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through the 3DS (6)

1 Name: Phoenix : 2011-12-11 19:28 ID:7R0xzLX/ [Del]

it is so awesome that i was able to post this using my 3DS. i just got it a few days ago, and what do i have to say? it passes the phoenix code of awesomeness. its not just the connection but the 3d graphics and epic apps.
my 3ds is the special edition legend of zelda version, it came with ocerina of time.
tell me about your 3ds experience.

2 Name: Socks !CTOykyu6cw : 2011-12-12 00:36 ID:CgFqGV9B [Del]

havent had that much time to play mine sadly

3 Name: Kinra : 2011-12-13 07:32 ID:9aF2+XnO [Del]

Cant wait to get mine on Christmas. I was at Best buy playing ti. I couldn't put it down lol!!

4 Name: PhantomZero09 : 2011-12-13 22:15 ID:0OdtvawR [Del]

never even attempted that

5 Name: RanRan : 2011-12-14 12:58 ID:NCC2JAfW [Del]

I just recently got mine at Game Stop. I got the red one that came with Super Mario 3D Land. So far I'm loving it, especially since now I'm able to transferr my event pokemon to Pokemon black.(Shiny dogs and Celebi.)

6 Name: Anonymous : 2011-12-14 14:54 ID:+fflDy9O [Del]

Got a 3DS quite a few months ago, yet I don't have a single game for it besides a few of my old regular DS games LOL. So i've been busy with the free applications. LOZ: Four Swords Aniversary Eddition, faceraiders, and all the free clasic games I recieved for buying the system before the huge price drop. Gotta love that original Zelda for the Nintendo. I belive i'm going to buy the LOZ: Ocarina of time for the 3DS, absolutely loved the game when I had it for the gamecube. It was a special edition or something of the sort, it came with the bonus version, master quest, and previews and demos of games that were coming soon, games that are now REALLY old LOL. Such as LOZ: Wind Waker, Whatever the name of the game Captain Falcon was from (That demo was so fun), Pokemon Colleseum, and a few other titles.