Dollars BBS | Sports
















Larp (18)

1 Name: Hitsuji : 2016-01-07 10:39 ID:Bo3G8Z+7 [Del]

Does anyone else here larp?

2 Name: Hiroki : 2016-01-07 16:33 ID:O7sVKDq9 [Del]

What's that ?

3 Name: Lurker : 2016-01-07 18:09 ID:RiImfRAI [Del]

Live action role-playing.

For a good example, go on Netflix and watch Knights of Badassdom.

4 Name: Kaisuke : 2016-01-08 00:23 ID:AOfU9u9v [Del]

>>1 I really don't think this counts as a sport matey, this likely be better off in the *Random board or maybe in the Personal board*

because it's more like the ultimate kind of cosplay and rollplay which has little in the way to do with "sport's"


5 Name: Hitsuji : 2016-01-12 08:29 ID:5OMKxx7I [Del]

Larp is more of a sport than football. In the medieval era their sports were things like jousting and sword play, and larp is a mix of all of those

6 Name: Kaisuke : 2016-01-15 06:33 ID:iYq5x7Qq [Del]

>>5 nope,
fyi jousting is a sport by it's self silly, Larp is not a sport even if you add archery that is also a sport all by it's self.

also sword play really . . . facedesk you do realize that most if not all European sword fighting practise styles has been lost to time.

and yes this does belong in Random board.

7 Name: Hitsuji : 2016-01-15 13:34 ID:Bo3G8Z+7 [Del]

>>6 What are you defining a sport as? The legitimate definition for the word sport is as follows: an activity involving physical exertion and skill in which an individual or team competes against another or others for entertainment. If you don't consider larp a sport, why does it follow this definition to the letter? Also, do you realize the swordplay sports are mostly all still around? Fencing, kendo, aikido, etc. are all examples of sword sports.

8 Post deleted by user.

9 Name: Kaisuke : 2016-01-16 06:33 ID:iYq5x7Qq [Del]

>>7 facedesk you didn't read

"you do realize that most if not all *European sword fighting* practise styles has been lost to time."

You have to realize a the definition of a sport consists of a individual or a team scoring points, So what part of larp exactly are you scoring points with out the noted individual stand alone sports that may be going on in the back grand?

I am fully aware of Fencing, kendo, oh if you didn't know Fencing is also classed as a European martial art.

Aikido has *nothing* to do with sword techniques period
Aikido is unarmed martial art it's "techniques consist of entering and turning movements that redirect the momentum of an opponent's attack, and a throw or joint lock that terminates the technique".

Also here is a fun little fact did you know that martial arts only became a sport after they added a point scoring system funny how that works, and because they didn't have a point scoring system they where kept out of the Olympics for a good long time until they added one.


10 Name: Hitsuji : 2016-09-08 20:29 ID:uzkl5Hnp [Del]

>>9 It has taken me a long time to reply, but do realize, I still believe Larp to be a sport. Now let me ask you, do you really think points are necessary for all sports? Fishing is considered a sport, yet where is the points in that? The amount of fish you catch? If that is a point system, then couldn't you argue the same about Larp, being the amount of kills you get? Fishing can be done in many different ways, but each of those ways are considered sport. Larping can be done in many different ways also, depending on who you are with. Does that really justify it not being considered a sport?

11 Name: Kaisuke !ziLejtiYT6!!XI8GEi6V : 2016-09-09 08:26 ID:2LxImP51 [Del]

>>10 If it's not officially recognized internationally as a sport the answer is still no.

Larp is taking roleplaying to the next level, the only way it could work is if you had some people following you around round judging you on you roleplaying/acting skills, but then you would have to have a load of people being judges making it impractical, so unless you get some kind of point scoring system and can be officially recognized internationally as a sport then fine, until then it's not a sport,
Also trying to compare larp to fishing is a little silly, as fishing can be both a hobby and a competitive sport and yes catch the most amount of fish or try catch the biggest fish, but fishing is barely classified as a sport as it is due to the nature of fishing, and someone would likely argue fishing is a sport to no end, but then fishing is really meant for once thing only in my own view and that is eating the fish you catch as that is the soul purpose of fishing in the first place.

Larp should be in random or even possible art, maybe we should have a drama board or acting board.


12 Name: Hitsuji : 2016-09-09 08:59 ID:NlCtJDXM [Del]

>>11 I see your point. It isnĀ“t recognized internationally as a sport, so it probably shouldn't be considered a sport. You have done a great job arguing this with me, Im usually too stubborn to lose xD.

13 Name: Kaisuke !ymU.etZkik : 2016-09-09 10:27 ID:2LxImP51 [Del]

I mean the other way is if you had teams and objectives to get, and scores based on how fast and what kind of "skills" you use to get them, then you could turn it into a sport I guess. :P

14 Name: Hitsuji : 2016-09-09 10:58 ID:OmG0+n4L [Del]

I actually tried to do something like that over the summer, and make it more structured, but I couldnt get anyone to try it xP.
How often do online arguments end like this lol

15 Name: Kaisuke !ymU.etZkik : 2016-09-09 16:06 ID:2LxImP51 [Del]

argument debate we can still meet in the middle and agree with a compromise. XD

16 Name: Ignight : 2016-09-13 09:03 ID:vG17U//O [Del]

Kaisuke, I was gonna innore this thread but god damn....
Are you retarded or something?
Sure LARP may not be your conventional sport, but it IS an intensive physical activity and thus technically a sport.
But that's just that...

WHAT THE FUCK are you saying "you do realize that most if not all *European sword fighting* practise styles has been lost to time."
Have you ever watched any, ANY youtube vidoes regarding medieval history? If you have you'd know that there are LOADS of medieval combat treatises out there. Sure they might be misinterpreted in some ways but you also have to realise that those treasises and techniques were only available to nobility in medieval ages. A common soldier could NEVER afford an educatuon. Most of the training they went through was sheer physical training (especially in archery) and basic drills consisting of parrying and responding AND THAT'S IT. a fight between two plebian soldies came down to speed, not mastery (in most cases)

So no. medieval combat knowledge was not really lost at all. heck, type 'hema' in to google and you'll find more than your meager mind can handle....

HOWEVER. I also believe that this does not belong in the 'sports' section. Personally I feel that this thread would be at home if it was in 'games' since at the end of the day LARP is just a live action role playing GAME

17 Post deleted by user.

18 Name: Kaisuke !ymU.etZkik : 2016-09-14 12:27 ID:mVc0Ovpo [Del]

>>16 Ignight , I already do know of a good few European sword fighting styles, but even you admit a lot of them have been lost to time,
we where only talking about sword fighting, not the other good number of medieval combat styles we still have records of.
We are very lucky we still the hand book/manuscript of the long sword "hema" which they still trying to figure out some of the moves form the manuscript which you mentioned.

also don't quote me so fucking literally man omfg O_o you somewhat flew off the handle a little bit.

I would also agree with your last statement.
