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Admin Updates Through Cell Phones (12)

1 Name: UniqueStatus27 : 2011-09-06 18:31 ID:VOJ1eSkC [Del]

Wouldn't it be kind of cool if we got updates from the Admin to our phone? Like just random stuff. It could be Important. Not important. I don't know. Just an idea i saw. Seems fun to try it out. Also i can go to my local Dollar friends and be like "Did u get the update?? :D" Yeah ... :3

2 Name: Tamaki : 2011-09-06 21:08 ID:XLbwYgq0 [Del]

Bump! This is an awesome idea.

3 Name: Numico desu~ : 2011-09-06 21:28 ID:EiyLJ5kx [Del]

but what if not all of us have cell phones?

4 Name: UniqueStatus27 : 2011-09-07 19:15 ID:VOJ1eSkC [Del]

Well i was thinking of like if only you want an update you could like fill out your info on this form or something. But i don't know what to tell u if you don't have a phone. "/

5 Name: nona_ona : 2011-09-08 05:26 ID:NvKn9qv9 [Del]

i think it would be a really nice thing if thjere is cell Dollars...

6 Name: UniqueStatus27 !bT6c9WIwLg : 2011-09-08 19:05 ID:HT9Ffggj [Del]

Yeaaah~... Like that one time

7 Name: Chuchelo : 2011-09-09 12:09 ID:mSt9+5tR [Del]

That really wuold be amazing. Or like an app for the iPhone or something. *A*

Too bad I don't have an iPhone. XD;

8 Name: UniqueStatus27 !bT6c9WIwLg : 2011-09-09 18:37 ID:HT9Ffggj [Del]

Yeah me either x3 but it would still be cool to get a text now and then.

Ou! The app for the iPhone would be really cool. I'm conjuring up ideas now! :D

9 Name: Takara!E7th54kZFw!!XI8GEi6V : 2011-09-10 21:31 ID:UgF3k2qY [Del]

I have an idea for this. We could activate the RSS reader on our phones to receive updates from a board that admin posts updates in. And, yes I do know that there's a link to the site's updates on the top right, but that's for updates for the site, new board etc.

10 Name: UniqueStatus27 !bT6c9WIwLg : 2011-09-11 13:46 ID:bdkpZ95j [Del]

Where do i find it?

11 Name: Kamina : 2011-09-11 23:05 ID:jAEqjyUs [Del]

the only way this would work and not have to giv up info (that whole "dollars are annonymous" thing) would be if an application was written that would be usable for all OS's that gave notifications like the facebook and twitter apps

12 Name: UniqueStatus27 !bT6c9WIwLg : 2011-09-15 18:21 ID:nXakJjiF [Del]
