Dollars BBS | Sports
















Sports? (8)

1 Name: Sato : 2015-03-02 02:01 ID:bfG+jWM+ [Del]

I am very shy and sometimes afraid of embarrassing myself. My self esteem have been lowered by people yelling at me like "wow you suck" "you couldn't even get that in" or "GET THE FUCKING BALL". I really want to prove them wrong, I want them to eat their words. How do i become good at sports?

2 Name: Nut : 2015-03-02 03:30 ID:iPplEGPL [Del]

Heeey! Anyways, you won't get good on sports overnight. it's like climbing up the stairs, you start at the bottom ;)

3 Name: Shiro Neko : 2015-03-02 04:00 ID:0BhGGH8m [Del]

>>2 or you could start at the top and go down, SIKE.

But you could climb back up again. Make em' eat their words, MAKE EM' CHOKE ON IT SONNY JIM!

4 Name: SHie : 2015-03-02 04:04 ID:YO3p9uqM [Del]

You could get with your close friends and just play sports for fun. Like you don't have to keep track of the scores or anything. If u or yur friends missed the goal or did something wrong just laugh it off that way is more fun and if you play often enough you will improve regardless. Ganbatte :)

5 Name: YoloLord : 2015-03-02 04:43 ID:BYUk76Fu [Del]

Film a training montage and become the best around

6 Name: Sato : 2015-03-03 00:39 ID:bfG+jWM+ [Del]

Thank you for all your support :) I really appreciate it! <3

7 Name: Rinjiro : 2015-03-03 02:11 ID:QcBhL7MD [Del]

Well, you can always refer to sports animes.. LOL. Jk, just try your best to have fun with the sport you're playing. And like Shie said, it's better to have friends join you and not some douchebags that constantly bully you for every single thing you do in the game. I know you can do it. Just believe! ^.^

8 Name: Stepper : 2015-03-03 08:30 ID:eqsLDvec [Del]

Don't play sports that you're not good at, easy as hell. Sorry if i'ts to offensive, but sports is not just basketball and soccer. Try Ping Pong, or Chess, Volleyball, Hockey, or DoTA (eSports, remember?)

Tl;dr git gud. but in a comfortable way.