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Anyone play any board games?? (10)

1 Name: Unknown : 2017-05-13 01:56 ID:SVwJNOST [Del]

Anyone play board games here??
And board games are considered a sport.
So I play Go and chess. What about you, what do you play??

2 Name: Kaisuke !ymU.etZkik : 2017-05-13 08:08 ID:eJnawgBD [Del]

>>1 I am still learning stuff about Go, got some nice stones last year, think Go is a load more deeper than chess as there are only so many moves you can make in chess like you can win in like only a few turns,

also depend on what your definition of board games is, yes the old traditional board games which are sports like chess and Go and have fairly large organisation especially Go in east Asia being Japan, China and South Korea,

got this link for Go which I got a while a go -

I know there are some online Go websites like this one -

3 Name: Judge Mandolore : 2017-05-13 09:24 ID:10A5mfhW [Del]

When it comes to board games, I am quite a board game player considering the amount of board games I have. Board games I have include the following:
Game of Life
Axis and Allies
Pokemon Master Trainer

4 Name: Kaisuke !ymU.etZkik : 2017-05-13 09:59 ID:eJnawgBD [Del]

>>3 only one of those you listed is a sport which is Chess, all others are you listed are not, think the OP should have been much clearer on what he meant, plus why do you think I said in my post -

"also depend on what your definition of board games is, yes the old traditional board games" which are sports like chess and Go and have fairly large organisation especially Go in east Asia being Japan, China and South Korea"

and shogi is a sport.

5 Name: Judge Mandolore : 2017-05-14 10:03 ID:10A5mfhW [Del]

>>4 Well maybe the original poster should have put this thread under Games and not under Sports to not confuse people.

6 Name: Kaisuke !x87vE8wRqs : 2017-05-14 11:31 ID:eJnawgBD [Del]

>>5 The title it self should be something like " Sport Board games " which would of made more sense,

I was curious to see what the OP was saying in this thread so I read past the title, I then knew that they where talking about sport board games like chess, Go, shogi ect. . .

Fyi this kind of thread can be in either board because it both,
just like an animated film/movie can be in both the animation board or the film board,
The fact the OP chose the sports board kind of also suggests they are only talking about board games that are sports which are mainly old traditional board games.

I will just make a new thread for this and name it "Sport Board Games" :D

7 Name: Zed Yuki : 2017-05-20 20:24 ID:tgZ8i4P6 [Del]

Well I like to play chess and Chinese checkers

8 Name: KeroX : 2017-06-20 18:31 ID:0Tv2sIzQ [Del]

Hey i play chess and really good at it. played it for 8 years no lie. anyway i was hoping to vs a dollar that plays chess, im open to any chess game battles ^-^

9 Name: Sara Stonecore : 2018-07-17 20:40 ID:xXRRk6/v [Del]

Monopoly (even if the name is misleading considering you are in an oligopoly for most of the game until it is done and even then not always.) I only wish I could find a good online game of it.

10 Name: Tako !dqVzDvT5pM : 2018-07-22 09:29 ID:mDEz6rXP [Del]

"Go" player here! I like playing go, when I play it real life I actually dont know how to calculate the points, so we just play to see who captures more enemy pieces. :)