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Gimme a virus! (29)

1 Name: ...yu : 2011-10-28 23:37 ID:ii0fHMRE [Del]

so. im borrowing this fags useless laptop, and hes demanding it back. im fine with that cause i dont use it anymore, but hes such a fag that i want to do something to get him back, so i want to give him his piece of crap back with a virus. but a tough one that's probably not fixable or like. hardcore, you know? i dont know anything about viruses, but yeah. is there one where i could like, time it? so like, after a couple months i want it to set in or something. so to kind of have him not know it was me. cause my friend is going out with him and it will probably be awkward.but.. if anyone knows anything about those, that would be great.

2 Name: Anonymous : 2011-10-28 23:49 ID:kvtqi3SE [Del]

That isn't a very nice thing to do...

3 Name: ...yu : 2011-10-28 23:53 ID:ii0fHMRE [Del]

well unfortunately i dont want your opinions.

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5 Name: TheWillower : 2011-10-29 00:33 ID:YAO1u0Bb [Del]

Watch porn on it? That's all I got.

6 Name: ...yu : 2011-10-29 00:34 ID:ii0fHMRE [Del]

thatll give you a virus??? hmmm.. lol but i doubt they will be any strong...

7 Name: TheWillower : 2011-10-29 00:39 ID:YAO1u0Bb [Del]

If you go to those underground porn sites or something? I dunno.

8 Name: Pintapau !bAr4R5f0RY : 2011-10-29 02:33 ID:HA8nnDoN [Del]

I'm confused as to WHY you would trash something that you borrowed, but whatever. Usually being a fag for trying to get something back that you took isn't a good reason, but whatever.

Delete sys32 (c/Windows/System32) if you want to be a massive bitch.
You could try the steps in and change the logon screen to hard gay porn.
You could just uninstall all his programs.
Or you could download all the nasty porn you can find.
In fact, if you really want a virus that bad, use IE with no firewalls or anti-virus running and download everything.

Still, I'm of two minds here. One syas that you're a bitch and underage with all the shit grammar and punctuation. The other says that you're an idiot and underage as the best thing you can think of is a virus, especially a "timeable" virus to fit your specifications. Honey, you'd have to program that yourself. Seriously, there's better ways to trash a computer then a virus, and there are better ways to get revenge then a virus.

9 Name: ...yu : 2011-10-29 04:00 ID:ii0fHMRE [Del]

>>8 Hmm yes, thank you very much. But to be honest, I guess I have to apologize for seeming like an adolescent kid aiming to have his little revenge on a little prick who you dont even know half of, (if not .00001%) Due to the half-assed description I had written in the time span of 299,792,458 metres per second in all of my rage. But really though, I hate to have to repeat that I really have no concern of your opinions and judgements of my being. Well I guess to make the situation seem somewhat appropriate without the condescending act, this specific person is 20 years old who is still in high school, failing with a low grade point average. Not that it really matters, but still, he's a twat, skank, wanker, faggot, whatever curse word floats-your-boat, for reasons that are so vast they can relate to the sizes of universes out there. This is something so minor, that probably wont matter, since he has multitudes of computers/laptops/netbooks/high age technology, that it most likely won't matter. Another reason why I asked for a "high-grade" (haha) virus, because whatever I might throw at him he will probably bring down in mere moments. But then again, I've never tested his skills.
You really shouldn't try to judge and conjure up a person by a single post, this is the internet after all.

10 Name: sleepology : 2011-10-29 06:44 ID:Zx36YSxV [Del]

Why would you call someone who willingly let you borrow their laptop all those names and attempt to blowup their hard drive. If he's really that much of a thorn in your side then why in the hell are you friends with him. HUGE amount of sense made in you doing this.

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12 Post deleted by user.

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14 Name: ...stfu : 2011-10-29 07:02 ID:ii0fHMRE [Del]

...Dude. I don't want your opinions, they're useless. Again, making myself repeat. Pathetic. You can't read? Maybe you should try it before posting. It's obvious we're not friends. LOL.

15 Name: ...yu : 2011-10-29 07:08 ID:ii0fHMRE [Del]

Oh but anyways, google is failing at giving me anything, whoopee. that one thread in random "websites not to go to" i tried everything, they just wouldn't load...Ugh.Pathetic google.. Im just going to try with what was posted above, thx LOL

16 Name: Pintapau !bAr4R5f0RY : 2011-10-29 08:59 ID:HA8nnDoN [Del]

If you really want to fuck with it, screw around with the Windows folder. Deleting stuff from there should fuck his computer up, and it isn't that obvious what's causing it (although that's usually because it's bricked).

17 Name: sleepology : 2011-10-29 12:16 ID:Zx36YSxV [Del]

Of course I read all the other posts 14, doesn't mean anything to me

18 Name: Misuto!M4ZBq07Cs. : 2011-10-29 12:17 ID:vWh+xwu+ [Del]

This sounds incredibly stupid.

Fuck you?

19 Name: Kaori !!1M/QA3Sq : 2011-10-29 18:53 ID:Ml52ToMm [Del]

>>18 make pop up saying 'F*** you' dat won't come off? you smart yes.

20 Name: JakeW !7YpDmXZFeo : 2011-10-29 19:28 ID:zq3jvLMa [Del]

just open up the hard drive and loosen anything you can find in there, if you weaken enough stuff itll just break its elf after awhile of use :3

21 Name: 10reapaer01!fPdAB8uxSM : 2011-10-29 22:31 ID:GeSyx0yl (Image: 381x161 jpg, 12 kb) [Del]

src/1319945500869.jpg: 381x161, 12 kb
You're kind of a loser, aren't you (never thought I'd get to use this picture)?

22 Name: Pintapau !bAr4R5f0RY : 2011-10-30 01:26 ID:HA8nnDoN (Image: 429x600 jpg, 175 kb) [Del]

src/1319955999856.jpg: 429x600, 175 kb
>>21 I prefer throwing this one at stupidity, but I never get to use this one either.

23 Name: sleepology : 2011-10-30 01:40 ID:00q69evn [Del]

I vote this thread be buried in the graveyard

24 Name: Limera1n : 2011-10-30 20:24 ID:LTQo+XVr [Del]

Gimme his ip adress

25 Name: Slenderman : 2011-10-30 23:34 ID:hfrFZNut [Del]

a few of my favorite ideas;
-put the laptop in the microwave
-put peanut butter jn the CD drive
-magnets, know how they f*cking work
-delete system 32

26 Name: setton_92 : 2011-10-31 03:29 ID:GRmAuqNG [Del]

wut? even if he is fag, he still lend you his laptop, right?
so, no bad thing...just return it...

27 Name: Koniko : 2011-10-31 13:34 ID:oAbk/5Q2 [Del]

Well, my favs are
anything in the generator rex section at deviant art

and if u really wanna fuck with him, I can teach you how to make a virus that will shut down the computer whenever he tryes to use the internet.
pretty basic, but it works

28 Name: Umbra Serpens !T1rQ1UNnww : 2011-11-01 09:05 ID:6JTz1Nol [Del]

Agreed with >>26

29 Name: Neruson : 2011-11-02 06:12 ID:kE0Fkd8g [Del]

I thought some of the rules were that you had to be nice and try to help everyone out man. agree with >>26