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karate (5)

1 Name: Lilo : 2015-07-07 16:26 ID:YAixCJ+P [Del]

Hi, wondered how many of you are interested in martial arts?
I train traditional karate but I wanted to know something more about kendo and aikido, if you have some expirience please share

2 Name: JitterS : 2015-07-08 04:25 ID:srQdpsrs [Del]


Kendo is basically the sports adaptation of Japanese swordsmanship. Aikido on the other hand is an art that is derived from multiple Japanese martial arts. This art puts great emphasis on redirection, flowing and circular motion.I don't do Aikido however i do practice Hapkido and both of that and aikido have a common ancestor called Daito Ryu Aki-Jujutsu, so the underlying concepts do share some similarity whilst being two completely different arts (Hapkido is a lot more aggressive and contains a lot more striking whereas Aikido focuses more on non-aggression). Background aside practicing an art like Aikido or Hapkido greatly complements karate or Taekwondo (which i do). the practice of two arts like this that are almost polar opposites takes some time to adapt to yet it is really great once it clicks!

In terms of Kendo, if you are looking to train in a more sport oriented sense that is definitely a way to start, however that's only the surface of the sword. There are so many sword arts around from Kenjutsu to Iaido although i practice the sword as part of my Hapkido syllabus so i don't really have the right to comment on Japanese sword arts any further than this.

Hope i helped!

3 Post deleted by user.

4 Name: Kaisuke : 2015-07-10 06:44 ID:FISnKWb2 [Del]

>>1 OP this could have been posted in the Martial Arts thread, as it's more of a question, than something that needed it's own new thread.

>>2 Kendo it self is Japanese swordsmanship, just that we see more of the sport adaptation side of it i,e scoring points, just like any Martial Arts that has points given in sparring competitions, it was one of the main reasons why martial art were not in the Olympics for a good long time because they where not seen as sports until they added point scoring to them.

>>2 also Tae kwon-do has a lot of stuff taken from karate, because if you have seen the patterns of Tae kwon-do you will notice they use very similar moves from Karate.

anyway I will say again, this should have been posted in the Martial Arts thread.


5 Name: Lilo : 2015-07-15 10:45 ID:YAixCJ+P [Del]

yess, i got it, this should be in martial arts thread
I even got it the firs time....
anyway thank you for your information