea.

5 Name: aku : 2013-01-18 14:49 ID:L1WFnM44 [Del]

that sound s really cool, almost like we could start a real life SAO! the theory seems aplicable in some cases but theres definetly a lot of flaws to be worked out and tweaked.

6 Name: Dstar89 !0UZD1OR/j. : 2013-01-18 23:55 ID:XsUn1fP7 [Del]

The problem is, a hacker could crack into said network, and delete someones data, and what if it's not safe? It could be murder, or mess with someone. Also, if your just copying a person's data, DNA, you wouldn't be the one in the network, your copy would. Overall, I think it is a pretty good idea, but near to impossible. Especially for the one who actually would like to go into the network.

7 Name: Thiamor !yZIDc0XLZY : 2013-01-19 01:06 ID:p+QsPMVI [Del]


Well the idea is the first one to go in, for it to even be able to copy the data, would be your body being transferred into the net work. Your whole body. Gone from the real world, into that of the Network.

But for safety precautions, the moment your body goes into it, it automatically has back-up data to restore it. But this is getting way too far into just some impossible idea.

8 Name: KagiYuko !owHR9llIvk!!XI8GEi6V : 2013-01-19 10:44 ID:GZdXhlRO [Del]

Wait! Is is mentally (like through technology and such...) or literally (with a prodding stick or so...) Because other than physically probing, doesn't that mean all else is virtual and nothing else is real? Unless they can access the inner works of the brain by any other means other than probing it, then they're doing nothing more than feeling its surface...right?

Well in SAO, they did use microwaves and low frequency waves and such to send info to and fro in the brain, so unless they can send data, signals and such to one's brain...then there's nothing more to it other than being autopsied or wearing some image projecting headgear.

9 Name: Dstar89 !0UZD1OR/j. : 2013-01-19 11:17 ID:XsUn1fP7 [Del]

>>7 Yes, your right. It's also close to impossible.

I've come to think, that one possible way, would be brain manipulation. You wouldn't be yourself going in, but we could obtain the technology possible to manipulate one's brain, into thinking as if they are there, or redirecting their waves into the network, so it seems as if they're in it, and when they become conscious again, they'll know they were in the network. So, it feels real, but it isn't real, your brain was just transferred to do all it's processing towards the network to make it seem as if your in it.

It may be the only probable choice, and it would be very dangerous too. But, alas we don't have all enough for it. It'd cost about more then 500,000 million dollars (or even past ten billion) to make that sort of technology. So in the end, it wouldn't be good because we couldn't afford it.

10 Name: wing !xykdDhAf1. : 2013-01-20 03:05 ID:Rzcprxj7 [Del]

>>1 Plausible, but we're not nearly there yet though..I'll post a link when I find it, but we were having discussions in class on memory storage and transfer through optical fibers, they've had some success (apparently) in doing so with mice, involving (probably) luminescent microorganisms that react to the nerve impulses, paired together with optic fibers, allows limited memory recording. Well, for now, that is. I'm just recalling things off the top of my head, so i may be wrong. Though, memory implantation and mind control isn't so far off.. D:

>>3 That sounds expensive. Though it's quite practical. Replacing body parts that are damaged sounds all good, though this has further implication. Here's me speculating, Governments could misuse this technology eventually, say, replacing you with a copy that had...certain memories changed...then getting rid of you to control the population. *conspiracy theories*

I do like the replacement parts via stem cells + bio-metric data that this idea implies.

Anything further that just part scary to think about..

A good example would be the "Ship of Theseus". (google it)
It all boils down to what makes a person...well, a person.
If you replaced every part - Clones/Memories...would it still be the same thing? My head hurts. That's enough thinking for the hour.

11 Name: wing !xykdDhAf1. : 2013-01-20 03:12 ID:Rzcprxj7 [Del]

Links to the TED talks. Memory transplants are about halfway through the video, but watch it all anyways. Good food for thought.

That said, a friend commented on the cloning technology being the new type of prostitution. Something to do with Pros/cons implications of a theory. as horrible as that sounds. Could your duplicates be slaves?/ The human right questions? If your copy committed a crime, how would you prove yourself innocent?

wow. Thinking about it, the justice system would collapse. I'll stop ranting now. sighs.

12 Name: Thiamor (on another computer) : 2013-01-20 12:53 ID:/cfUnXih [Del]

All clones marked with a special code or something on their skin.
Say if it's directed with my idea, all copies are marked with a bar code.

This kind of sounds like some weird ass Manga idea.

13 Name: Code Hell : 2013-01-20 22:57 ID:KAr4m4Oe [Del]

Its a movie

14 Name: wing !xykdDhAf1. : 2013-01-21 01:49 ID:Rzcprxj7 [Del]

that' branding cattle. Cattle, that look like, wait, they ARE you.
