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the future of pokemon video games (27)

1 Name: DJ : 2011-09-12 02:20 ID:cY3KayTV [Del]

i was woundering what you think the future of the pokemon vedio games will be like to me i can see a pair of glasses that let you first desighn you own charater then actualy go on the adventure not just use your hands but also your feat and whole body and you get to diside your disishins not the game if you want to join team rocket or start one then you should you get to choose your whole adventure what do you think

2 Name: Taro Tanaka !PKt//nzxc2 : 2011-09-12 05:14 ID:xR3ZbJsX [Del]

It would be pretty awesome to be able to have more say in what your character's like, and maybe what path your journey takes.

I'm also wondering what they'll do for legendaries. They've got the god pokemon taken care of, so I wonder where they'll go next. Maybe a devil pokemon. What would actually be really cool would be like, a buddha pokemon, or a daoist master pokemon lol.

3 Name: Lt. Dodger : 2011-09-12 15:33 ID:Fg93L1JT (Image: 200x130 jpg, 4 kb) [Del]

src/1315859586529.jpg: 200x130, 4 kb
People still play this shit...?

4 Name: Taro Tanaka !PKt//nzxc2 : 2011-09-12 15:56 ID:xR3ZbJsX [Del]

>>3 Hahahaha yep. It's kinda like this:

Young kids: "Pokemon! Yay!"
Teenagers: *kids are playing pokemon* "You're still playing Pokemon??"
Young adults: "Dude, sweet! Pokemon!"

...Or something like that. *Your experience may vary* :P

5 Name: Misuto!M4ZBq07Cs. : 2011-09-12 18:46 ID:vWj6oA+T (Image: 650x1268 png, 268 kb) [Del]

src/1315871167104.png: 650x1268, 268 kb

You mean this?
(From here)

6 Name: Taro Tanaka !PKt//nzxc2 : 2011-09-12 19:45 ID:xR3ZbJsX [Del]

>>5 Yeah, that's the one.

7 Name: johnson : 2011-09-13 06:43 ID:Cc3Qc+Pm [Del]

# 5 that is so awesome. and true.

8 Name: Takara!E7th54kZFw!!XI8GEi6V : 2011-09-13 08:03 ID:UgF3k2qY [Del]

>>5 OHMAIGOSH Awkwardzombie! LOL XD

9 Post deleted by user.

10 Name: DJ : 2011-09-13 16:46 ID:cY3KayTV [Del]

hey that is my life (in a way)

11 Name: emf : 2011-09-14 13:29 ID:76jcHgRS [Del]

>>2 Taoist pokemon? That's been covered by black/white.

12 Name: Taro Tanaka !PKt//nzxc2 : 2011-09-14 20:25 ID:xR3ZbJsX [Del]

>>11 You mean Mienshao?

13 Name: *insertnamehere*!!mhJDjCwh : 2011-09-14 21:23 ID:rgX2qyj0 [Del]

The legendaries in Black/White are also taoist.

Check Origin section.

14 Name: DJ : 2011-09-14 21:27 ID:cY3KayTV [Del]

ok well there is no hammerhead pokemon yet

15 Name: Mikado Ryugamine : 2011-09-14 21:32 ID:5fE5XJcN [Del]

good topic. I think that's a great idea. And I love evee's evolutions. I think the next one should be a flying type.

16 Name: Misuto!M4ZBq07Cs. : 2011-09-14 22:16 ID:I93cxGOE [Del]

There isn't?

Black/White already plays with the theme of duality, and I think it's best leaving it as an ambiguous struggle between opposing forces rather than flat-out good/evil (angel/devil legendaries). It would be too hard to justify the "evil" one being a version mascot, when you remember pokemon is rated E.

17 Name: DJ : 2011-09-14 22:39 ID:cY3KayTV [Del]

i know there is just a shark pokemon butnot a hammerhead one

18 Name: Taro Tanaka !PKt//nzxc2 : 2011-09-14 23:56 ID:xR3ZbJsX [Del]

>>13 ...And I fail completely. >.>15 Eevee's (well, really some of it's evolutions) have been some of my favorite pokemon since RBY. I've been hoping for a dragon-type evolution for years lol. I wonder what a flying-type eeveelution would look like?

>>16 I've heard Garchomp has been banned from a lot of tournaments because it's so beastly. I've always thought it had torpedoes on it's head from the back view lol.

19 Name: Lyoko : 2011-09-16 10:19 ID:4gpgYkzz [Del]

I think the next pokemon game they make will be a remake of the sapphire/ruby games.if you think about it first they made the gameboy color games then a remake of red/blue.after that they created the hoenn region.then they remade colosseum in pokemon they made diamond/pearl.then remade gold/silver.then made black/white.seems like they make games in patterns so my guess is a new sapphire/ruby.

20 Name: DJ : 2011-09-18 12:35 ID:cY3KayTV [Del]

ok sounds possible but i think that a game that combine all the regions will be cool right so there will be a longer journey and we can interact with everyone else that play the game where ever not just with the wifi so that it will also be more challenging and we can be with others like ash does and stuff that is what will be cool it will be like just one huge remake of every game there is combine into one huge game and it will take over just one week to finish

21 Name: RDash : 2011-09-19 07:56 ID:gspAaX4z [Del]

The Idea is great but pokemon is getting to far away from its roots which disappoints me because all the pokemon i see now are not pokemon to me

22 Name: DJ : 2011-09-19 18:11 ID:cY3KayTV [Del]

can you please explain yourself

23 Name: Silent : 2011-09-19 18:22 ID:C/ouSJ2W [Del]

I would really want a customization feature in Pokemon. Edit your characters hair/clothes. Something like in GTA:San Andreas.

As for the Pokemon, I'm okay with it, as long as they don't make it look more like Digimon. I mean, HAVE YOU SEEN 5TH GENERATION?
AN ICE CREAM POKEMON? youvegottobekiddingme.jpg

24 Name: DJ : 2011-09-19 18:33 ID:cY3KayTV [Del]

i know right hat next a pokemon made out of clothes

25 Name: DJ : 2011-09-20 15:51 ID:cY3KayTV [Del]


26 Name: Not DJ on a different PC : 2016-01-03 07:53 ID:prvZT+Iy [Del]

also gonna leave this

27 Name: Kaisuke : 2016-01-04 01:21 ID:TDJgvD+W [Del]

>>26 something could happen like for first post with say "Google glasses" and "augmented reality" :D