Dollars BBS | Sports
















Looking for a sport to try. (6)

1 Name: Anonymous : 2017-01-29 16:00 ID:cD1CMb/6 [Del]

So lately i have been noticing that i might be a bit heavier then I'm supposed to at my age, so i want to try a sport
but the only problem with that is that i'm a little anti social and i'm afraid going into a new sport because other people will be better and skinnier than me

long story short, i need a sport that doesn't require a team like soccer or basketball
but i don't want to go to the park by myself and hit a ball against a wall
So, Do you have any sport suggestions on sports that is just with a instructor/teacher and is easy to access (easier than, let's say, ice skating, since the only rink i know is in the city) thanks in advance :) (also sorry for the long description)

2 Name: Tamiko : 2017-01-30 08:52 ID:ch0ezogm [Del]

you should try some type of dance like Jazz dance/ Modern Ballett or hip hop
there's no team required and you can absolutely have fun!
ive been dancing for ten years now so...

3 Name: Anonymous : 2017-01-30 09:55 ID:cD1CMb/6 [Del]

Dancing does sound like fun, but my only question is where/how do you do it? like, do you do lessons? or do you do it by yourself? Also thanks for replying!

4 Name: Kaisuke !ymU.etZkik : 2017-02-02 09:08 ID:MwWTYzjz [Del]

You do realize that there are loads of sports that don't need teams to have a good work out, like all martial arts, it will help you be a little bit more social, even dancing as >>2 said,

BTW you would have to do the leg work your self to find out if there is anything like that in your area, using the internet ofc,

Also if you have a good friend who wouldn't mind joining you ask them, then you wont feel like you are alone or get too embarrassed if you do mess something up.

5 Name: Tamiko : 2017-02-06 08:16 ID:ch0ezogm [Del]

I take lessons with a tiny group twice a week. You should look if there is a dance school or academy ( whatever its called) nearby where you live if you want. Also what Kaisuke said is pretty good, you should look for a friend to join you ^^

6 Name: Anonymous : 2017-02-06 22:58 ID:cD1CMb/6 [Del]

I recently found a sport place nearby i might try and i might ask a friend
Thanks for your replies!