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Skateboarding (11)

1 Name: Mamorou : 2014-12-24 14:58 ID:0C0+Lhny (Image: 900x900 jpg, 88 kb) [Del]

src/1419454684625.jpg: 900x900, 88 kb
I'm very much still a beginner and still have to get my balance right. It's kinda hard to figure out how to turn without toppling over (I tend to play around with the bolts underneath the skateboard to help me out...)

If there's any tips you skateboarders could give me that'd be cool. I wanna build upon the skill, well, in my case more like gain it first ^.^'...

2 Name: g u a r d i a n : 2014-12-24 16:16 ID:lFw4TobP [Del]

I'm sure you've heard this before but you just have to practice a lot, also, you should try to study other skateboarders. There's a couple good channels out there on youtube where you could do that such as Braille Skateboarding, AndrewSchrock and there's a few more out there.

3 Name: Anonymous : 2014-12-25 10:37 ID:H4PwZG6w [Del]

One time I rode a skateboard so fast

4 Name: Anonymous : 2014-12-28 00:47 ID:T3rYOVTW [Del]

>>3 2fast?

5 Name: Anonymous : 2014-12-31 05:13 ID:T4LeGcLY [Del]

Also 2furious

6 Name: Maitre : 2015-01-04 13:38 ID:+Kb7UwFC (Image: 500x381 jpg, 28 kb) [Del]

src/1420400286317.jpg: 500x381, 28 kb
Hey, I think I have some tips that might be of use to you, though you've likely already heard of some.(By the way, this post is long so I hope you don't mind that!)

You can practice balance by setting your board on the carpet in the house(if you've taken it out, just wipe the wheels with a paper towel or two), or set it out on some grass, stand on it and see how it feels for you. Balance is key in skating, so doing this often should help you a lot towards doing more things.

Now, how to turn without toppling over: you can learn to shift your weight carefully to the front or back of the board, and make sure to keep your knees slightly bent to send your weight in an eased fashion onto the board, because skating with legs straightened can let yourself have some tumbling off coming. Another way you can turn direction, is another method like the tic-tac. This method is a bit more difficult, and having the balance part of skateboarding down plays a larger role in this. While keeping your front foot(since you could either be regular or goofy) where it'd normally be, place your back foot right on the tail, and prepare to shift some weight onto it. This part, comes in with pushing down on the tail, while keeping some force/weight still on the front foot. This should pop the nose of your board up. During this, use the force on the tail with your back foot to turn the entire board left or right, just whichever direction you'd like to go. Once you've turned into the desired direction(of course make sure to maintain balance through this process), push down with your front foot to bring the board back down. And to tic-tac, do this rather fast.

As you try these two methods more and more, it should become easier over time. C: If my words were a little hard to follow, here's this:

^^ This video, helped me tremendously when I needed to get balance and turning down. Spencer Nuzzi(one of my favorite pro skaters) did a great job in explaining this in a simple way, and well, I hope it helps you like it did for me.

Good luck! :D


7 Name: Mamorou : 2015-01-04 21:09 ID:0C0+Lhny [Del]

This is some really good advice, I'll definitely check out the links! So do people use the tic-tac method to turn as well as another way where you just shift your body weight to one side and it kinda make a broad turn on its own?

Thanks a lot though!

8 Name: Maitre : 2015-01-05 15:40 ID:+Kb7UwFC [Del]

Mhm, I'm glad I could help!

Prett much, the tic-tac is in general a good way to do sharp turns on your board. Technically yes, you do shift MOST of our weight to the tail of the board, and use that to move it around along with balance like I said earlier. c: It is indeed a broad turn, heck, I've turned all the way around on my board for fun. xD Again, if my words confuse, the video explains it well. ^_^


9 Name: Kaisuke : 2015-03-06 16:37 ID:Nl1BRjm6 [Del]


10 Name: カラス : 2015-03-08 21:22 ID:13WHTh82 [Del]

Just started skateboarding too, so it's nice to find some advince here :D

11 Name: Kaisuke !ymU.etZkik : 2016-09-06 12:10 ID:2LxImP51 [Del]
