Dollars BBS | Sports
















Looking for a sport (25)

1 Name: Average : 2016-10-21 16:14 ID:EJ+2CkaC [Del]

I am 16 years old, weak, slow and only have a little bit of stamina, but I am willing to train beforehand if needed. So I was wondering if you couuld suggest me anything, except for sports that include a lot of running. The only thing I could think of was karate, but I don‘t know if it‘s worth it to start it so late. What do you think.

2 Name: Tyberfen!V6lnDGEkTU : 2016-10-22 05:32 ID:UTxXPct5 [Del]

What about Rock Climbing or Bouldering? Pretty fun.

3 Name: Hiroki : 2016-10-23 19:14 ID:0TCSiJJw [Del]

You can check out which clubs exist in your town.
You will find something fancy to do. And don't hesitate to choose little clubs or peculiar sports.

BUt pay attention about karate. You can be eliminated almost instantly, in a competition (if you loose at 1st round). That's not great for beginners.

4 Name: Hiroki : 2016-10-23 19:24 ID:0TCSiJJw [Del]

And yeah, like for Reiko you can do sports like archery, bicycle (you're born by your bike) or climb.

A friend hasn't any stamina, but he loves climbing (walls are short, anyway).

Anyway, do what you like.

5 Name: Breno : 2016-10-25 09:17 ID:1FV8uQCX [Del]

I think almost every martial arts include running as a part of training (karate too)

If you really can't stand running swimming might be good, or you can just go to a gym and get yourself an instructor (or whatsoever), they know what's good for you

6 Name: A fellow former weakling : 2016-10-27 15:51 ID:skEXYagS [Del]

If you want to get confidence and strength id suggest boxing. I too was once a weak bullied guy and basically hated life... lol. But luckily i started boxing and well it changed my life.

Karate is a good alternative however you wont get the same empowering feeling from it. Prior to joining boxing i did karate and martial arts however they did not help me with my confidence or really with my strength. As a boxer you feel powerful and the king of the damm world

Watch hajime no ippo a boxing anime . just the first 2 episodes tell you what it feels like to box

7 Name: Finn : 2016-10-29 18:50 ID:1gxawtLg [Del]

I suggest hokey if you know how to skate. It's really fun.

8 Name: shaggy : 2016-11-16 14:39 ID:+eW80XSU [Del]

Give longboarding a try. The people are nice, you don't need much stamina, and you can do all kinds of different styles of riding such as downhill racing, cruising, and freeride.

9 Name: Hario : 2016-11-21 23:20 ID:9Te+Asv6 [Del]

Hey bro
I totally agree with A fellow former weakling but I would also recommend Brazilian Jiu Jitsu and/or Muay Thai
As a guy who's not that strong, BJJ is very unique in the sense that you can be a weakling and still make a stronger guy tap out, break a bone, etc.
Muay Thai is boxing with kicks and its pretty intense

10 Name: Miotoshi : 2016-12-12 00:06 ID:Hw6q7Tm0 [Del]

What about shooting? I don't know if it's a sport but it's really fun! If you want something light to hold, I recommend pistol although I like rifles more!

11 Name: Lionheart : 2016-12-14 17:19 ID:ScAZwON3 [Del]

MMA. I started when I was 16. 16 is actually pretty young to start. It's going to be rough at first, but after a while, it's fun. It changes you for the better. Trust me.

12 Name: Baang : 2017-01-01 11:49 ID:uIvuM1nW [Del]

Tricking. Its just simply amazing, and dont be easily descouraged by failing or smthin like that, its the best moment when u land a new trick, an AMAZING satisfaction. try it out! there are lots of tutorials on yt, also if u could find a friend to trick with its way more fun. Start with basics. ENJOY UR EVERYTHING! cya

13 Name: Inuhakka !.5xqXJfr96 : 2017-01-03 15:47 ID:AWOvTITN [Del]

It is never too late to start a martial art. It is a LOT of work but extremely rewarding. It's definitely not for everyone, like many things.

I don't know your situation, more specifically I don't know if there are any permanent health issues that prevent you from doing physical activity. If there are, you'd obviously have to consult someone a lot more experienced/qualified than me. The advice following may not work too well if that's the case.

Speaking from my perspective as someone who is not physical fit or very strong, I have been making huge improvements over the last couple months. I am still pretty weak and not very athletic, but I have the power to change that and I think you do too!

I did racket sports when I was growing up, like tennis, squash, and badminton. Squash is the one I continue to play today, mostly since it's one on one and I don't like team sports. It does require a lot of running, which I think is my main weakness, but I am working on it. I started getting really into a sport even later than you, so it's definitely not too late! If I had started training/working out at 16 I'd be very fit by now.

If you are interested in building strength, you could do 10 pushups, squats, and situps a day. I personally can't do even a single situp, so I have to push my feet against a wall to make it easier. I used to be able to do only 4 pushups from the knees, now I can do 10 or so from the feet.

14 Name: CaveMan1042 : 2017-02-08 13:50 ID:CQuH+VKB [Del]

If your looking for a sport with plenty of running and that will help with pretty much every aspect of fitness and health I,d recommend wrestling!
It defiantly has improved my life! But I think any combat sport would be perfect

15 Name: solid : 2017-02-08 15:24 ID:iMiH6xhP [Del]

bro if you want to be athletic. go on a diet. lift heavy. the best thing ive ever done for myself is lift. it improves everything in life. it gives you a purpose in life lol

16 Name: Ari : 2017-02-12 01:22 ID:jlRGnumQ [Del]

If you want to build up strength in a way other than just lifting and going to the gym, then Archery would do the job. I'd also say to not do any diets, just to eat healthily and only eat bad foods in moderation. You can do running on top of all this, it works for me.

17 Name: solid : 2017-03-01 13:34 ID:iMiH6xhP [Del]

ari you dont know anything. when i say diet you probaly think salads and crap. i mean protein and a shitload of carbs. if you want to be elite thats what you need to do

18 Name: Donny Wren/WriterFox : 2017-03-01 16:26 ID:z2fs7fcD [Del]

Krav Maga.

Straightforward fighting style, nothing flashy, just the basics. It'll get you into shape pretty decently as well.

19 Name: RoseCandy : 2017-04-29 03:47 ID:RMrJ/fWq [Del]

Give up and play video games like I do.

20 Name: KQ : 2017-06-08 16:46 ID:CyOOS5sc [Del]


21 Name: Kilomanjaro : 2017-06-23 02:31 ID:ywe8adQl [Del]

I'm 16 and I sword fight. Not using real swords of course, but wooden ones work. I personally don't have very good stamina, but I still sword fight with my friends with no problem. It's definitely something you would need to train for though.

22 Name: Eziopandas915 : 2017-06-26 09:35 ID:XdF34WSr [Del]


23 Name: carnivore : 2017-06-27 08:59 ID:RnX3N6no [Del]

try calisthenics. it doesn't require any expensive things and helps you in building strength by working with your bodyweight. i personally recommend darebee website, there are lots of guides for beginners

24 Name: Salty : 2017-06-29 20:33 ID:sKkIjiKU [Del]

>>21 Kendo?

Also, swimming is great for your health. Volleyball is fun too.
If you end up swimming, be warned that CSC will kick you butt

25 Name: Mootologist : 2017-07-01 09:07 ID:LFUCkfo0 [Del]

Well if I were you I'd gain stamina by doing windrunning. Find a point not to far and not to close and sprint there then jog back. Repeat about 3 times 2 days a week continuously add more distance and frequency. After that do something like swimming for a start then go to soccer or another low intensity sport.
Also check out JaxBlade's youtube he makes training videos and he helped me out a lot.