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Korean Students Speak - A Social Media Challenge? (28)

1 Name: MKOLLER !YYk5m0jo12 : 2012-08-06 22:22 ID:70QT14dT [Del]

A friend of mine referred me this link, titled "Korean Students Speak." It is, essentially, a tumblr containing the postings of dozens of students from elementary/middle/high schools in South Korea. Every person in a photo has a sheet of paper that they decorated with a message. Are you guys following me so far?

Now, the Dollars did something similar with reilyx's video "Note of Compassion." However, that video was centered around the theme "The world isn't as bad as you think," while this tumblr seems to be expressing grievances to the world.

I wanted to see what you guys thought of the idea that these students have participated in. Do you guys feel confident enough in the prior successes of "Note of Compassion" that you want to attempt something like it again, this time on a larger scale? I'm not suggesting any particular mission yet, but I want to see where this goes. Maybe it will turn into something, but the idea needs to bubble in our collective consciousness for a bit before it can become truly useful.

2 Name: Minty!8NBuQ4l6uQ : 2012-08-06 22:27 ID:G8zLmBTA [Del]

Ahh, I think that sounds like a good idea! I'd be willing to participate if something like that did happen. I find these sort of projects really inspiring and interesting, but I never had the privilage of being able to participate in one before. o:

3 Name: Leigha Moscove !9tSeSkSEz2 : 2012-08-06 23:50 ID:oL96CfKk [Del]

I'm in. Ours is always better because it's centered on the positive things, causing the viewer to think on the good things in life. Theirs is negative, making the viewer look at the bad things in life.

4 Name: reilyx !.18ItdoukM : 2012-08-07 11:21 ID:Rw5pWWx1 [Del]

Let me spam a few ideas (that I may have gathered just now or have been thinking up since the closing of the first NoC thread)

1) Start NoC II sooner, possibly right at the start of 2013, to allow for more participants by June 19th(17th?) when we release the second video. Dunno if everyone's on the same page with that - I AM planning to organize another one to be released on Dollars Day like so many people have suggested.

2) We could form a sister-project alongside NoC that is ongoing (like the stalker threads). My idea for this? Totally gunna rip this STRAIGHT from the first link - Create a tumblr where we post images akin to what we saw in the first NoC, maybe personal videos from members if they really want to post something. Hell, we could even open that up to the community (tumblr has a system that allows admins to sift through submitted images/videos). We can also have a few people that moderate the page, and take pictures directly from a mission thread here. Or something like that. I'd be all down for moderating this if we wanted to do it.

3) Fuck you I'm Spiderman.

4) This one is a stretch. I've been paying attention to which missions are successful and which ones are not, and this one is leaning towards things that are not. People are lazy, and it sucks, but if we want a successful mission we have to work around that.

ANYWAY: Instead of using the same image style as NoC, go the extra mile to make a sign, and do something for someone all in the same image. This would fall under the same category as generally being a good Samaritan - bringing a homeless person a meal, helping someone elderly carry heavy shit, things like that. Or it could cut deep, and people could do this with others their age that they have helped. The sign could (lightly) detail what they helped with, to help get the message across.

~ ~ ~

So 1 is happening regardless of what's said here, though I'm open to suggestions/changes for the idea.

I think 2 would be cool but let's talk about that before we go anywhere.


4, like I said, is a stretch. It'd be cool but somehow I don't see everyone participating nearly as well as they did in NoC.

~ ~ ~

And a fun addition to 4, as well as an update on my personal life: I may be touring the coast while working on a cruise ship in the near future. I'd like to get pictures with people in other countries, ones of us holding up signs like "The world is not as bad as it seems" or something along those lines. I could add it to a future NoC video, or idea #2 as well. Thoughts?

5 Name: Leigha Moscove !9tSeSkSEz2 : 2012-08-07 15:54 ID:oL96CfKk [Del]

>>4 As to your fourth idea reirei, I have something to add on to it. We should take videos of us completing missions to combine into one video. We could make several different videos for this if we get enough entries. For different missions, we have different requirements. For instance, the "Take what you need" mission, we can have someone record them putting up the sign, then take a picture a week later to see how it did. We could have a camera posted by the sign hidden somewhere to record people actually taking it. For the "Two steps ahead" mission, we could record us doing it, then have the cashier record the next costumer's reaction. There are some missions that it wouldn't work for such as the "Sticky Notes" mission, but there are many more that it would work for. Personally? If you did something of this sort, thought you don't have to have a separate video for each mission if you don't want to, I'll contribute. There's a chalkboard at a restaurant nearby that I'll write, "The World isn't as bad as you think." There's a dry erase board at the front of the library at my school that I'll write it on.

6 Name: reilyx !.18ItdoukM : 2012-08-08 10:59 ID:Rw5pWWx1 [Del]

>>5 I'm glad you're gung-ho about the idea, but I NEED you to remember that we're trying to involve everybody. If it's just three of us, then it's not really a Dollars mission.

I'm not keen on idea #4. It's a thought, and I'm happy to hear input, but what I REALLY want to hear from you guys is a way to make it happen. We can spit out ideas TO do all day, but we won't have anybody to do them. The Dollars are lazy, as much as I hate to admit, and that's the problem I want to solve with idea #4 before it progresses into anything else.

7 Name: MKOLLER !YYk5m0jo12 : 2012-08-08 13:59 ID:m5YVko4L [Del]

Perhaps it would help to either A) recruit more motivated and skilled individuals to the cause, or B) train people?

8 Name: reilyx !.18ItdoukM : 2012-08-08 21:05 ID:Rw5pWWx1 [Del]

>>7 I would think we would need more "regulars" that we KNOW will participate if prompted.

And I don't think I understand what training anybody would need... Enlighten me!

9 Name: MKOLLER !YYk5m0jo12 : 2012-08-08 21:18 ID:cDh0OxS7 [Del]

>>8 I think we need people are tech savvy, first and foremost. That would improve the quality of the video elements and give you more assistance in final creation. We already have a lot of people who are skilled artistically, so I say keep up the good work to all of them. We need people who are more charismatic though, who can go out and rally others to follow them in this endeavor. We can't limit this to dedicated Dollars members; we need auxiliary or temporary members as well. Joint partnerships, coalitions, that sort of thing. Communication, if that makes sense.

10 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2012-08-09 09:21 ID:q6BSipGT [Del]

This idea. I like it a lot. I can help make any videos we include if you guys are interested :O 'cuz... no offense, Rei, but the video that you made for the NoC was so-so.

>>9 My suggestion would be similar to what was originally in the first post: get your schools involved (if you're in school), especially if you're in HS or college. Just because it was hosted by the Dollars doesn't mean that it can only be executed by the Dollars, you know? I think that the project would be a lot more successful if we had a lot of kids participating in it and spreading it around.

In addition to the tumblr, maybe each area could make their own video if they have enough, and then we could all make one large one in the form of a documentary? I say documentary since it will probably be long, but it would mainly be a jacked up slideshow with various captions, light music, and some of us narrating the goals of the project and quoting some of the papers.

If we go with the school idea, though, and we still want to put the Dollars name on it, we'll have to make it clear that we were only the hosts of the project; our aim was to get normal people from all sides of the world involved in sharing their opinions on what's wrong with the world.

This is going a bit far, but as a follow-up, what if we did a "how to fix what's wrong" version of this? This one is about grievances with the world, right? So I think it would be interesting if we did one about what the world should be or what we can do to help afterwards.

11 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2012-08-09 09:27 ID:q6BSipGT [Del]

My area gets pretty into these sorts of things, so I'll have plenty of help from above, but we need to find a way to help others organize it for their own areas if we do it that way.

Regarding a joint-partnership, I'll see if I can find anyone trust worthy to get serious about this. Keep in mind, I help run a non-profit program that would probably be interested in this type of thing. Our program also runs under a national non-profit program that helps students and would also like this type of thing. All you have to say is "students trying to make a change" and they'll be up for it. I'll talk to my boss about it and see what he thinks of the idea after we organize this a bit better.

12 Name: reilyx !.18ItdoukM : 2012-08-09 12:07 ID:Rw5pWWx1 [Del]

>>10 I am entertained by the sheer number of people that have said how the quality was "meh." It's not like I don't already know, I work with high-end gear all the time but I only have access to shitty programs and cameras for my personal use :T

As for the videos for the tumblr idea, I was thinking that people could create their own support videos (similar to what inspired the NoC mission), and we would post those. If they want to do a mass-video with lots of people involved, that's cool too, but I won't force anybody into melding theirs with a larger project if they don't want to.

"our aim was to get normal people from all sides of the world involved in sharing their opinions on what's wrong with the world." - I do not agree with this being our goal. I'd rather stick to the core of what NoC was about if we move forward with ANY of these projects. I don't want to be a group of people giving common-sense opinion, I want to be a group of people aiming to help. There is a significant difference between those two things.

~ ~ ~

Other than those things I'm pretty much on board with everything thus far. I'd love to get more outsiders involved. I'd love for somebody that knows how to make decent videos and has the equipment for it take care of the actual formation of the finished video (Because let's face it, I'm just not a vidiot).

I'd like to hear some suggestions on how we could get outsiders involved as well. You know, aside from Bambi and her mystery groups :P

What might be good methods for gathering interest and a following?

- I for one think that an open tumblr with a 'submit' option would work very well for this. Obviously it would be moderated by us, and the Dollars would then have a lot of influence over it, but it would be public and anyone could participate. We would just need to properly tag things and advertise just a teeeensy smidge. (On the advertisement, creating Lovely Virus has since more than doubled the views of the video. Could be useful to update that to include the tumblr if we so choose)

13 Name: MKOLLER !YYk5m0jo12 : 2012-08-09 12:28 ID:cDh0OxS7 [Del]

>>12 Look up Sony Vegas or Adobe Premiere. Both should be relatively cheap/easy to pirate.

14 Name: reilyx !.18ItdoukM : 2012-08-09 12:30 ID:Rw5pWWx1 [Del]

>>13 It's been at least 4 years since I've used either of those x_x

15 Name: MKOLLER !YYk5m0jo12 : 2012-08-09 12:38 ID:cDh0OxS7 [Del]

>>14 Never too late to re-learn the craft.

16 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2012-08-09 15:16 ID:GQmx5lWl [Del]

>>13->>15 Or you could jack up WMM :O

>>12 Not mystery groups lol I've mentioned them before. Our personal group's site is in pretty bad shape because the host has been refusing to let us edit it for a while now, but if I can find it, I'll link the main org's site in a bit.

Regarding ""our aim was to get normal people from all sides of the world involved in sharing their opinions on what's wrong with the world." - I do not agree with this being our goal. I'd rather stick to the core of what NoC was about if we move forward with ANY of these projects. I don't want to be a group of people giving common-sense opinion, I want to be a group of people aiming to help." I have to say, No, Reilyx. I understand that I worded it weird, but you're missing my point nonetheless.

What I suggested wasn't anything related to common sense. Everyone sees the world differently, and it takes everyone's views together in order to understand the whole picture. Each person feels a different way and sees different things as a problem. When it comes to sharing opinions of the world, it's far from worthless. Bringing things to light the fucked up shit that others may not have seen and showing others things that you have gone through isn't bad. In fact, it's one way to do a load of good, and it shows that we're not afraid to share our views and that we're interested in making a difference with them.

I'm up for one or two more NoC's, but let's face it, Reilyx - saying, "The world isn't as bad as you think!" or, "Smile, you're beautiful!" can only do so much. It may help some people, but it doesn't make that much of an impact on most people, and it doesn't do anything for the big picture.

Honestly, if we're going to go all out on this, we need a message that's more noble than self-esteem quotes. I'm not saying that it has to be my idea, but we need /something/ bigger than NoC.

17 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2012-08-09 15:17 ID:GQmx5lWl [Del]

>>16 Bringing to light the fucked up shit*

18 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2012-08-09 15:20 ID:GQmx5lWl [Del]

Regarding further advertising methods, you could make a page for the project on Facebook and spam it errywhere. Contact sappy celebrities (or anybody with a lot of followers) who like projects like these on Twitter and Facebook and see if they would be willing to make a post about it.

19 Name: reilyx !.18ItdoukM : 2012-08-13 15:33 ID:Rw5pWWx1 [Del]

Allow me to clarify and directly inform you of the purpose of NoC:

NoC goes around all of this sharing-of-opinions and let's-point-out-what's-wrong stuff and puts us into the direct line of sight of the people that need help solving those problems. It puts us out there as a resource for those that need physical/emotional support. Note of Compassion is a tool for members to use to improve the lives and moral of those they deem may need the boost.

~ ~ ~

Anything that goes against that purpose is not something that I will support as a branch of NoC happenings. If you want to go and gather opinions and thoughts on things that are already generally agreed upon as "bad" by the world, cool, go do that, but that's not what NoC was for. Don't bring NoC into something that it wasn't made for. I seriously need you to understand, Barabisama, that Note of Compassion does not serve any political purpose. It is not there to show our opinions or publicly point out the types of things we want to support. It offers up our members as resources for those that need them.

Understand? No opinions, no "views of the world," none of that. This isn't meant to be philosophical or political or thought-provoking in any way shape or form.

Should we move forward with another project and want to keep it centered around the Note of Compassion ideal, I do not want to see it get political. I want to see members using it as an outlet and a tool to put themselves forth in direct support for the people that need us.

~ ~ ~

Now, Barabi, if you want to go around and bring attention to important topics, do so. I am not saying that such a thing is bad or that we shouldn't do it. Just don't do it under the wrong flag. Every mission or topic has its purpose. Don't use the wrong tools for the wrong job.

~ ~ ~

MKOLLER, I am just now remembering you saying a few weeks ago that you had managed to get videos up into the tens of thousands of views. I think that could be useful, especially with NoC being on the rise (we've reached 4 digits!). I would like to hear how you achieved such sorcery!

And Bambi I will look into those things. I think getting that type of attention might wait until the second run of NoC though, when we can put out something with a little more... Quality. You know, after I've had more time to dink around with video editors and borrow a decent camera or organize some type of THING in which we get more outsiders involved or something. Just ramp up the scale of advertisement as the scale of the mission increases.

~ ~ ~

I have a particular interest in getting a tumblr-type-thing set up for this. Who would be interested in helping to moderate postings and answer questions / generally upkeep the page? I'll do it as I'm on tumblr daily, but it would be nice if we had someone in another timezone or just a second head in case we need it. We can work out details via email then post our finished idea here to be criticized. Any takers?

20 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2012-08-16 15:01 ID:s9PJsZvS [Del]

>>19 Dude.

Allow me to caps and bold this for you so you understand further since you don't seem to be getting my point no matter how I explain it.


Why is that so difficult to understand? :|

21 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2012-08-16 15:06 ID:s9PJsZvS [Del]

I'm willing to help with whatever videos you want to make, but this is something that I, personally, am I suggesting that we do as another idea for this video/tumblr project. If you just want to continuously do the NoC over and over again, that's fine. But as something bigger to do that has a similar set-up, I gave my suggestion for another mission.

Jesus. I didn't know it was criminal to suggest something new.

22 Name: reilyx !.18ItdoukM : 2012-08-16 18:40 ID:Rw5pWWx1 [Del]

>>20 If you want me to understand what you're talking about, then tell me what you're talking about at the beginning of your posts. Context lead me to believe that NoC was the topic. There was no indication of otherwise. I understand everything perfectly as context dictates. Nobody, however, can understand something if they are not aware of the topic at hand.

If that is a problem, I'll continue this conversation with other participants. Quite frankly I'm not going to deal with you if you're going to get worked up over miscommunications that are your own fault. You do this regularly, and quite frankly I'm sick of it.


"Now, Barabi, if you want to go around and bring attention to important topics, do so. I am not saying that such a thing is bad or that we shouldn't do it." from >>19. I'm fairly positive that this pretty much negated "Jesus. I didn't know it was criminal to suggest something new." before you even said it.


Now that I've cleared up the remaining communication issues:

Go ahead. Set up your bigger mission, I can't really make heads or tails of what your goal with it is. If it looks remotely helpful I'll participate.

23 Post deleted by user.

24 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2012-08-17 12:56 ID:s9PJsZvS [Del]

>>22 I'm sorry for getting worked up, but this time, I don't see how I'm at fault for trying to explain my idea.

In the beginning of the post, I was offering to do videos for whichever projects this went along with. After that, I was referring specifically to MK's post for suggestions. Some of my suggestions would be specific to my own mission idea, so I first had to explain my own idea of doing the same thing that the original school project was in addition to the other suggestions about vamping up NoC with the tumblr/video concept. There was a clear difference betewen what I was referring to as far as I can tell. After that, I gave suggestions as to how the projects could be advertised.

"I'm not saying that it has to be my idea, but we need /something/ bigger than NoC."

Here, as well, I clearly stated that I was referring to something separate from the Note of Compassion to go with the tmblr idea. Same process, bigger goal.

I honestly don't want to argue about a misunderstanding =_= It's getting away from the thread. I just want to know your guys' opinions on using the KSS idea on a new mission, as well.

25 Name: Leigha Moscove !9tSeSkSEz2 : 2012-08-24 11:35 ID:jqOHDvB6 [Del]

Okay, so I got tired of reading long posts. I say the members in HS or College bring a camera into the meetings of some of the clubs that are for helping the planet. For instance, many High schools and colleges have a gay-straight alliance or LGBT of some sort. This would be a good community to enter. Then we ask if we may video tape some of their opinions for the use of The Dollars. We explain our project and video tape the opinions of those who agree, and maybe even part of the meeting if it's any good for the video and they allow it. This goes for any community that has a goal to make some sort of positive change. Maybe a recycling club, community service organization, and other clubs like that would be nice. I really can't give more examples because I can't think of much else.

For the people who aren't in HS or college, they can be involved too. Anyone who does community service can video tape other people that also do it. Some great places would be animal shelters, soup kitchens, places where people can donate stuff, and other places like that. If their work environment has anything towards helping the community, meetings and stuff like that, then they can also videotape that.

For the people who fall into none of these categories, everyone has friends that share their opinion. It's hard to keep a friendship stable if you don't at least agree on something. You could also get them to share what they believe is wrong with the world and what can be done to fix it.

For the members that live in a more open minded community, you could even ask some people you live around what they think. I used to live in a snobby rich community that didn't give much of a fuck about other people's needs. Now I live in a community that's pretty open minded and diverse, and I wouldn't have much of a problem getting good and different opinions by asking strangers.


Now that I've given my opinion of how to get more people other than members involved, I'll tell you how I think we explain our cause. We need to remember to tell them a few things.

First, we need to tell them who we are.We don't have to say that we're part of "The Dollars" but we do have to make sure that they know that we're a a loose organization/community. You could explain a little bit about the community saying that some of the members create "Missions" in order to help people, and many of them are active in it. It's just whatever you feel is necessary, but you do have to tell them in some way, shape, or form who we are.

Next, they need to know why are we doing this. We have to explain the focus of this video, and why we are doing it. This really depends, because I've read two ideas on here. We could either stick with the original idea to say that we're showing them that the world isn't as bad as it seems, or we can go with the new idea represented in here and say that it's to point out grievances in the world and possible solutions. If we're working with the second one, then we need to make sure we get a wide variety of communities involved to ensure that we get many different opinions and answers.

Next, we need to make sure that they know that they will be put on video and Youtube. If they don't want to be put on video, but they still want their opinion out there, then we can have voice over and the face blurred out or something like that. If they don't consent to doing this, then that's fine too. You will probably get rejection, and it's completely normal. Quite honestly, if I weren't part of this I'd find it kind of sketchy.

Finally, we need to let them know that we don't want everyone saying the same thing. If we're doing a "The world isn't as bad as it seems" video, then I'd prefer people doing something like MK did. I think it'd be cool for people to tell their personal stories and how it all worked out all right in the end. I think that this would give people more hope than just having people say that the world's not that bad. If it's to express grievances and possible solutions, we want to make sure that they know we don't want standard answers such as, "Pollution is bad." I understand that it's a true statement, but it allows more variety if you say something like, "Throwing away those plastic things that are used to hold cans and bottles together is harmful to the environment. I saw a video of a duck that had that wrapped around it's neck and it was suffocating the duck." Another example of what I'd see as a good one would be, "Spitting out your gum on the sidewalk is bad. Birds can mistake it for bread and try to eat it, and it ends up choking the bird to death." That makes it more personal and allows people to see possible solutions that they can do easily.


As for quality, we need to make sure we have techy people on board with this. I just think it'd be cooler if we had a video with better quality. I say we can't all look to reirei to fix this. We all know that he's not the only one who could be doing this. We have a large community of people, I'd be surprised if only reirei could do this.

26 Name: Leigha Moscove !9tSeSkSEz2 : 2012-09-01 21:55 ID:jqOHDvB6 [Del]

>>25 No comment to this post?

27 Name: Leigha Moscove !tLXm16nPsk : 2012-09-13 07:26 ID:cz6GEae6 [Del]

>>26 none at all?

28 Name: Swift : 2012-10-02 19:15 ID:8EX9NpcG [Del]

>>27 No. None. You scared them away with that long as hell post.

I can /try/ to make the video if needed. Keyword is try. I can also get at least 2 separate groups to put pieces into the mission. Assuming I'm understanding it correctly, which I think I do.

So, not only should we put problems and solutions, we could put up results of/missions in progress to show what exactly we're doing already, because, as much as I love doing stuff, I need to see a good track record of what's happened already,