Dollars BBS | Technology
















Does your work/school Computer allow you to access The Dollars? (257)

1 Name: Getsu : 2011-09-12 11:17 ID:m68NQlWA [Del]

Mine does! I am in Buisness Procedures right now and I am allowed to internet browse since my work is done!

2 Name: Kumiko<3 : 2011-09-12 14:47 ID:3by94h2g [Del]

My school computer lets me get on this site and the secruity on these computers makes it practicully IMPOSSIBLE to get on any site other than dollars lol

3 Name: Lt. Dodger : 2011-09-12 15:29 ID:Fg93L1JT (Image: 236x247 jpg, 46 kb) [Del]

src/1315859359738.jpg: 236x247, 46 kb
You can always use when you want to access a site you can't access at school.

4 Name: johnson : 2011-09-13 06:43 ID:Cc3Qc+Pm [Del]

im on right now.

5 Name: Nogitsune !JqnQWUVX4Y : 2011-09-14 10:31 ID:3H2vgX/w [Del] is blocked on my school :( know any others?

6 Name: Tightpants : 2011-09-14 11:18 ID:tux/3b4k [Del]

you could always try

7 Name: Nogitsune !JqnQWUVX4Y : 2011-09-14 13:43 ID:3H2vgX/w [Del]

blocked as well x.x

8 Name: Lt. Dodger : 2011-09-14 19:52 ID:if4LRyT1 (Image: 160x122 jpg, 3 kb) [Del]

src/1316047940203.jpg: 160x122, 3 kb
>>7 What kind of Nazi school district is your school in to block both of those...?

9 Name: Getsu : 2011-09-15 00:45 ID:RQ9jrEm2 [Del]

Germany? no I am kidding that would be insensitive. Any school with mean, mean, mean teachers?

10 Name: Nogitsune !JqnQWUVX4Y : 2011-09-15 05:24 ID:wnwVHiTd [Del]

>>8 it's cus last year some guy used an unsafe proxy and managed to crash the entire network lol XD

11 Name: MKOLLER : 2011-09-15 14:25 ID:c3YdC+G2 [Del]

On the subject of blocking, Google Images is blocked at my old high school. So is Bing in its entirety.

12 Name: Lt. Dodger : 2011-09-15 14:59 ID:HPI4UHCv (Image: 300x300 jpg, 12 kb) [Del]

src/1316116780618.jpg: 300x300, 12 kb
>>11 Wtf...what kind of countries do you guys live in...

13 Name: MKOLLER : 2011-09-15 15:03 ID:c3YdC+G2 [Del]

United States. IRAN DOESN'T EVEN DO THINGS THIS BADLY, WHAT THE FUCK? So glad I left that technological cancer.

14 Name: Beyond : 2011-09-15 15:06 ID:r8S26EBE [Del]

rotfl! Lol Lmao!
>>10 hey, try
it works pretty well

15 Name: Lt. Dodger : 2011-09-15 16:09 ID:HPI4UHCv [Del]

>>13 Iranian citizens have access to internet? Wat?

16 Name: DJ : 2011-09-15 16:13 ID:cY3KayTV [Del]

i am if the website i need to access is not working because i am in media study can go anywhere online because the internet is media sop yes and for a few projects as well

17 Name: UniqueStatus27 !bT6c9WIwLg : 2011-09-15 18:20 ID:nXakJjiF [Del]

I had got on at school but i quickly got out because last year the teachers said they are watching all the screens and they know what sites we're on at all times and i didn't want Dollars to be blocked because i might have to show somebody one day.

18 Name: Xissx : 2011-09-15 23:22 ID:z/CoebyA [Del]

Yeah I was on it at school but I was questioned by everyone best to just go mobile, if you have a phone with internet.

19 Name: van_die : 2011-09-16 20:37 ID:alnHyDGU [Del]

yes it does, cause durarara is not popular in my city in indonesia,so its fine if i keep accesing the dollars site cause they really dont know anything about this organization,

20 Name: Razoe : 2011-09-17 05:31 ID:9eg3Sw9E [Del]

Anyone know any good unblocked proxies that they use at school?

Mine are all blocked.

21 Name: Ichigo : 2011-09-17 14:18 ID:gaHrWq7B [Del]

Mine did, but then it got blocked for some reason.

22 Name: DementedlySane : 2011-09-17 22:36 ID:W7kzsJUB [Del]

For the most part if my school does block it, I just remote access the site through my home computer... teamviewer on a flash drive ftw

23 Post deleted by user.

24 Name: Fenomenal : 2011-09-18 05:07 ID:gH5x/xCH [Del]

Proxies anyone?

25 Name: Pintapau !bAr4R5f0RY : 2011-09-18 06:30 ID:HA8nnDoN [Del]

Proxies that let you post anyone?

26 Post deleted by user.

27 Name: Kanara : 2011-09-18 16:59 ID:fnZLgcq1 [Del]

I hope so.... Carteret middle school is cheap even at the top of the chain 8th grade

28 Name: Kaori !czOIdatHE6 : 2011-09-18 19:12 ID:XseiHXBD [Del]

wait...but dont the skewls know wut sites you go on? at my skewl they has them id cards and crap that you haf to put in to get internet and computer acess.....@_@ and yes, google images are blocked, i searched up 'derp' and it was just a wall of 'image blocked'

of course i closed that tab, cuz if anyun saw that >_> well, who knuws wut they thought i was looking at ^^"

29 Name: Anonymous : 2011-09-19 07:40 ID:6hB23D2f [Del]

My class does, around 9 am on the east coast. Then I have to use the library computers because there are no other computer lab class rooms I go to.

30 Name: RDash : 2011-09-19 07:54 ID:gspAaX4z [Del]

Hell Yes on it right now

31 Name: 7th Heaven : 2011-09-19 08:32 ID:zxJ7lvjL [Del]


32 Name: Silent : 2011-09-19 18:23 ID:C/ouSJ2W [Del]

yeah, although whenever my teachers see me on the internet, I get in trouble.
So I can only go on it for 3-5 minutes.

33 Name: Technoninja : 2011-09-20 22:23 ID:iBmNjWW7 [Del]

Thank god it does

34 Name: Yatahaze : 2011-09-21 07:48 ID:dQUtaRHD [Del]

We can use our phones during lunch periods, so I just get on occasionally then, if the day is really boring me.
I haven't been able to use a computer at school yet this year. That said, next semester I'm taking an AV Tech class, so we'll see.

35 Name: Wouhai : 2011-09-21 10:24 ID:rkB2phCt [Del]

>>22 Good idea! I work for a highschool, so I'm going to see if this works in mine and "fix" it :P

But don't worry, I'll keep Dollars unblocked at mine :D

36 Name: Dreamer : 2011-09-21 19:30 ID:tR4F69ep [Del]

mine does just tried it today i was so happy lol ^__^

37 Name: Han² : 2011-09-22 10:34 ID:hQJrW78W [Del]

I'm on here at school right now.

38 Name: Shameless : 2011-09-22 15:36 ID:Q88JOuRJ [Del]

hahah, I found out today it does let me. Happiness to the max.

39 Name: Kitty6773 : 2011-09-22 19:20 ID:IsBx5wit [Del]


40 Name: SilverSire !k9nG4D8gJ. : 2011-09-23 01:17 ID:1sw80JMF [Del]

Do universities count? Because the network at my school doesn't even have a web filter, we can look up anything.

41 Name: Lucca : 2011-09-23 03:48 ID:yO4RUeLQ [Del]

Yup, my school hasn't blocked the Dollars website

42 Name: johnson : 2011-09-23 06:38 ID:Cc3Qc+Pm [Del]

Im on it right now

43 Name: shameless : 2011-09-23 08:33 ID:OkgQR5QT [Del]

hoho~ I'm on again >D
it's really fun, to listen to vocaloid, be on Dollars, and make a power point for school at one time.

44 Name: Shaolin !TeZ6f47GTo : 2011-09-23 09:51 ID:PlIAmzUn [Del]

I'm in my Office Procedures class right now xD

45 Name: nyuu : 2011-09-25 00:58 ID:gyQbg9Dh [Del]

actually i havent tried but i will now lol'

46 Name: 慧子 : 2011-09-25 01:57 ID:Wh5Cz1ME [Del]

Yes, it does. Sadly, the internet connection is so slow that there are times only the background and the headers show up. It also takes a lot of refreshing just for a page to load.

47 Name: Phantom : 2011-09-25 18:39 ID:+SdtxEU3 [Del]

If it doesnt let the site open due to security,uxe what I use, UltraSurf 4.0 ITS EPIC!

PS,if u cant get it from school website or business website,use program from flashdrive.

48 Name: Nogitsune !JqnQWUVX4Y : 2011-09-26 16:46 ID:sO7JpH5l [Del]

they just blocked this site at my school today T.T

49 Name: Tai : 2011-09-27 20:49 ID:2+Mp3pb+ [Del]

Mine does... Checked it out in my Game Design class when I was giving myself a break.

50 Name: Ryuseiki : 2011-09-27 21:16 ID:PBWtfxFy [Del]

Hah mine does. I checked during lunch at the school library lab. It was funny because my friend saw and suddenly asked a ton of questions about it. Now she's a member!

51 Name: Yoshimitsu : 2011-09-27 22:36 ID:Hl2xAxGM [Del]

My school doesn't even know about the dollars...

52 Name: username !lwWfSn7IDA : 2011-09-29 12:18 ID:HcAvluc3 [Del]

The computer I use at work can, but its too risky.

53 Name: Ray : 2011-09-29 14:36 ID:JPB1srsI [Del]

i can use it, luckiy no one knows about it

54 Name: Bre : 2011-09-29 15:36 ID:rIzuDUud [Del]

my school doesnt know bout the dollars either

55 Name: PAMDLC : 2011-09-29 21:14 ID:uH4xc/xU [Del]

Not sure, but whenever I get the chance ill try it and report back

56 Name: Your Mom : 2011-09-30 09:35 ID:IRhOonYp [Del]

do you know good proxy? school blocked

57 Name: fullmetal : 2011-09-30 13:54 ID:KPi2RXFl [Del]

actually they don't know about the dollars but they do know the chat? it's creepy

58 Name: MushokuVoiD : 2011-10-01 13:27 ID:bCqVWdUI [Del]

The computers at my school didn't block the site \o/
but, the black background stands out to much, so i can't really go on ;____;

59 Name: JessCarrion : 2011-10-02 18:17 ID:uAeXwIgH [Del]

Hadn't considered that. I'll have to try it out tomorrow.

60 Name: kabuto464 !0UZD1OR/j. : 2011-10-03 18:18 ID:OWdUI3+c [Del]

Same as >>58 but i dont really care what stands out.

61 Name: Willow-San : 2011-10-04 19:18 ID:YAO1u0Bb [Del]

Found out I could at school today.

62 Name: Sergeras !WwHDP.ZHZM : 2011-10-05 03:23 ID:j/kvbYjt [Del]

Mine does ! :)

63 Name: Hybrid : 2011-10-06 00:04 ID:e5H7jh5M [Del]

Haven't tried myself, but apparently my friends can access at their schools.

64 Name: Saya : 2011-10-06 02:09 ID:MnNigSe3 [Del]

Now I'm at school so my PC allow me to log in Dollars
sorry for my bad English...

65 Name: I-l-Artemis-l-I : 2011-10-06 13:13 ID:XmWiMJkY [Del]

yes...right now

66 Name: Kuhn : 2011-10-06 13:54 ID:ITntg8/4 [Del]

Yep, and I'm using it right now.

67 Name: Phoenix : 2011-10-07 09:44 ID:cgkU5kXz [Del]

Yep...on right now. So fun.

68 Name: Shikah : 2011-10-07 22:32 ID:2LqZC6kb [Del]

Lol yes. Every time me and my friend have to go to the library for our TV production class we come to the chat rooms xD

69 Name: Minzi : 2011-10-13 17:09 ID:Ib1HxnDV [Del]

Yup, Me and a friend are on.

70 Name: L : 2011-10-15 18:53 ID:7mtKYe17 [Del]

I have yet to try. . .

71 Name: Yoshimori : 2011-10-17 10:05 ID:tNsGE0sm [Del]

Yes. Then again, I am in college. so it should.

72 Name: Tetsuro Hoshino : 2011-10-17 14:31 ID:j3W5AXqq [Del]

Heck yeah!

73 Name: stormknight : 2011-10-18 06:06 ID:LdPWohjO [Del]

Ill try...

74 Name: Yoshimitsu : 2011-10-18 13:39 ID:PdJEQ54p [Del]

Yup mine does since I am one of the only two Dollars at my boarding school

75 Name: Janfel : 2011-10-18 16:26 ID:MkGwUsYd [Del]

Mine doesn't but i can still go in using

76 Name: Tri-edge : 2011-10-18 18:53 ID:L3qN9PsF [Del]


77 Name: Saika : 2011-10-18 22:08 ID:FBRz3von [Del]

Wang Yao Wang Yao Wang Yao Wang Yao Wang Yao Wang Yao Wang Yao Wang Yao Wang Yao Wang Yao Wang Yao Wang Yao Wang Yao Wang Yao


78 Name: Flame : 2011-10-18 22:12 ID:nq9vu756 [Del]

heck ya lol i get on in all my classes

79 Name: Blackllama : 2011-10-20 20:48 ID:WorsEMcI [Del]

I haven't tried. But, at school I just use my phone anyway. For all you people who can't get on. This is what you do to get past school blocks:
If you have an ipod and can't use 3g or anything and need school wifi, get the opera web browser if possible, it compresses the data sent to work quicker and the network usually can't block this. I dunno if they have opera for computer or if it works the same way.
The onion router: I'm not gonna give you the details but basically search the onion router on google, download it, put it on a flash drive. Plug the flash drive in and run it, now you have a totally anonymous unblockable web browser. This should always work. Now we all can access it at work/school!

80 Name: Blackllama : 2011-10-20 20:50 ID:WorsEMcI [Del]

I just realized how totally unclear that message was. Well, if you have questions and need to contact me try to catch me in chat rooms, the odds of me checking back on this thread is pretty small.

81 Name: Infectious : 2011-10-22 00:38 ID:TImoKcol [Del]

i can get on at mount wachuset community college

82 Name: andylaw : 2011-10-22 16:21 ID:Vrl30DQH [Del]

it let me access the dollars website at my school

83 Name: T0nY : 2011-10-24 22:42 ID:NF1MWA2V [Del]

yep, it also lets me chat which surprised quite a bit considering my school hardly allows anything like it on the network

84 Name: Ninja_Zero : 2011-11-13 00:36 ID:JYva5xyQ [Del]

my school does

well for the moment but after i go on it couple of times its so gonna get blocked

85 Name: B& !jUdQ7hRDeU : 2011-11-13 21:56 ID:IZuDGfat [Del]

Use tor, not some random proxy site.

Carry it on a usb, and run it.

86 Name: Tri-edge : 2011-11-14 16:59 ID:L3qN9PsF [Del]


87 Name: Yonray : 2011-11-14 21:20 ID:uJc5C3Ex [Del]

Mines does.

88 Name: Name !Lup0uZudWo : 2011-11-15 00:27 ID:lzO6wef5 [Del]

If I go to school tomorrow, I'll check... There's only one other person at school that even watches it won't be known...I hope.

89 Name: *insertnamehere*!!mhJDjCwh : 2011-11-15 00:40 ID:Siyhn+bV [Del]

You know that some people watch anime with subs right? Some could've watched it online, when it was airing, or something. Just putting that out there.

90 Name: Mysterystarr : 2011-11-15 09:35 ID:ApRD1Uxk [Del]

I'm doing it right now from my Web Design class.

91 Name: Name !Lup0uZudWo : 2011-11-15 10:34 ID:eGHH84al [Del]

yep, on now!

92 Name: court : 2011-11-15 21:10 ID:EdyrRzCy [Del]

my school is an asshole so i can't they are so mean

93 Name: Nagatocchi : 2011-11-16 14:09 ID:j6SJJLMs [Del]

wow none of hese proxies work ay my school

94 Name: Neku : 2011-11-16 20:22 ID:h3LGM6XN [Del]

Yeah, it works.

95 Name: KazeTori : 2011-11-16 22:54 ID:i7rO28hx [Del]

Schools and liberies work for me

96 Name: Oh look another kao : 2011-11-17 00:12 ID:Ml52ToMm [Del]

so thurs only one website and thats o3o hm, i knuz wut im doing tmrwwwww /o/

97 Name: Blade : 2011-11-17 09:42 ID:ScEKHNG6 [Del]

Yeah it work's any ware i go really.

98 Name: Umbra Serpens !T1rQ1UNnww : 2011-11-17 10:05 ID:6JTz1Nol [Del]

Yeah, I have no problems accessing it in class.

99 Name: Kaori !!Wr6AB6KD : 2011-11-17 19:50 ID:Ml52ToMm [Del]

not for me


100 Name: Ragus : 2011-11-17 21:28 ID:/MO2+KEy [Del]

Im going to have to check next time

101 Name: A-X-E-L : 2011-11-18 09:03 ID:+nYuFD48 [Del]


102 Name: Kumo !NC09qbtR1Q : 2011-11-18 14:03 ID:3Enb8PM3 [Del]

on one now :P

103 Name: Blodhgarm : 2011-11-19 18:31 ID:1RA9OpQd [Del]

Yup, i use school wifi to get on here. And when im at game design, it isnt blocked on the school computers :D

104 Name: Anonymous : 2011-11-20 17:26 ID:vrsCgTfh [Del]

...You know, I haven't thought to try. Though to be honest, I don't think my university blocks ANY sites...they just make it to where browser history isn't saved and the entire system resets if you shutdown.

105 Name: Teehee : 2011-11-21 07:53 ID:VLWH1/7o [Del]

MINE CAN'T! SOBBB!!! It's blocked by the school's firewall. TToTT

106 Name: Vanitas : 2011-11-21 12:46 ID:w8rOSkj4 [Del]

I can yay ^_^

107 Name: Kazu Ni : 2011-11-21 16:43 ID:Uh36QehO [Del]

Mine can :3

108 Name: Name !Lup0uZudWo : 2011-11-22 00:40 ID:mFP742O/ [Del]

mine does...go Dollars being unknown at all but me here, waitwhat...I mean boo...but still yay for the site access...

109 Name: hibari : 2011-11-22 14:53 ID:qre50AGL [Del]


110 Name: Setton23 : 2011-11-22 15:42 ID:LNrDSd+e [Del]


111 Name: Raix : 2011-11-22 20:25 ID:ecZpnsvo [Del]

I'm going to try when I get the chance. Don't know yet haha.

112 Name: Xikkei : 2011-11-22 22:47 ID:lkHCMS7O [Del]

i got i blocked cus i got caught on it

113 Name: Pokjhdbnxw!amuOBZI1yA : 2011-11-23 00:34 ID:AdfeWKiS [Del]

If I had to describe my school I would have to say "Nazis" as well.
Pretty much most sites are blocked unless they have been "Approved" by the district. They even block to windows games like Mine Sweeper. But I haven't tried the Dollars yet. I'm almost afraid to try.

Oh, and for the record....six seconds on beginner Minesweeper.

114 Name: sleepology : 2011-11-23 10:07 ID:3Fpdn+iS [Del]

Thats because its school, not home. Ya know, the place youre supposed to be doing school stuff
^ come talk to me when youve been hard/whicheverone is 2 lvls above easy

115 Name: Summer : 2011-11-24 04:24 ID:nea2T8CU [Del]

i go there all da time to check da missions

116 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2011-11-27 22:49 ID:jD1So9zq [Del]

Yes, yes it does.

117 Name: Psyche : 2011-11-28 08:33 ID:wXV6Lr8K [Del]

Yep, in school right now~

118 Name: Xikkei : 2011-11-28 09:25 ID:QWk8Xnrf [Del]

>>117 yep same ^^

119 Name: Suri : 2011-11-28 09:58 ID:MUAvvVyq [Del]

Yes. I'm on it, now.

120 Name: Hola : 2011-11-28 10:20 ID:yk832LHY [Del]

im on it now. it works!

121 Name: c2 : 2011-11-28 10:52 ID:AkBse8+O [Del]

good thing =)

122 Name: opaopaopa : 2011-11-28 11:01 ID:oSwnzlVS [Del]

im on it woooot

123 Name: Kanra : 2011-11-28 17:21 ID:Ghrht/nI [Del]

dang i will have to check next time im on i shure do freakin hope so it will be the highlight of junier high for me

124 Name: Lira Senateo : 2011-11-28 20:17 ID:NhPCDuXL [Del]

lol i was asking myself that same question at school today buti dint have the chance to try it out

125 Name: Zenmaru !gm30xS/oUU : 2011-11-28 20:20 ID:VtIybnKM [Del]

I'll try it out next time I go to the library! ^^

126 Name: Daili : 2011-11-28 21:00 ID:dZcFaUlD [Del]

My work does

127 Name: xSK0P3Zx : 2011-11-29 01:03 ID:pTSULSX9 [Del]

My School is so strict they would probably think im in some secret organization that wants to dominate the world haha.....or do we??????????

128 Name: violetstrings : 2011-11-29 04:16 ID:cLXW5FC1 [Del]

I can't check it.
The computers that we use in our school is directed to our main computers w/in the faculty room.
If I access Dollars there, the website will be saved, and so will be the password.

129 Name: Bre-chan : 2011-11-29 14:55 ID:QIxvY0Lm [Del]

yeah it works on my school computer yay me

130 Name: Kyoko : 2011-11-29 17:11 ID:yxogwUCJ [Del]

Yes. Glad too. If only was allowed

131 Name: Ayufii !V6.slcU9VE : 2011-11-29 19:58 ID:EEOocYEb [Del]

Probably for me, but then it would get blocked after I visit there so I'm too scared to try it. :(

132 Name: Darasuum : 2011-11-29 21:03 ID:wepk0/6L [Del]

yes but i'm not going to risk anyone finding out i'm a member of the dollars. where the computers are in my school make it so nothing is private.

133 Name: Shikyo-chan : 2011-11-29 21:24 ID:OnwNju7E [Del]

>>130<< is allowed at my school along with youtube. never tried the dollars there though. hmmmm, have to look into that.

134 Name: Yuuki Terumi : 2011-11-29 21:44 ID:e9EGxZSq [Del]

Mine does actually. I might get blocked though.

135 Name: introspect : 2011-11-30 07:09 ID:IZtLREYT [Del]

mine does. my teacher is too stupid to look over :)

136 Name: k.l : 2011-11-30 07:11 ID:2lWqna3m [Del]

yeah my school computer lets me accses it but there are people in another gang around so i have to be careful.

137 Name: IO : 2011-11-30 09:19 ID:QChHr6yY [Del]

school has no idea of the dollars and im pretty sure its going to stay that way because i think im the only dollar at my school

138 Name: Ulrich : 2011-11-30 16:12 ID:hrF7/raM [Del]

yeah but what about the history most schools hate it when you delete the history

139 Name: frevorforever : 2011-11-30 19:31 ID:yXlPMMHM [Del]

>>137 same here. Well anyway the computermiester at my school is a bitch and will blow her top if she caught anyone on the internetz

140 Name: Riu : 2011-11-30 21:22 ID:Czc3Le7f [Del]

I'm allowed, the usually block everything!
things that are games, videos, Tasteless, school cheating.
But I think i am the only one so they won't notice.

141 Name: Zenmaru !gm30xS/oUU : 2011-11-30 21:59 ID:VtIybnKM [Del]

I got onto the Dollars website on the computers in the Library, I was pretty excited. ^^

142 Name: KIRA : 2011-12-01 15:34 ID:8Nn/iR4/ [Del]

yep ^^

143 Name: Baka ni Baka : 2011-12-01 18:37 ID:bfFqaYbu [Del]


144 Name: no one : 2011-12-02 07:57 ID:z5enrTQy [Del]

Deltona high school...APPROVED!!!

145 Name: xiao : 2011-12-02 10:42 ID:iie6gCu+ [Del]

yup! :)

146 Name: Proxy !kz26FLRB.w : 2011-12-02 11:02 ID:Dq3QBwud [Del]

Yeah, the blocker only sees it as a normal forum site and doesn't bother blocking it.

147 Name: Maaku : 2011-12-02 18:32 ID:RgyO/CSr [Del]


same here

148 Name: Tomo : 2011-12-02 19:03 ID:3fPcegOc [Del]

my school doesn't allow this website...

149 Name: Oden : 2011-12-02 21:12 ID:+wABo1+b [Del]

mine does! x3

150 Name: valerain : 2011-12-03 02:48 ID:QlmtxRY0 [Del]

mine 2

151 Name: Ichigo : 2012-02-04 19:38 ID:2MJrM6Lj [Del]

I cant get it... Its blocked for Viruses and X rated metrial

152 Name: Nomura_Mangaka* !.MANGAC3rs : 2012-02-04 19:44 ID:u2RjIhO4 [Del]

>>151 Necro-bump much? wow..

153 Name: Tsukiko : 2012-02-05 22:45 ID:k/I3iLoS [Del]

yes :) but the chat doesn't work....

154 Name: Lelouch : 2012-02-06 02:12 ID:RiQhOfP3 [Del]


155 Name: Lelouch : 2012-02-06 02:12 ID:RiQhOfP3 [Del]


156 Name: Yami : 2012-02-06 04:05 ID:2MUKbT5Z [Del]

On it now.

157 Name: Umbra Serpens !T1rQ1UNnww : 2012-02-06 06:56 ID:PRhkvhIN [Del]

Almost no school that I know of has actually taken the time to block the BBS. The fact of the matter is, if a teacher asks how it's related to school, quickly pull up the News or Technology boards and say "I'm doing research on such and such subject from the people's point of view". It's really difficult to get this site banned from a school, unless you're derping with the chat.

158 Name: Nomura_Mangaka* !HATE2z.m62 : 2012-02-06 07:01 ID:u2RjIhO4 [Del]

>>157 Like most people do.

159 Name: sharkyies7 : 2012-02-06 09:30 ID:LWCAYSRy [Del]

my school lets us dollars get on our website, and i thought that they was gionng to block this page.

160 Name: Brittany : 2012-02-06 12:43 ID:TXeC9ALy [Del]

yeah, i'm actually on a school computer right now because i have nothing to do in graphic tech at the moment :D

161 Name: Ciel !zgLShMRtGY : 2012-02-06 14:13 ID:mV12tGYB [Del]

Yeah I guess so, if the teachers aren't looking you may even watch porn on the computer or play Runescape like the boys are doing lol.

162 Name: Saeko : 2012-02-06 14:44 ID:pR2Xsd5H [Del]

I'm suprised my school let's us. If I was still at my old one, I would be living in the "lap of luxury". Ha ha.

163 Name: chibi : 2012-02-07 06:02 ID:pHM0zCEZ [Del]

Im on my phone right now but im using my Schools Network i Think and i could access it on the School computer before^^

164 Name: Ike !kEQsHPqPRI : 2012-02-07 12:22 ID:ABjWyrP+ [Del]

yup im at school right not =D

165 Name: JK Ralni : 2012-02-08 09:01 ID:cL6jaJAG [Del]

This site and may anime related sites are unblocked and now even Twitter is unblocked! So isn't that fun? But most sites are blocked...

166 Name: Little Black Raincloud : 2012-02-09 06:57 ID:IZtLREYT [Del]

lol im in school right now :)

167 Name: Rock Angel : 2012-02-09 11:18 ID:G2Ur6cCX [Del]

Yeah they let me go to this website b ut then again they dont know what this website is anyway XD

168 Name: VenXIV !AgF2eDcRvw : 2012-02-09 14:14 ID:7Vftw9YF [Del]

Lol I log onto the Dollars site a lot during school just to see what's new. xD

169 Name: Riceball Melody : 2012-02-09 14:40 ID:3p5yJ4r2 [Del]

No, I wish. Actually, they did until a few months ago when my friend started going on this site at school, but then they blocked it. D:

170 Name: Xenos : 2012-02-09 15:09 ID:2zWoHYRc [Del]

I go on whenever I can~

171 Name: Phantom : 2012-02-09 15:35 ID:+SdtxEU3 [Del]

Ultrasurf .coms program lets you hypass school security.copybthe program to a memorystick andvu can use

Enjoy this gift from a former @^·^

172 Post deleted by user.

173 Post deleted by user.

174 Name: Name !broNAMEpvE : 2012-02-10 17:53 ID:ypI4l6qP [Del]

If you need to bypass a firewall, check out Name's Tech Corner. But, to answer the question in the title, yes. My school does allow access to this, and other Dollars, sites.

175 Name: Aqautic : 2012-02-10 20:34 ID:+G+d5dYP [Del]

My school lets me access this site very easily in fact. I laughed when I went on at school because I thought they would block it.

176 Name: genesis : 2012-02-10 22:21 ID:GC1qwfxt [Del]

my school blocked it sadly

177 Name: Sleepology !4a6Vun8zuw : 2012-02-10 23:38 ID:jTFG1270 [Del]

>>176 good.

178 Name: tsubaki !yQ3luh1QiU : 2012-02-11 14:07 ID:E69dFmQh [Del]

>>177 Why would you say that?!

179 Name: sleepology !CHs4eVJ3O2 : 2012-02-11 14:50 ID:dQ+FGxUX [Del]

Because you people shouldnt be on at school, should be focusing on actual work.
and after enough traffic to the site theyll probably check it n block it

180 Name: Kuroneko !TeRybnCeqs : 2012-03-30 13:19 ID:HIL8mDrM [Del]

Yup! It lets me on~ And I have to be on guard cause the dude I sit next to in my Digital Media class (I'm taking graphic design next year. Hopefully I'll end up working for FUNimation or Viz Media) keeps on tickling me, so yeah. >.>'' DOLLARS, HIDE ME.

181 Name: Zero : 2012-03-30 21:47 ID:C1QW0s0x [Del]

Yeah, my school allows access. It's awesome too. Helps spread the word.

182 Name: Nes : 2012-04-02 07:22 ID:uUHL84yp [Del]

Im in school right now. But I dont think college/universities count...

183 Name: ^samansuko^ : 2012-04-02 08:42 ID:BVVO35gi [Del]

it does right now :) but if the principal finds out about it then it'll be blocked

184 Name: Mikado : 2012-04-02 08:51 ID:MpsAH7HW [Del]

yeah i just cant access the chatroom

185 Name: R2v3nbl2z3 : 2012-04-05 11:42 ID:hQp8g2Kn [Del]

Yeah it does, and i can go on everything for dollars (even the chatroom)

186 Name: Zenmaru !gm30xS/oUU : 2012-04-08 20:22 ID:ITd0hdI/ [Del]

Yeah, I go on it when we're permitted to browse whatever. :D I get a bit nervous when others see me on it and ask about it though. I don't quite know what to explain it as, or how to introduce the idea of the Dollars to them without giving them the impression that it's some nerdy anime fan club (Which I know it's not). But anyways, on topic, yeah, I can and do get on. ^^ I haven't tried the chat room though, that's something I don't want to risk getting in trouble for.

187 Name: Han-kun : 2012-04-11 13:08 ID:lBNxa+8a [Del]

I can access the main page, but not the chatrooms. I'm a bit thankful for that though, since all I can do is look at interesting topics.

188 Name: Kitsune A. : 2012-04-13 09:44 ID:G2Ur6cCX [Del]

Same as me Han-kun! I'm glad they didn't ban the whole site.. but it would be nice to have the chatroom back.

189 Name: sk8erkid19897 : 2012-04-16 18:58 ID:0Fk7k1sE [Del]

I know a way to hack the internet if any website is blocked first go to then on the search bar look up "proxy" once you've clicked search scroll down to the first link with a picture click on that then scroll down to the links toward the bottom of the page then click on the link with the present date once you've clicked on the current date it will bring you to a page with a bunch of links click on the shortest link then you can look up what u like. I can't be absolutely sure that this will work on all blocked websites good luck

190 Name: Thiamor !yZIDc0XLZY : 2012-04-17 15:20 ID:eHw1QbTz [Del]

That is not at all hacking. That is just going onto a site that did all the hard work for you. You're not some elite HACKER just because you use something that does it all for you.

191 Name: sleepology !CHs4eVJ3O2 : 2012-04-17 15:45 ID:6gfpnDx5 [Del]

Some people... why you act like brain dead morons who think youre smart.

192 Name: Shinra~bend : 2012-04-17 18:46 ID:SiTBKMyh [Del]

mine does. ^u^

193 Name: Shinra~bend : 2012-04-17 18:46 ID:SiTBKMyh [Del]

mine does. ^u^

194 Name: Shiyo : 2012-04-17 19:31 ID:51pgw1ZJ [Del]

I can't get onto it on my School laptop...

And most of the ones that I saw in this thread are blocked... and my parents won't let me download stuffs :(

Just to clarify, it wasn't blocked (the chat) until the site changed. Then it got blocked. Then the other one that I went on got blocked. So if anyone can help?

195 Name: BabyDoll : 2012-04-17 19:44 ID:BEp+PmTz [Del]

although Im still wondering why my school does :D

196 Name: !v5YOJ26ZOY : 2012-04-18 14:00 ID:qDXGmHuC [Del]

I love going online during lunch.

197 Name: Valerain : 2012-04-18 15:11 ID:oyjsBfyc [Del]

yep :P

198 Name: Anonymous : 2012-04-18 16:31 ID:d9QHTXvB [Del]

For peeps who can't get through school firewalls, here's advice, in order of how difficult they are to do (in order of "dead easy and boring" to "difficult but educational"):

- Find a proxy site. Use it.
- Learn how SSH-forwarding is. Set it up on a home pc. Use it.
- Learn what the BIOS is, what the target computer's boot sequence is and what "rooting" is. I never told you about "rainbow tables".
- Learn network-level internet architecture, wireshark and nmap. Have a swim around. I never told you about "ARP-MiM".

At some point, you'll probably notice you might want to know "what is this linux thing anyway". Highly recommended. Start with Ubuntu. Get compiz fusion, because everybody loves that desktop cube and being able to set windows on fire. Once you're used to that, get Arch. Then you're on your own.

Why is it always only AFTER I type things like that that I remember this quote "Advice is worthless. The wise don't need advice and fools won't take it."

Ah well.

199 Name: Shin : 2012-04-18 16:45 ID:T32g5KcC [Del]

Yes indeed I can get on from school. Also another way to get around is just downloading TOR (The Onion Routing Project) just google it. This would be for your personal laptop and not a school computer.

200 Name: Shika : 2012-04-18 19:28 ID:/tEIaQ6+ [Del]

Mine doesn't... :c

201 Name: Nanami Rai !wVoPX6Dk6M : 2012-04-20 13:26 ID:CivingXy [Del]

Yes, in fact i'm in school right now xDDDD

202 Name: Shibatou.. : 2012-04-21 09:53 ID:DXSPtNSE [Del]


203 Name: Tomoya : 2012-04-22 19:26 ID:9gpXns2Q [Del]

Yeah I'm in school haha.

204 Name: Axel Faraday : 2012-04-24 06:37 ID:+nYuFD48 [Del]

my school blockers normaly wouldnt let this kind of site slip through, but while this site counts as social networking, information sharing, photo sharing, chat room, game oriented, and many other things all of which violate their blockers yet slips past.

205 Name: choccie!8NBuQ4l6uQ : 2012-04-25 10:45 ID:lGp0/HsL [Del]

well... just manages to slid through, but so does all anime and manga sites, so i hope that they don't catch onto anime and manga fast

206 Name: Pineapplez!lsl.FRUIts : 2012-04-26 15:53 ID:7ffj+CVr [Del]


207 Name: Justin : 2012-04-27 08:35 ID:VAxzYjux [Del]

YES IT DOES! ahah i just started going on here, i kinda like it :))

208 Name: Vanlandinghale : 2012-04-27 15:15 ID:tcutCbsQ [Del]

Surprisingly, it does allow me to access The Dollars. I was actually believing before I logged on from this computer I am at that it would tell me it was a violation of terms and agreements. lol. That's what I get for being on a Job Corps computer instead of my own computer. (Own computer when I attend college during the day, job corps computer when I can't be at college.)

209 Name: HetaAwesome : 2012-04-30 18:44 ID:cbLJ3rwr [Del]

Don't know haven't tried it yet. I will next time I get to a computer in school though!

210 Name: King Dude !zXqFpoplY6 : 2012-04-30 19:53 ID:jJu+SadJ [Del]

Hell if I know.

211 Name: Abraxas : 2012-05-01 08:02 ID:SFsEBNVI [Del]

Yeah, but even if they didn't I still know how to get past the web security.

212 Name: BH2 !0jVt1ao7Gw : 2012-05-01 11:38 ID:JwwG99SS [Del]


213 Name: Leroy Lopez : 2012-05-01 19:07 ID:O+QmsZDd [Del]

thats the same thing that happens with my ps3.

214 Name: Name !XDRURIU2kE : 2012-05-01 22:56 ID:nogRfc+7 [Del]

For those of you who can't:

Replace the http:// with https://.

215 Name: Ryuzaaki123 : 2012-05-03 03:45 ID:gohLAaxt [Del]

>>214 You'd think schools would be able to block these sorts of things. I've seen people on Facebook with this so the IT guys must be useless or this is a design flaw...
Maybe I should try it out later.
I remember some of the librarians hacking some guy's computer from the main computer. They were so happy and felt cool but all they did was stare at what he wrote...

216 Name: Vicky : 2012-05-03 08:32 ID:rivTA0rR [Del]

Of course it does! Im so happy that it does too because my computer techonlogy class needs to be less boring! xD

217 Name: MAYW !QXoOcrXxHA : 2012-05-04 11:37 ID:lUOzU92W [Del]

Mine doesnt. I have full acess to the internet, but social networking abd "uncensored" forum sites are blocked. I can stull get on with my phone and over the wifi though.

218 Name: Tobi : 2012-05-05 18:18 ID:FDLdrHEA [Del]

nope, My school has a content blocker enabled for all sites but one...

219 Name: AnubisTheMuse : 2012-05-05 19:49 ID:gQt12Zmy [Del]

I can get it, and my school tries to block everything.

220 Name: BlueBarry : 2012-05-05 23:55 ID:ub1LWB/l [Del]

I haven't tried yet, but I know a guy who was able to bypass the school's content blocker.

221 Name: Demyx : 2012-05-06 22:25 ID:jD4Q4PK4 [Del]

Yep im usually on the chat on Thursdays around 1 or 2

222 Name: Xeron : 2012-05-08 06:30 ID:W7UofBn/ [Del]

You might want to watch out though, if you go on the site too much your school might figure out something's up and block it.

223 Name: Ivan B. : 2012-05-08 12:17 ID:GgMq9AsP [Del]

Until the school internet provider guy finds out the password I can stay on here

224 Name: kogaan !CJdUia0Gng : 2012-05-08 15:26 ID:/Gmz9Csf [Del]

Currently browsing right now on a school computer, so I'm quite certain my school has no idea this website even exists. If they do, they prob cant get the password to figure out what it is lmao.
I think the .org domain makes it seem a bit more trustworthy

225 Name: いざや折原 : 2012-05-09 13:19 ID:7qLZTNDS [Del]

Browsing through my school network, but cant open some threads because the network uses a weight phrase limit in the URL

226 Name: gen kida : 2012-05-09 13:28 ID:7jwGnnHh [Del]

i cant chat

227 Name: Mahiru : 2012-05-09 23:02 ID:ytFuPHtS [Del]

I can go on the website but I have not tired to the chat yet. I should try that when I get to school tomorrow =)

228 Name: Alchemist : 2012-05-11 12:10 ID:MeFkMa+2 [Del]

My school can! I can chat as well! For a bit then i get diconnected but a quick sign out and sign in fixs it hehe

229 Name: Yami : 2012-05-11 12:52 ID:LWCAYSRy [Del]

i can't chat!

230 Name: Kappa !xGqfeLfPsE : 2012-05-11 18:09 ID:elvq2JOb [Del]

No, sadly at my school it doesn't :(

231 Name: lovelol : 2012-05-12 07:06 ID:O6z7Aflz [Del]

i dont know if i can

232 Name: Reisa : 2012-05-12 18:01 ID:Jn0dqV8w [Del]

Replying to threads is blocked and chat.

233 Name: ayko : 2012-05-13 15:19 ID:dXCcvUfP [Del]

i have hacked my school computer :D

234 Name: Azuren : 2012-05-13 15:22 ID:0aaSqLaE [Del]

No :/ My school had blocked A BUNCH of fun sites :<
They block DeviantART and any kind of Forums and chats
Yet they are yet to block Youtube -_-

235 Name: FallenTitan !AicIGfZdzI : 2012-05-15 17:03 ID:Ig/DmIxg [Del]

>>234 They blocked youtube, DA, every proxy mentioned here, and half the wikis in existence. Finding fun sites are a bitch.

236 Name: Azuren : 2012-05-15 18:00 ID:0aaSqLaE [Del]

>>235 They block 99.9% of all interesting sites, then complain when students start hacking into the school system.

Something's gotta keep em entertained lol

237 Name: Baka ni Baka : 2012-05-15 22:57 ID:JDmmEitj [Del]

hasn't blocked dollars yet....probably since they don't even know that this website exists

238 Name: Junsui100% : 2012-05-16 02:22 ID:U9k/eblX [Del]

>>237 High five!!!

239 Name: Illusive Man : 2012-05-16 09:04 ID:+nYuFD48 [Del]

Im considering my self an agent since i reversed the block of this site at my school

240 Name: FallenTitan !AicIGfZdzI : 2012-05-16 17:34 ID:2YllrCkc [Del]

>>239 Dude you gots to show me how to unblock things.

241 Name: Illusive Man : 2012-05-17 06:29 ID:+nYuFD48 (Image: 120x150 jpg, 4 kb) [Del]

src/1337254152518.jpg: 120x150, 4 kb
>>240 I am amazed my efforts worked, the Dollars site should be flagged under everything my school blocks, "games content, social networking, cheating, fourms, explicit content (we dont post bad stuff but certain images would be flagged anyway)"
We violate all their blocks yet i cleaned the list of the dollars site.

242 Name: reiko : 2012-05-17 11:43 ID:Lt+ql+s/ [Del]

Every lunch time I go on The Dollars :P
The chat is unblock too

243 Name: King Dude !zXqFpoplY6 : 2012-06-05 10:46 ID:tw6KJ8FB [Del]

Yes. I just have to delete the cookies when I'm done.

244 Name: Lana : 2012-06-06 10:47 ID:5yC1deEC [Del]

Completely unblocked~ Even the chat.

245 Name: Saz : 2012-06-06 21:31 ID:S/MZHfyT [Del]


246 Name: Taya : 2012-06-06 22:47 ID:mFz0cTz5 [Del]

yes my theory is cause this is a site only few can et to and computer blockings cant acsess the site

247 Name: someone173 !LPt5GqYWXc : 2012-06-06 23:00 ID:xjf6+o4E [Del]

lol universities

hell, I can go watch porn and no one would give a rat's ass.

248 Name: 2260231515 : 2012-06-07 08:42 ID:IyGeaFjD [Del]


249 Name: Kitty6773 : 2012-06-07 12:47 ID:Ie40Y/qz [Del]

Yup ^_^

250 Name: kurai_kida : 2012-06-07 13:07 ID:KlSMCa5t [Del]

yes but no chatroom -.-

251 Name: kurai_kida : 2012-06-07 13:07 ID:KlSMCa5t [Del]

yes but no chatroom -.-

252 Name: Saz : 2012-06-07 19:04 ID:S/MZHfyT [Del]


253 Name: (●◕‿‿◕●) !WKPU2ZD7ck : 2012-06-07 19:51 ID:YX+NPyNp [Del]

No :'( *super depression*

254 Name: Kai : 2012-06-07 20:04 ID:qpGQn5n/ [Del]

chatroom and site works :D

255 Name: Ike !kEQsHPqPRI : 2012-06-11 14:01 ID:rT+6dTXL [Del]

yea =) but not the chatroom X.X asswholes!

256 Name: Souji : 2012-06-15 10:56 ID:+8Kw7HXA [Del]

no :c

257 Name: Kuma : 2012-06-22 00:50 ID:Kp4CkJZP [Del]

Yep, it sure does!